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In what ways can you get rid of double-east in a private house or apartment?

There are a lot of insects living in apartments and houses next to humans. Few of them are truly dangerous, but they can all cause inconvenience, so knowing how to get rid of them will be useful.


What does a double tail look like?

The double-tailed fish is easily recognized by its segmented body (3-7 cm), long antennae and equally long stings at the back, from which it got its name. This insect is also called a forktail (after the shape of its tail) and an earwig, because there are horror stories among people that this insect climbs into a person’s ears, eats through the eardrum and enters the brain.

The bite of the double-tail is not poisonous, it is no more dangerous than a mosquito. In the absence of an allergy, a person will get away with slight redness and itching at the site of the bite. The insect is nocturnal, does not make contact with humans, and bites only in case of danger to itself.

Like many other insects, the two-tailed insect loves dampness, and accordingly, it settles in cellars, basements, bathrooms, sometimes in the kitchen and in the corridor. It most often gets into the house along with fruits or vegetables, and getting rid of it is not so easy, although it is quite possible.

Insect repellent

Store-bought anti-double-tailed remedies

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer a large number of products, mostly universal, that will help get rid of not only two-tailed insects, but also many other annoying insects in the house.

  1. Dichlorvos. It is produced in the form of an aerosol, which is sprayed in the habitats of insects and directly on them. Among the disadvantages, the product is poisonous to humans and has a strong suffocating odor. Therefore, spraying must be carried out, protecting the respiratory system with at least a cloth, and after treatment it is recommended to leave the room for several hours, and then ventilate it thoroughly. All personal hygiene items must be removed from the bathroom, as well as dishes from the kitchen.
  2. "Mashenka". Available in the form of chalk, which is used to treat baseboards, furniture joints and other places where earwigs most often appear. The product is very cheap and absolutely safe for both people and pets (unless they are exotic cockroaches, of course).
  3. "Anti-bug". It is a solution for treating any wooden surfaces. In addition to double-tailed insects, it is effective against woodworms. Most often it is used for verandas, gazebos and outbuildings in private households.
  4. "Raptor". The principle of action and effectiveness is similar to dichlorvos, but it has a pleasant smell and does not cause coughing.

These are only the most popular drugs from a large number of existing ones. To combat double-tailed insects, in principle, absolutely any means against large insects are suitable. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions for using the drug and take precautions to prevent poisoning of people and pets.

Two-way trap made from newspaper

Two-way trap made from newspaper

Folk recipes

However, you can get rid of double-wort using simple folk remedies; they are no less effective.

  1. Since doubletails love dampness, they can be caught in a primitive wet trap by placing wet cloth or newspapers in the places where they most often appear.After a couple of hours, when they are filled with insects, they should be scalded with boiling water to kill the earwigs and thrown away.
  2. Like many other insects, double-tailed moths cannot tolerate strong odors. Therefore, a mixture of onion and garlic is effective against them. These vegetables should be crushed to a pulp, diluted with boiling water and treated at wall joints, corners, baseboards and habitats of these insects. Since the smell disappears over time, the treatment should be repeated once a week. In addition to combating double-tailed insects, such a remedy will significantly reduce the number of microbes in the house.
  3. The smell of onions and garlic throughout the apartment may seem unpleasant and irritating, so vegetables can be replaced with any aromatic herbs - lavender, mint, wormwood, tansy, yarrow. They can be hung around the apartment in bunches, put in fabric bags, or brewed and treated with decoction on baseboards, joints of walls and floors, corners, crevices, etc.
  4. The next method is a little exotic, but no less effective. These are spiders. The fact is that two-tails are a very pleasant delicacy for them. Of course, not everyone will want to keep furry, large and potentially poisonous creatures, but small spiders are harmless, and their webs will catch not only two-tailed spiders, but also mosquitoes, flies and small midges. This, of course, does not mean that you will have to allow the whole house to be covered with cobwebs, but in the secluded corners of the apartment, spiders can be left alone.

Firewood in the stove

Prevention of occurrence

It is important not only to get rid of existing insects at home, but also to try to prevent their appearance in the future. To do this you should:

  • heat the room well (this is easier to do in a private house);
  • if the previous point is not enough, then install devices that absorb excess moisture from the air;
  • monitor the serviceability of plumbing fixtures and close all taps;
  • do not leave water containers open for a long time;
  • Wipe up spilled water, splashes and drops immediately;
  • put all food products in the refrigerator or cupboard in closed containers;
  • when washing large volumes, dry things outside or in the dryer, since two-tailed bugs like to sit on wet clothes and linen;
  • find and destroy all nests of two-easted birds. Insects prefer to settle in places that are inaccessible to humans - these could be shafts with pipes or ventilation, space under the floor, insulation, large cracks in the walls, etc.

Thus, the fight against double-tails is not such a troublesome matter. You can even do without toxic drugs and special solutions.

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