How to properly dry whole persimmons at home?

Persimmon is an ancient valuable fruit, about which legends have been written for many centuries. It is not enough to eat it only in the summer; you need to know how to dry persimmons for the winter. She is considered a symbol of wisdom, strength and beauty. The most famous legend about persimmon, which appeared in the cultures of the Caucasus, says that with the help of this fruit one can gain beauty. The old woman, who had three ugly daughters, could not marry off the girls. The beauty who appeared in a dream handed the poor woman a ripe fruit, and in the morning a new tree with three orange fruits appeared in the yard. After eating them, the daughters began to look prettier before our eyes: their skin became smooth and ruddy, their hair acquired shine and radiance. Such legends are due to the beneficial properties of persimmon.

Persimmon Korolek

Persimmon "Korolek"


For its honey sweetness and delicate soft texture, persimmons have received many common names: food of the gods, gourmets' choice. There are three varieties of the fruit, all of which have characteristics in appearance and taste.

  1. Regular persimmon. The fruit has a rich orange color. After ripening, the consistency of the pulp becomes jelly. Unripe fruit is tart due to its high tannin content.
  2. Sharon. The taste is reminiscent of apple, quince and apricot. Ripe fruit is very soft and does not have a tart taste. The skin is thin, it is not necessary to peel it off.
  3. Korolek. The skin is orange and the flesh underneath is brown. The second name is chocolate persimmon. It tastes sweet and not at all cloying.

Girl with persimmon

Beneficial features

Like all orange fruits, sharon has a number of benefits: it is good for the nervous system and can improve mood. The substances contained in it activate mental activity and increase the overall performance of a person. Thanks to vitamins PP and C, persimmon is indicated for people suffering from varicose veins and hypertension. Regular consumption of this fruit has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Beta-carotene, which is part of it, strengthens the nail plate and hair structure, and refreshes the skin. Therefore, it is deservedly considered the fruit of beauty and youth.


If you have weak hair, thin nails or dry skin, eat more persimmons.

The calorie content of dried fruit always increases. In addition to vitamins and minerals, persimmons are rich in sugar. It contains 275 kcal per 100 g, so this delicacy is contraindicated on a diet. Diabetic or obese patients should not get carried away with eating dried fruits. There are also age restrictions: children under 10 are not recommended to consume the treat. This can negatively affect bowel function.

If you lead an active lifestyle and are not afraid of gaining extra pounds, then you can eat dried persimmons at least every day. Dark chocolate has twice as many calories, but this delicacy cannot boast of a huge amount of vitamins. Dried sharon is useful for hypertension due to its high potassium content. Blood pressure decreases and blood thins. The treat has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and helps cure hemorrhoids.

Ripe persimmon

Which variety should I choose for drying?

Since persimmons do not ripen all year round, it is better to stock up on a storehouse of vitamins for the winter.Some housewives prefer to freeze fruits, others make jams and preserves. However, the only option to preserve all the beneficial substances of the fruit is to dry it. In Japan, such a treat is considered a classic. In addition, after drying, the fruit loses its astringency, which not everyone likes.

A high-quality product will only come out if the drying process technology is followed and the correct variety is selected.

  • Set aside fruits with flaws: cracked skin, dark spots, dents. The fruit should be flawless, have a bright orange color and a tight, stretched peel.
  • You can dry fruits of tart and non-tart varieties. It's a matter of taste.
  • The “tail” on top must be dry.
  • Having chosen a kinglet for drying, take the ripest fruits. The skin color should be dark orange, almost rowan.
  • Do not take overripe fruits, especially if you are drying ordinary persimmons. It may spread.

If there is no special dryer for vegetables and fruits, you can use the oven or dry the fruit in the open air. The last option is suitable for residents of warm regions. The most popular method of drying at home is using an oven.

Dried persimmon slices

Oven drying

After selecting the fruits, begin preparing them for drying. The washed fruits need to be blanched (soaked in boiling water) for about 10 seconds. To keep dried fruits tender and soft, remove the peel. Without it, the drying process will be completed faster, especially if you want to cook dried persimmons whole. You can cut it into round slices. The whole fruit will be viscous and juicier, while the cut fruit will be dry and hard.

Preheat the oven to 60 degrees. The temperature should under no circumstances be higher.Place the fruit on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven for 7 hours. Do not leave the treat unattended: look every hour and check if the pieces have darkened.


Do not store dried persimmons in a plastic bag. Place the fruits in a wooden box.

Drying persimmons outdoors

Air drying

This is the easiest way to dry fruits at home. If you are sure that the weather outside will be sunny and warm in the next three days, you can dry the dried fruits outside. To do this, take an awl and a very strong rope (or wire). The fruits need to be strung on a rope, piercing the dry stalk. They should not touch each other, otherwise rotting may occur. Cover the delicacy with gauze, and after three days you will receive sweet dried fruits.

Dried persimmon is a healthy independent dish. In addition, you can add it to many desserts: smoothies, puddings, ice cream. If you are not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, you can try preparing meat dishes with the addition of pieces of dried sharon. The treat should be stored in a dark, dry place. Use wooden boxes instead of plastic bags.

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