How to water orchids so they bloom like crazy

I received my first orchid as a gift on March 8th. At that time I still knew nothing about these beautiful, long-flowering plants. I placed my snow-white phalaenopsis on the east window and admired it until the flowering was completed. The friend who gave me the flower said that caring for it is very easy.

Girl watering orchids

If the pot has become light and the roots have become lighter, you need to immerse the container with the plant in water for 15-20 minutes so that the substrate is saturated with moisture. This is how I cared for my butterfly orchid. Time passed, but the flower arrow did not appear. I had to join a group of orchid lovers to be taught how to get phalaenopsis to bloom.

What water should I use for irrigation?

Now I remember my first experience with a smile. Today I have a little less than a dozen phalaenopsis in my collection. They all bloom almost continuously. How to achieve crazy flowering of orchids? Watering with regular water is, of course, important, but it only provides the plant’s moisture needs. Yes, and here there are some nuances.

First of all, you need to pay attention to water quality. The high content of salt impurities in tap water makes it unsuitable for irrigation. With constant use of this source of moisture, the roots of the orchid become covered with a dark coating due to the resulting burn, they are so delicate.

Watering flowers

It is best to use melt, rain or boiled water. Personally, we replenish our water supply from the nearest spring.The water temperature should always be 3-4 degrees above room temperature. Do not forget that orchids grow in the tropics, so cold and cool water are contraindicated for them.

“Magic” solutions to stimulate flowering

In order for phalaenopsis plants to bloom, they need more than just regular watering. Flowering will require a lot of effort from the orchid. During the period of active growth, when I see that my phalaenopsis has produced new roots or is growing a leaf, I add commercial orchid fertilizer to the watering water.

Compositions for feeding home flowers

Today, most manufacturers have such lines. I like liquid formulations from Bona Forte, JOY, Agricola. Organic acids have a stimulating effect on orchids. Please note that these drugs have a powerful effect, so overdose is unacceptable.

succinic acid

Amber is sold in regular pharmacies and flower shops. Release form: tablets, powder. Succinic acid improves plant immunity and has a positive effect on orchids during stress caused by transplantation, lack of light, and temperature fluctuations.

Succinic acid for orchids

The drug stimulates the beginning of phalaenopsis flowering and increases the number of flowers. What is important is that succinic acid costs pennies. To better dissolve the tablet, I first crush it into powder. Dosage – 1 g per 1 liter of water. The solution is used for irrigation by immersion or in the usual way. You can also spray the leaves with the composition.

Boric acid

Boric acid is already known to many gardeners as a stimulator of flowering and fruit formation. It is also used for orchids. For example, I noticed that when watered with boric acid, more buds are formed on the plant.Excess boric acid in a solution can cause burns to leaves and roots, so I always strictly follow the dosage.

Boric acid for orchids

In order for the orchid to produce a peduncle, I add 1 g of boric acid per liter of water to the water for irrigation. When applying on a sheet, I reduce the dosage by half. The drug can be used until flowering begins. When the buds are ready to open, I stop feeding.

Top dressing with garlic and honey

I learned about this feeding on one of the gardening forums. The preparation of the composition is simple, and its use gives an amazing effect in the form of year-round flowering of orchids. You will need 1 head of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 liter of hot water.

Feeding an orchid with garlic and honey

I peel the garlic cloves and put them through a press, then I put the mass in a liter jar with hot water and add honey to it. I mix the contents of the jar and leave for a day, and then filter. I pour the resulting infusion into trays and gradually add them on top to the pots with plants. After a day, I drain the solution remaining in the trays.

Of course, watering will play an important role, but it will not help if the conditions for keeping the orchids are not met. Phalaenopsis needs: lighting with short daylight hours, room temperature, spraying or installing a humidifier nearby. Other measures will also help stimulate orchid flowering - a hot shower, reducing the frequency of watering by half, contrasting day and night temperatures for 2 weeks.

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