How to use cinnamon in caring for indoor flowers?

The beneficial properties of the popular spice help when growing plants. If you use cinnamon against midges in flowers, you can quickly drive out annoying guests and improve the health of the crop. To prevent this folk remedy from causing harm, you must use the aromatic powder correctly.


Parasite powder

The smell of the spice is not liked by harmful insects. If you regularly use it as a repellent, flies and springtails will leave flower pots.

The irrigation solution is made from 200 g of dry powder, which is poured with a liter of boiling water. The liquid is infused for 2 hours, then the volume is adjusted to 10 liters with water. The soil is carefully irrigated, trying not to get on the foliage.

The aromatic product helps fight ants. Cinnamon does not kill pests, but makes their stay in a flower pot uncomfortable.

The top layer of soil in the pots is covered with dry spice. The natural repeller is also scattered in other insect habitats:

  • on the windowsill;
  • in drain pans;
  • in window cracks.

To prevent the appearance of pests in indoor plants, preventive measures are needed. Cinnamon for midges in flowers is added to fresh soil during planting; for ants, a thick layer of dry powder is poured. The component does not interfere with air exchange and repels uninvited guests.

If the parasites do not disappear, then the problem must be looked for outside the home. An anthill on the street next to the house becomes a source of regular attacks. Wipe the tides and windowsill with cinnamon infusion.The product is poured in dry form at the location of the colony. Unfavorable conditions will force pests to leave the area.

Antifungal drug

Cinnamon contains substances that have characteristics similar to fungicides. To get rid of fungal diseases as soon as possible, without allowing them to take over new indoor plants, dissolve 15 g of aromatic medicine in 1 liter of water and leave in a warm place for 12 hours. Affected specimens are watered until symptoms disappear.

If mold has appeared in the soil, then cinnamon will also help get rid of it. Carefully remove the top layer of old soil. A teaspoon of natural fungicide is added to fresh soil and poured into a flowerpot. The product is valid for 10 days:

  • suppresses the vital activity of spores;
  • creates unfavorable conditions for the development of diseases;
  • supports weakened instances.

Cinnamon is used to treat fungal diseases of the roots of indoor flowers. The plant is taken out of the container, the affected areas are cut off with scissors, and sprinkled generously with aromatic powder. An hour later, the bush is planted in fresh soil and a new flowerpot.

A concentrated solution will help destroy disease spores from the walls of the pot: add 20 g of cinnamon to 1 liter of water, and wash the dishes with the resulting liquid.

Pathogenic bacteria enter flowers through damage. To prevent the spread of diseases, you need to lubricate wounds and cracks with ground cinnamon:

  • A pack of powder is diluted to a thick paste and generously rubbed onto the affected areas on the stem.
  • To treat the roots, the product is prepared in the form of liquid sour cream. The underground parts are dipped in the medicine, left to dry for 30 minutes and planted in the ground.

Cinnamon for diseases of indoor flowers

Natural adaptogen

Cuttings and children of indoor plants do not take root well, so gardeners use cinnamon as a growth activator. The root system of seedlings is moistened with warm water, then generously dusted with powder. The medicine suppresses the development of bacteria and creates a favorable microclimate for rooting. Active substances stimulate the formation of new shoots.

You can feed indoor flowers with cinnamon. Dissolve a teaspoon of spice in a glass of water. If you fertilize plants with an aromatic liquid once a month, they will develop more actively:

  • quickly increase green mass;
  • develop strong roots;
  • lay flower buds.

If the plant does not propagate well from cuttings, then a “homemade adaptogen” will help. Dissolve 10 g of cinnamon powder and 2 aspirin tablets in 500 ml of water. The liquid is infused for 10 hours. Before rooting, flower shoots are soaked in the resulting solution for 120 minutes. The mixture protects tissues from rotting and stimulates the formation of roots. To prevent the drug from losing its characteristics, it should not be stored for more than a day.

Weakened, frail specimens are supported with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. The medicine is used in both liquid and powder form. The sweet component forms “building” cells, and the spice starts the vital processes of plants. Indoor flowers should be fed once every 30 days until the problem disappears.

Cinnamon is a healthy aromatic powder that will help when growing home crops. It is a natural fungicide and adaptogen that will support potted species under unfavorable conditions. But if the infestation is advanced, it is better not to experiment with folk remedies and treat the flowers with chemicals.

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