To prevent it from falling: 2 ways to make an omelette fluffy

When saying “I can cook an omelet,” many people are lying. This is a complex French dish, and not everyone knows its recipe. An airy omelette is prepared in a frying pan without milk, flour, or soda. The ingredients include only eggs, salt and butter. We suggest starting with a melt-in-your-mouth classic. As a bonus, here is a recipe for a tall, non-falling omelette, exactly the same as what was served in canteens and boarding houses in Soviet times.

French fluffy omelette in a frying pan

French fluffy omelette in a frying pan

Today, omelette is prepared all over the world. Each nationality has its own cooking technology and a different name for the dish: frittata, masturbation, tortilla... But omelette was first invented by the French. This is the most tender and airy omelette you can imagine. It is a beautiful soft yellow color, without a crust. The frozen egg mass is rolled up. You can stuff it inside with cheese, herbs, and mushrooms.

How to make an airy French omelette:

  1. For 3 eggs you need to take 50 g of butter and a pinch of salt. Eggs should be fresh and at room temperature.
  2. Heat the pan over low heat for at least 3 minutes.
  3. At this time, break the eggs into a bowl.
  4. Pierce the yolks with a fork and mix.
  5. Place butter in a frying pan and melt.
  6. Pour melted butter into the egg mixture in a thin stream. Stir vigorously to prevent the protein from curdling. Salt and pepper.
  7. Pour the mixture into the same frying pan where the oil was melted. The fire is minimal.
  8. As soon as the bottom edge turns white (the top remains slightly runny), remove the pan from the heat.
  9. If desired, add filling and carefully roll the omelette with a spatula.
  10. Return to heat for 30 seconds.
  11. Carefully transfer the fragrant package to a warm plate. Decorate with fresh vegetables and herbs.

A proper French omelette is slightly runny inside. If you don’t like this option, use one trick to ensure even frying. After pouring the egg mixture into the frying pan, stir it rhythmically with a spatula. When 80% of the protein has coagulated, leave the pancake alone. After 30–60 seconds, the entire egg mass hardens and is immediately wrapped.

For more airiness, add a little water to the eggs (at the rate of 15 ml for 2 eggs).

Lush high omelette “like in a boarding house”

In Russia, omelette is traditionally prepared with milk. Milk adds extra volume and fluffiness. Unfortunately, the lushness quickly disappears unless you add a moisture-retaining product. It could be starch, flour, zucchini or even bread crumb. It is with bread that omelettes are prepared in canteens and boarding houses. And the secret is that the dish is baked in the oven in a dish with high sides.

How to make a fluffy, non-falling omelette:

  1. For 4 eggs, take 50 g of white bread without crust, 50–60 ml of milk, salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Pour warm milk over the pieces of bread and mash with a fork.
  3. Beat the eggs into a bowl with bread, add salt and pepper, and mix well.
  4. Heat the oven to 180 degrees.
  5. Grease a small ovenproof dish with butter.
  6. Pour in the egg mixture and place in the oven for 15 minutes.

The omelet turns out to be very satisfying, aromatic and at the same time tender in consistency.

The larger the volume of the egg mass and the smaller the diameter of the bottom of the dish, the fluffier the omelette.

Lush omelette

5 rules of airiness and splendor

Before being hired, chefs are often asked to prepare an omelet. Only a professional can cope with the task. The dish should be creamy in color, airy in consistency and easy to roll.

To achieve an ideal result, you need to follow 5 rules:

  1. Slow heating. You should choose the smallest burner and heat the pan well.
  2. Dishes with thick walls. This can be a frying pan, a baking sheet, or a heat-resistant form.
  3. Warm eggs and milk (for omelette with milk). Place the eggs and milk in the bag in a bowl filled with lukewarm water. Wait 30 minutes.
  4. Stirring the egg mixture rather than beating it. The eggs are stirred only to combine the white with the yolk.
  5. Constant control.

You can’t take your mind off the “pancake” being prepared for even a second. If filling is intended, it is always prepared in advance. The whites set very quickly and char just as quickly.

Fluffy baked omelette

Questions and answers

What filling can you make an omelet with?

With tomatoes, cheese, herbs, ham, champignons, boiled chicken, grilled vegetables, sausage, green beans. The ingredients can be combined, mixed with mayonnaise, sour cream, added ground pepper and other spices.

Is it possible to add flour and soda to an omelette?

Flour prevents the omelette from falling, and baking soda makes it fluffy. However, the taste of the dish changes: the tenderness and airy consistency disappear, and an aftertaste appears that not everyone likes.

Summarizes the results. Omelet is a difficult dish and requires a certain skill. To make it airy and fluffy, you need to follow 5 rules. The heat should be minimal, the eggs should be warm and fresh, and the dishes should have thick walls.Please note that a tall omelette can only be cooked in the oven in a bowl with high sides. It needs to be filled almost to the top (two-thirds).

How do you cook an omelet?
  1. Sergey

    I'll try and tell you. It must be delicious.

  2. Alice

    Sergey, we are waiting for the results :)

  3. Lyudmila

    If there is no milk, then it is scrambled eggs, not an omelet. Omelet with milk only.


