Don't eat - think: 25 interesting ways to use lemon
Lemon is a sour fruit that everyone is accustomed to eating. However, there are other unusual ways to use lemon. Citrus is used in everyday life, cosmetology, cooking and folk medicine.
Cosmetology and lemon
Citrus fruits are widely used to preserve youth and beauty. Creams, shampoos, balms, and lotions are made based on lemon extract. All kinds of face masks are also made from fresh fruit.
Here are some unusual ways to use lemon for cosmetic purposes:
- Lemon scrub
Dead skin cells are easily removed with acid, a large amount of which is found in citrus. You can also fight age spots with the help of lemon scrub. To prepare it, lemon juice must be mixed with sugar in equal volumes.
- Nail care
Nail salons offer an effective recipe for nail care. The juice of half a lemon should be mixed with half a glass of boiled water, then immerse your fingertips in the resulting liquid for 4 minutes. After this procedure, it is recommended to rub the nail plates with lemon zest.
- Facial lotion
Lemon lotion tones the facial skin well. It will not only cleanse your face, but also disinfect your skin. To prepare the lotion, you need to mix the juice of half a lemon and half a glass of boiled water, you can also add honey.
- Fight cellulite
Taking aromatic baths with the addition of lemon oil will help fight cellulite, as well as extra pounds.
- Hair care
If you rinse your hair with water and lemon juice, it will become shiny and smooth.
To get rid of dandruff, just rub lemon drops on your hair roots 2 times a week.
Cooking and lemon
- Citrus seasoning – This is lemon zest grated on a fine grater, which is added to various dishes.
- Spicy mixture made from onion, salt, turmeric, black pepper and lemon zest, used for meat and fish dishes.
- Candied fruit. It is necessary to soak the citrus peels in sugar syrup for 12 hours, then boil them for 30 minutes and dry.
- To prevent cut apples from turning dark, just sprinkle them with lemon juice.
- If you freeze citrus slices in special ice trays, you can decorate cocktails and other drinks with them.
- It's easy to make cream from lemon zestby passing the fruit through a blender and adding 200 grams of butter and 200 grams of sugar to the resulting mass. Desserts are soaked in cream and added to ice cream.
- To keep the sugar from getting damp, put lemon zest in a container with it.
- Lemonade made from lemon juice tones and refreshes well. To prepare the drink, mix a liter of water and the juice of three lemons. Then you need to add sugar, ice and mint (the recommended amount is two tablespoons of sugar, five ice cubes, a sprig of mint).
Uses of lemon in everyday life
Experienced housewives are familiar with citrus as a cleaning, bleaching and disinfectant. Unusual ways to use lemon for household needs:
- Disinfectant. Lemon zest and vinegar, mixed in equal volumes, are infused in a closed container for about two weeks.Then the mass is filtered and diluted with water for cleaning.
- Cleaning the microwave oven. Just add lemon juice to a plate of water and place in the oven at maximum power for 4 minutes. Then wipe the oven walls with a towel, where condensation forms when water evaporates. This will remove all dirt.
- To give the linen its original snow-white color, you need to add juice squeezed from one citrus fruit to the washing water.
- If there is an unpleasant odor coming from the refrigerator, you can put cut fruit there. It will absorb all odors.
- Ant repellent. To clear your house of uninvited neighbors, you need to treat all kitchen surfaces with lemon juice.
- Get rid of plaque on kitchen knives sea salt mixed with lemon zest will help. After this procedure, the knives will begin to shine again.
Lemon and traditional medicine
Citrus is widely used as a remedy in folk medicine.
- Prophylactic
To prevent viral diseases, it is enough to eat fruit mixed with sugar or honey in winter.
- Relieving Nausea
If you feel unwell and feel nauseous, you must chew a citrus slice thoroughly. The nausea will go away immediately.
- Inhalations
For viral infections, inhalation with the addition of a few drops of lemon essential oil is an effective remedy.
- Breath freshener
To freshen your breath, just rinse your mouth with lemon juice. Fresh breath is guaranteed, and this procedure also kills harmful bacteria.
- Strengthening the immune system
Constant consumption of citrus strengthens the human immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to include this fruit in your diet daily.
Lemon is a versatile fruit that is used in many areas of life. It's time to get yourself in a lemon mood!