Mystery of the century: what are the slits in a bottle of oil for?

When our brain gets tired of solving complex problems, it performs a distraction maneuver. Having seen the nearest object, we suddenly begin to become intensely interested in it. For example, you want to know what the slots in a bottle of oil are for. But really, for what?

Sunflower oil

Dispenser holder?

If you're suddenly curious about the purpose of the slits in an oil bottle, know that you're not alone. Hundreds of people are asking exactly the same question. Several years ago, in this regard, a dozen articles and even a video appeared, allegedly exposing the secret of the “antennae” on the cork.

According to the version, the slots are designed to hold the dispenser nozzle, which controls the flow of oil. Here's what it looks like:

Dispenser holder

To insert the dispenser, you need to open the cap on the bottle and tear off the cap with the ring. Then the nozzle is pushed inward with slight pressure. Tendril slits wrap around it and securely fix it. Video:

In fact, the version that the slots are needed to attach the dispenser is a myth. No slots are needed to secure the attachment. Retainers are sold separately for replacement in glass bottles.

Dispenser attachments are designed for glass bottles without “antennae”. Such containers are used by professional chefs. They receive vegetable oils in large containers, and for convenient use they bottle them like this.

Dispenser nozzles

Glass promotes better preservation of oils. This is a reliable and environmentally friendly material that can be sterilized and washed.The nozzle allows you to pour oil in a thin stream and thereby control its portion.

The slits in the bottle are the dispenser!

What is the true purpose of the slits on a bottle of sunflower oil? What are they needed for?

The truth is that there is no secret purpose for the slots on the cork! This is the most common dispenser that allows you to control the flow of a viscous liquid.

To make sure of this, just remove the plug and try pouring oil into the frying pan from a smooth neck. The portion will be much larger, no matter how you try to control your hand movements. In addition, the oil may splatter. If you place the bottle on the table with force, the drops will fly out and stain the work surface. And if you accidentally drop the container, it will be empty in an instant, and an impressive stain will form on the table.

 slits in the bottle

The slotted dispenser performs several functions at once:

  • reduces the flow of viscous liquid;
  • protects the neck from contamination (the petals trap residual oil and they flow back into the bottle);
  • retains solid inclusions: cake, olive skins, grape seed particles;
  • prevents product from leaking if the bottle accidentally falls.

The device was invented back in the late 70s. A dispenser for sunflower oil was described in the Soviet magazine “Young Technician”. However, they began to use it in practice closer to the 90s. And even then, most of the bottles still had the usual, smooth neck. Vegetable oil was sold by the glass and people came with their own glass containers.

Products in plastic and with a dispenser were more expensive. However, this did not stop the people. Ease of use in cooking ultimately won out. A few years later, all manufacturers switched to special containers with slots.

Vegetable oil slits

Questions and answers

Can the dispenser be used in plastic bottles?

The attachments are designed for glass bottles. But if you wish, you can insert an additional dispenser into a regular plastic bottle with slots. This will allow you to improve control over the stream, conveniently dress salads, fry eggs and much more.

Where to buy and how much does a dispenser nozzle cost?

The device is sold in home improvement stores. The cost of an iron nozzle is on average 250 rubles, a plastic one – 75-100 rubles.

Now you know what the slots in vegetable oil bottles are for. This is a simple dispenser invented several decades ago. And the secret purpose of the “antennae” is nothing more than speculation.

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  1. Andrey

    You can also put your finger in it.


