Is it worth buying black cumin seed oil?

Today, you can increasingly find black cumin oil on sale, the benefits of which were known to people 3 thousand years ago. In ancient times, this product was used to treat tumors, jaundice, poisoning, pneumonia and other serious diseases. Modern scientists have thoroughly studied the composition of cumin and discovered many valuable chemical compounds in the seeds. We will tell you what benefits cumin oil brings to the human body and how to take it correctly.

Black cumin oil

Chemical composition of black cumin oil

Black cumin oil is mainly obtained from two varieties of the plant:

  • nigella (nigella) Damascus;
  • nigella sativa.

The first is called “Royal”, it is distinguished by its high content of fatty acids, thick consistency and aroma of meadow herbs. Nigella sativa oil is called “Ethiopian”, it is rich in flavonoids, has a spicy taste with pungent notes and smells like black pepper.

Cumin seeds are a real storehouse of biologically active components. They contain beneficial unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, phenols, esters, phytosterols, and phospholipids. The table below lists the main substances that give nigella oil its healing properties.

Table 1. Chemical composition of nigella oil (unrefined, cold pressed)

Name of substanceChemical class of compoundBeneficial properties for the body
ThymoquinoneCarbonyl polymerHas a detrimental effect on cancer cells (especially tumors of the colon, pancreas, prostate), pathogenic bacteria, has a choleretic, antispasmodic effect, inhibits the release of histamine from cells, eliminating allergic reactions
Myristic acidFatsReduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood
Linoleic acid FatsAccelerates wound healing, increases performance
Oleic acid FatsStrengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces blood sugar and blood pressure
Beta caroteneCarotenoid (vitamin A is synthesized from it in the body)Protects the body from cancer, strengthens vision, has a positive effect on reproductive function, and is necessary for the normal growth and development of children
EVitaminSlows down the aging process, improves the external condition of skin and hair, normalizes hormonal levels in women
B3/PP (nicotinic acid)VitaminStrengthens blood microcirculation, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, normalizes digestion
DVitaminEnsures liver health, helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, protects the nervous system from stress, promotes weight loss
CalciumMacronutrientStrengthens bones and tooth enamel, has an anti-inflammatory effect
ZincMicroelementAccelerates tissue regeneration, has a positive effect on skin condition, increases sperm motility
IronMicroelementPrevents anemia, thyroid pathologies, depression
SeleniumMicroelementProtects the body from cancer, strengthens the immune system, increases performance
TanninsPhenolic compoundsHave a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses, remove toxins and heavy metal salts from the body
QuercetinFlavonoidProtects the body from cancer, reduces inflammation, has a positive effect on brain cells
KaempferolFlavonoidStrengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a diuretic effect
Trans-anetholeAromatic etherEffectively destroys bacteria and fungi, eliminates muscle cramps, stimulates the production of female hormones estrogen
Nigellicin, nigellidine, nigellicymineAlkaloidsHave anthelmintic effect
CampesterolPhytosterolNormalizes cholesterol metabolism in the body and hormonal levels, prevents the formation of gallstones
LophenolPhytosterolReduces blood sugar levels
CineoleTerpeneHas antiseptic and expectorant properties
KefalinPhospholipidPrevents fatty liver, regulates blood clotting

Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Fatty oil from black cumin seeds is widely used for medicinal purposes. In Egypt and India, it is sold in many pharmacies as a medicine. Below we will look at what health problems Nigella oil can help get rid of.

Bottle of black cumin oil

Helps fight viruses, bacteria and fungi

Cumin oil has pronounced antibacterial and antiseptic properties due to the high content of phenols, terpenes, and esters. These substances give the product a strong spicy aroma and pungent taste.

The oil helps the body fight the following ailments:

  • respiratory tract diseases - pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • ARVI, influenza and other viral infections;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gastritis, ulcer (in remission);
  • thrush.

When taken orally, the product enhances the production of protective antibodies and accelerates recovery. The product is used externally for fungal skin infections, acne and ulcers.

Doctor holding a heart figurine

Protects the heart and blood vessels

Black cumin oil normalizes fat metabolism in the body, supports liver function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and regulates blood clotting. As a result, the risk of the following pathologies is reduced:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • heart attack/stroke;
  • ischemia, angina pectoris.

Due to its diuretic effect, cumin reduces the volume of fluid in the body and reduces the load on the heart. As a result, a person’s blood pressure and heart rate are normalized.

Weight loss

Helps prevent diabetes and obesity

Many components have been found in nigella oil that reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, promote its proper absorption, and also increase the sensitivity of body cells to insulin. This leads to a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

It is sharp jumps in blood sugar levels that provoke attacks of hunger and cravings for high-calorie (especially sweet) foods. But if you regularly use black cumin oil, you can prevent overeating and at the same time maintain a slim figure.

