A chef's hack that makes it easy to peel mountains of carrots in one sitting.

Instead of cutting or scraping the skin with a knife, you can quickly scrub the carrots... with a dish sponge. There is one secret in this method. Housewives who know him peel mountains of small carrots in a matter of minutes. There is also a trick for boiled vegetables. But first things first.

mountains of carrots

How to properly peel carrots?

All vegetables are rich in potassium and healthy vitamins. The lion's dose of the reserve is concentrated directly under the peel. When cutting it off with a knife along with the pulp, housewives make a big mistake.

It is correct to remove the thinnest outer layer of carrot peel. This way, the root vegetable retains maximum benefits.

Vegetables are scraped with a knife. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not work if the peel is mature and dense. In this case, they resort to using a vegetable peeler - a special device with a thin blade and a V-shaped or other shaped limiter.


To remove only one peel, you need to hold the root vegetable correctly - at an angle of 45 degrees to the table. The carrots are scrolled with the left hand, and the vegetable peeler is moved up and down with the right. Peel the vegetable without pressing. Eyes and irregularities are worked on separately.

Peel raw carrots quickly

Surely many of you have already tried to peel carrots with an iron dishwashing sponge. If you don't know one secret, the method can quickly disappoint.

You must first soak the root vegetables in cold water for 1-2 hours.

During this time, the peel will be saturated with moisture, become as elastic as possible and will be easy to separate. Further:

  1. Change the water to warm.
  2. We take an iron sponge in our hands and, with light pressure, rub the carrots under water.
  3. Rinse the vegetables under running water.
  4. Cut off the top and tip with a sharp knife.

Voila! Cleaning a kilogram of vegetables will take at most 5 minutes. It doesn’t matter whether the carrots are small or large, crooked or straight, old or young.

small carrots

The second secret is to use as hard and scratchy a sponge as possible. To avoid discomfort, you should use a washcloth with a handle.

To clean vegetables, you need to use a separate, new metal sponge.

One that has been in contact with detergents, carbon deposits and grease is not suitable for obvious reasons. If you already have a brand new hard sponge, you can make a handle for it yourself. You should tie a washcloth with a strong cord, cut off the neck of the bottle 10-15 cm high, and place it inside. To fix it, we pull the edge of the cord through the hole and screw it with a lid.

Hard sponge and carrots

Quickly peel boiled carrots

Boiled carrots are even easier to handle than raw ones. The peel can be easily separated with a regular knife. If for some reason cleaning is difficult, you should pay attention to two points.

  • Correct boiling. To begin with, the carrots are dipped into boiling salted water. It is important not to overcook it. Medium-sized root vegetables are boiled for 20-25 minutes, small ones - 15 minutes over low heat under a lid. Check readiness with a toothpick or fork. They should fit into the pulp easily. After this boiling water drain, and immediately pour the carrots into water with ice (about +7 degrees).
  • Cleaning technique. To remove the peel easily, you need to make one longitudinal cut.Then the skin is picked up by the edge and the vegetable is “undressed” literally in one movement. Large carrots are first cut crosswise (divided into 2-3 parts).

small carrots

Cunning. When you put the water to boil for cooking carrots, at the same time fill a bowl with cold water and place it in the freezer. By the time the root vegetables are cooked, the water in the bowl will have time to cool to the desired temperature. Simply transfer the vegetables to the ice-cold liquid.

Original ways to peel carrots

Few people find peeling carrots a pleasant and fun activity. Usually they want to deal with her as quickly as possible. To do this, folk craftsmen are coming up with more and more new ways of peeling:

  • Using a grater. The idea is to grate only the top layer of the washed vegetable. This way you can quickly peel both raw and boiled carrots.
  • High pressure washer. Peel a lot of crooked and small carrots in 5 minutes? As easy as pie! Pour it into a plastic container with holes and spray it with a powerful stream of water. Shake periodically. Not only dirt, but also peels fly off vegetables. See for yourself:

Here's how to peel carrots in vending machines:

Questions and answers

What can you do with unpeeled small carrots?

Squeeze incredibly tasty and healthy carrot juice. To do this, you need to wash the root vegetables and cut off the dark spots. Place them in the juicer. From 1 kg you will get 1.5-2 glasses of vitamin liquid.

How to quickly cook and peel carrots for salad?

Place the washed carrots in a bag, pour 50 ml of water inside and tie it loosely. Microwave at maximum power for 5-8 minutes. Transfer the bag to a bowl with ice. Remove the peel with a knife or vegetable peeler. In total, the whole process will take 10-15 minutes.

Peeling carrots is a skill that many people learn as teenagers. It seems that it could be simpler and clearer? However, when it comes to speed, it turns out that minimal knowledge is not enough. We have described a number of tricks that will make the task much easier. Now you can cook not only tasty, but also quickly!

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  1. Elena

    For preservation, it was necessary to peel 3 kg of medium-sized carrots. I tried the method with a steel wool, after soaking the carrots. And I didn’t regret it, I’ve never peeled so many carrots so quickly.


