Is it possible to freeze sauerkraut in the freezer?

Housewives often use the freezer to store winter preparations. If anyone is wondering whether sauerkraut can be frozen, the answer is yes. In this case, the vegetable retains its beneficial properties and taste, but slightly changes its consistency. The cabbage becomes softer. However, this method can be useful as a last resort if there is not enough space in the refrigerator compartment or the product needs to be preserved for a long time.


Shelf life

The shelf life of sauerkraut depends on the conditions. In the refrigerator at temperatures up to +6° C, the product will retain its taste for 1.5-2 weeks, and after this period it will begin to sour. In the cellar at a temperature close to 0° C, the workpiece can stand all winter.

If you store sauerkraut on an unglazed balcony in winter, it will freeze. But in this case it will not be possible to maintain a stable temperature. An unexpected thaw will cause the workpiece to thaw and deteriorate when repeatedly frozen and defrosted. Sauerkraut is stored in the freezer the longest - up to 10-12 months at temperatures from -18° C and below.

How to freeze correctly

You need to freeze cabbage for the winter in a timely manner, preventing the product from spoiling and acidifying. It is better to immediately place the shredded vegetables in sealed bags, containers or jars. The serving size should be such that it can be used at one time.

Freezing sauerkraut

To save space, cabbage is compacted in containers, pressing with a spoon.

Whether to fill the product with brine or not is up to each housewife to decide for herself. Brine can be useful if sour cabbage soup will be prepared in the future. Sauerkraut juice contains no less vitamins than sauerkraut itself. The drained liquid should not be disposed of.

The brine is poured into a glass or plastic bottle and placed in the refrigerator. After the cabbage is removed from the freezer and it has thawed, the liquid is added back to the product, restoring its juiciness. Cabbage packaged in small bags is placed in one large tight bag for compact storage.

Salt is a natural preservative

When sauerkraut is made, no additives are used other than regular table salt. Salt is a natural preservative that extends the shelf life of the product. There is no specific time within which fermentation must be completed. The fermentation process takes a long time; it continues even after the cabbage has been put into the cold.

Shredded cabbage and carrots

This is why the product becomes more and more sour over time. The sugar contained in the vegetable is converted into lactic acid under the influence of special bacteria. Frozen sauerkraut retains the degree of acid that was present at the time of freezing. An important clarification: iodized salt is not suitable for fermentation; only coarsely ground stone salt is needed.

How to defrost correctly

If necessary, defrost the cabbage gradually. For example, if you plan to use it for vinaigrette, remove the portion from the freezer 8-10 hours before and transfer it to the refrigerator.For the first 3-4 hours after defrosting, the cabbage still retains its crunch and only then becomes soft.

Frozen sauerkraut

In most cases, advance defrosting is not required. For hot dishes, the product is taken directly from the freezer. At the same time, the cooking time is reduced by half, because frozen cabbage becomes soft even without heat treatment.

What to do with frozen sauerkraut

Frozen sauerkraut is used in the same way as the one that was stored in the refrigerator. It makes very tasty cabbage soup. The preparation is also suitable for borscht. You just need to take into account that lactic acid causes the potatoes to harden and take longer to cook; they will need to be put in the pan earlier. The preparation produces a delicious hodgepodge, to which you can add your choice of pork, stewed meat, boiled sausage, or frankfurters.

Solyanka from sauerkraut

If you freeze whole leaves, you can use them to make cabbage rolls. A wonderful dish is dumplings with sauerkraut; they are often prepared during Lent. First, the cabbage must be stewed in vegetable oil along with onions, and then used as a filling. The filling for pies is prepared using the same principle, only boiled potatoes are added to it.

In frozen sauerkraut, the fermentation process completely stops, so it does not peroxidize. The product is used after defrosting in the usual way. The preparation is suitable for preparing the filling for dumplings and pies, first and second hot courses. Before adding to the vinaigrette, the fermented product is defrosted in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.

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