We clean any toilet until it shines using powder and “Whiteness”

When conventional toilet cleaning products don't help, you have to take drastic measures. I found a recipe on the Internet that I now recommend to all my friends. You need to mix washing powder and “Whiteness” and apply the slurry to the contaminated surface. Urine stone and all dirt will disappear without effort. But! There is a nuance that needs to be taken into account.

Flushing the toilet

My experience of cleaning the toilet with powder and “Whiteness”

None of us are immune from encountering plaque on the toilet, against which ordinary cleaning products are powerless. This situation has happened twice in my life.

For the first time, not very clean guests moved out of the apartment I rent out. They turned a brand new toilet, barely more than a year old, into something out of a horror movie. The snow-white surface was covered with a yellow-gray coating of either urinary stone or something else. I was terrified.

After fruitless attempts to wash everything with the usual “Chistin”, my hands gave up. “Do we really have to leave everything as it is? Well, I do not!" – I thought and decided to take radical measures. I came across a recipe on the Internet that inspired me with confidence.

Whiteness and washing powder

Washing powder and “Whiteness” are two effective products. “Whiteness” corrodes dirt, destroys microbes and whitens, and the powder cleans surfaces and facilitates the separation of plaque from the walls. Following simple logic, together they should act as efficiently as possible.

And indeed, I was not mistaken in my choice.The result exceeded all my expectations! After 2 hours, the plaque completely fell off, and the toilet began to shine as if it were brand new.

The second incident happened in my house. Having gone on vacation as a family, we did not turn off the water well enough. When we returned after 3 weeks, we saw an “oil painting” - the toilet was covered with a yellow mesh from the water. Horrible-looking deposits had also formed in the bowl. And here the miracle paste helped with a bang.

Cleaning the toilet until it shines - recipe

As I already said, the method of cleaning the toilet with powder and “Whiteness” was not invented by me. I took it from a popular YouTube channel. I attach the video:

How I prepared the cleaning product:

  1. I cut off the bottom of a 1.5 liter bottle.
  2. I poured 4 tablespoons of washing powder into it.
  3. I poured about 50 ml of “Whiteness”.
  4. Stir with a wooden stick. The result was a fairly liquid paste.

Now the important point. In order for the toilet to clean well and become snow-white, you need to scoop out all the water. You can use an empty bottle for this. Immerse the neck in water. Squeeze hard and release slowly. The bottle is filled with water. Pour the water into a bucket and repeat this several times.

Let's get back to the cleaning process. It's pretty simple. Active actions take 10 minutes at most. The rest of the time you just have to wait - I just managed to put things in order in the rooms.

So what to do next:

  1. Using a brush, apply the prepared product to stains, deposits or other contaminants in the toilet.
  2. Don't forget to treat the space under the rim. Rub lightly.
  3. Wait 1 hour. During this time, hard deposits soften and partially crack.
  4. Rub with a brush with a little more force so that the cleaning paste penetrates as deeply as possible.
  5. Again time 1 hour.
  6. When the waiting time comes to an end, heat the water in the kettle. The water should be hot, but not boiling. There shouldn't be a couple. Boiling water can cause faience to crack.
  7. Pour hot water into the toilet. 2 liters will be enough.
  8. Rub the walls with a brush. A foam is formed that will easily remove any remaining dirt.
  9. Press the drain button.
  10. Evaluate the results of cleaning the toilet with powder and “Whiteness”!

Cleaning the toilet

Attention, nuance - precautions

“Whiteness” is an unsafe remedy in itself. You can easily inhale the caustic gas released, not to mention the liquid getting on your skin. It is strictly prohibited to combine it with other chemicals: a violent chemical reaction may occur. Washing powder is also prohibited. I found this out after trying the product. I didn't notice any negative effects. But I couldn’t help but mention the existing danger.

When using a paste of washing powder and “Whiteness”, you should take all precautions:

  • Wear protective gloves and, if possible, a mask and goggles.
  • Before cleaning, open doors and windows and turn on the hood.
  • Do not lean over the cleaning agent or inhale the fumes.
  • Mix the paste carefully, avoiding the formation of splashes.
  • Leave the toilet immediately after treatment.
  • After cleaning is completed, ventilate the room well.

If something goes wrong and you feel a burning sensation in your throat or shortness of breath, you need to go out into the fresh air and breathe deeply. You can also drink water or milk. If there is no improvement, you should call an ambulance. In case of contact with skin, the product should be washed off as quickly as possible with cool water. If a burning sensation is felt, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with ointment with panthenol or vegetable oil.If it worsens, it is better not to risk your health and consult a doctor.

Vinegar in the toilet tank

What about safe products?

Today many people are allergic to chemicals. And in general, it is unsafe to use it (although it is effective). Therefore, I want to talk about an alternative remedy. This is regular 9% table vinegar. It also removes the nasty yellow crust in the toilet. True, you will have to wait longer.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. We scoop the water out of the toilet.
  2. Pour the bite onto the dirt (at least 1 full bottle will be needed).
  3. Let the plaque soak overnight.
  4. In the morning we make a solution based on laundry soap.
  5. Carefully clean the dirty areas with a brush soaked in soapy water.

The plaque falls off in pieces. True, not as fast as we would like. Repeat bite treatment may be necessary.

A close friend who suffers from asthma told me about an alternative method. Perhaps someone else will like it more.

Finally, I will say that for regular cleaning of the toilet there is no need to mix the powder with “Whiteness”. It is enough to use standard products - Domestos, Sanfora, Chistina and others like that. The described paste is intended for advanced cases. When the toilet is very dirty, it has no equal - it cleans until it shines. Checked!

What do you use to clean the toilet?
  1. Galina

    Now the toilet is snow-white, the paste made from white and washing powder has wiped off all the dirt.