Bottle of black cumin oil

Drives away worms

The product contains alkaloids and the saponin α-hederin, which are toxic to intestinal parasites. Caraway oil can be used for preventive purposes and in the initial stages of helminthiasis. But in the event of a large-scale infection, it is unlikely to help.

Normalization of digestion

Normalizes digestion

Cumin oil has a mild laxative effect. It contains the enzyme lipase, which helps the body absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins: A, E, K, D. The oil enhances the secretion of gastric juice, accelerating the digestion of food.

The product will help those who suffer from frequent bloating and a feeling of heaviness. It will destroy pathogenic intestinal microflora without harming beneficial bacteria.

Black cumin oil in bottles

Improves nervous system and brain function

For normal functioning, brain cells need unsaturated fatty acids and B vitamins. And nigella oil contains such substances in abundance. It strengthens memory and reduces the risk of senile dementia. Protects the nervous system from stress, preventing depression and chronic fatigue. And the esters that are present in cumin seeds have a tonic effect on the psyche. Therefore, after consuming the oil, a person’s mood rises and he feels a surge of strength.


Enhances lactation in women

Doctors recommend consuming cumin oil for women who have recently given birth and who do not have enough breast milk. The composition contains components that normalize hormonal levels, in particular increasing the production of estrogen.

In addition, caraway oil makes breast milk fattier and saturates it with vitamins and microelements. The main thing is not to consume the product in excessive quantities so that the baby does not experience adverse reactions (intestinal colic, rash).

Black cumin cosmetic oil

Use of oil in cosmetology

Cumin oil can be used as a natural alternative to anti-aging cosmetics. It is suitable for caring for any skin type. Has the following properties:

  • stimulates collagen synthesis, regeneration of epidermal cells and thereby prevents the formation of new wrinkles;
  • eliminates pimples, acne and other inflammations;
  • accelerates the healing of wounds, microcracks, burns;
  • nourishes skin cells, helps retain moisture inside them.

In cosmetology, the product is added to creams and face masks. At home, you can apply the oil to your face yourself with a cotton pad, and after 15–20 minutes, rinse it off with cleansing lotion and warm water.

Heated nigella oil is rubbed into the roots of the hair and distributed over the entire length. Leave the oily mask on for 1 hour, and then wash your hair with shampoo. This procedure allows you to make your curls soft and shiny, strengthen your hair follicles, and get rid of the problem of split ends.

Kidney hurts

Harm of oil to the body

In high concentrations, the active components of black cumin oil can cause harm to the body.

The product has the following contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance, allergies;
  • exacerbation of gastritis, stomach ulcers;
  • chemotherapy;
  • taking medications to lower blood pressure, diuretics, choleretic agents;
  • the presence of stones in the kidneys, gall bladder;
  • cholecystitis;
  • presence of implanted organs;
  • pregnancy.

Pediatricians do not recommend giving little cumin seeds to children under 6 years of age. The body of a small child is not yet ready to absorb so many different substances.

Overweight people should take into account the high calorie content of the product. Thus, 100 g of cumin oil contains up to 900 kcal.Therefore, you shouldn’t get too carried away with it.

Black cumin oil

How to take black cumin oil for medicinal purposes?

Nigella oil is used externally or internally depending on what needs to be treated. You should start taking it with minimal doses to check the body's reaction to the new product.

Table 2. How to take cumin oil correctly

Therapeutic purposeDirections for use and dosage
Strengthening the immune system, normalizing digestion, treating viral infections, upper respiratory tract diseases, diabetes, allergies1–2 teaspoons orally before breakfast and dinner
Pain in muscles, joints, skin problems (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis)Apply oil to the problem area and massage
Malignant tumors200 ml carrot juice with 1 tablespoon of cumin oil orally 3 times a day
Normalization of cholesterol levels, prevention of atherosclerosisAdd 7 ml of oil and 1 teaspoon of honey to mint tea, drink on an empty stomach

It is better to buy black cumin oil in online stores of organic products, and give preference to producers from Ethiopia, India and Syria. In these countries, old agricultural traditions are still preserved, and raw materials are grown without the use of harmful chemicals. The product should be stored in a dark glass container at a temperature not exceeding + 15°.

Thus, black cumin oil is an amazing product in terms of chemical composition and beneficial properties. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, supports the functioning of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems. But due to the high concentration of active compounds, this product must be used with caution and contraindications must be taken into account.

Have you tried black cumin oil? Share your impressions in the comments!


