How to choose and clean a coconut?

A delicious nut with an unusual taste and aroma is increasingly used in cooking by housewives even from countries where the product is not native to growing. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to peel a coconut, so creating delicious delights often ends in damaged nerves and even injuries.


In practice, everything is not so difficult, you just need to take into account some of the nuances of the process and choose the right tools. If desired, you can peel the coconut so carefully that the shell will not be damaged at all. Then it can be used as a container for serving exotic dishes and cocktails, or as a container for storing bulk products.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a coconut in order to purchase a fresh and tasty nut?

It all starts with purchasing the right nut. Many people believe that in this case everything depends on luck, but there are several points that can make the selection process easier and reduce the risk of purchasing a low-quality product to a minimum.

split coconut

  • First, we carry out a visual inspection of the nut. It should be uniform in color and structure, without cracks, dents, or milk drips. There will be three blocked holes on one side. If they have a fresh smell and there are no traces of mold around them, the specimen is fresh.
  • Next you need to shake the coconut. If the manipulation is accompanied by a noticeable splashing of liquid in the nut, there is no doubt about its quality. A lack of fullness indicates that the nut is spoiled.
  • If the purchase has taken place, the coconut has been shelled, and inside there is yellowish flesh covered with brownish spots; it is better to throw away the product. Eating it will not bring any pleasure, and the risk of poisoning is very high.

Tip: In the case of coconuts, the rule is that the more, the better. Considering the fact that most stores sell nuts by the piece and not by weight, you can safely start the selection with the largest specimens. Usually they turn out to be the freshest, most complete and resistant to negative aspects during transportation and storage.

Affordable and effective methods for peeling nuts at home

At home, you can peel nuts in one of several ways. The choice depends on the desired result and the availability of appropriate tools.

  • How to peel a coconut using a screwdriver and a hammer. First, we find the three already mentioned points on the surface of the nut and press through one of them with a screwdriver; if necessary, we help ourselves with a hammer. We drain the liquid through the formed hole and begin to peel the fruit. We lay several layers of towels on the countertop, lay out the coconut, fix it with our hands and begin to tap the surface with a hammer, provoking the formation of cracks. When the nut splits into two or more parts, place them shell-on on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven for a quarter of an hour. This simple trick will make peeling the nut much easier.

screwdriver in the holes of the coconut

  • Complete removal of the shell using a hammer without damaging the kernel. A rather complex and troublesome method that requires practiced skills and a certain strength. We take the coconut in one hand and the hammer in the other.Holding the fruit firmly, we begin to hit it with a hammer, constantly turning the product in the shell. After some time, the durable shell will become covered with cracks and then it can be easily cleaned, leaving the core itself intact. Having received the desired core, carefully pierce it in the right place and drain the juice. Next, cut the pulp into the required pieces and use it for its intended purpose.

hitting a coconut with a hammer

  • Use a hacksaw to preserve the shell as much as possible. An option that needs to be used to clean a coconut if you later plan to use the shell for decorative purposes. First, the milk is drained from the nut, then several notches are made along the perimeter of the shell, along which the material will need to be sawed. It is important to understand that nuts cut down near the top of the head look very attractive, but extracting the coconut flesh from them will take a long time and be problematic. To remove the cap, use a very thin and sharp hacksaw. With a large tool, the work will go faster, but there is a high risk of unaesthetic chips. Breaking off the shell after doing most of the work is also not recommended for the same reason.

three holes in coconut

To clean the inside of the nut from the pulp, it is best to use spoons of various sizes and diameters, rather than sharp tools. The pulp will come off without problems if you lightly dry the opened coconut in the oven, microwave, or keep it in a dry container in a water bath for some time. The main thing is not to overcook the product, otherwise it will lose its juiciness and will only turn into crumbs for confectionery products.

separating coconut meat with a spoon

Initially, it will take a lot of time to peel the coconut. After a little practice, confidence will come and the work will go much faster.The main thing is to take your time and find your own approach, which will cause the least amount of hassle and give the desired result.

The shells left over from the coconut can be used to make decorative homemade jewelry; oversized indoor flowers that do not require drainage look attractive in one-piece products. Some craftsmen make feeders for aquarium catfish and entire sets of unusually designed dishes from durable material.

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  1. Diana

    Does not work


