How to neutralize the smell of human urine and how to get rid of stains?

When caring for an elderly relative or a disabled person, household members often have to deal with a specific smell in the apartment. Naturally, you want to neutralize it with something, to get rid of the smell of human urine. And although it is rightfully considered one of the most difficult to remove, the situation is not hopeless. There are a lot of special and folk remedies that can solve the problem.

Urine odor remover

The best remedy for human urine odor

Few people know, but human urine can be neutralized in the same way as cat or dog urine. Although they have different compositions, the main components responsible for the pungent odor are the same in all mammals:

  • urea is a viscous substance;
  • urochrome – yellow pigment;
  • uric acid.

The urine of an adult, and especially an elderly person, has a more pungent odor than that of a child. This is due to puberty, metabolic characteristics, and the presence of chronic diseases, of which many accumulate in old age. The caustic nature of urine is due to the content of insoluble salt crystals in uric acid. They literally eat into fabrics and hard surfaces and are difficult to dissolve in anything. Dried uric acid salts do not stink as strongly, but once they are wet, a reaction begins and the smell becomes just as pungent.

The first two components of urine - urea and urochrome - can be easily washed off with detergents or removed with a stain remover.But getting rid of uric acid salts is not so easy. Only urease, a special degrading enzyme, can neutralize crystals. It is produced in large flasks, available only to wholesale buyers (cleaning companies and some others). This enzyme is also included in high-quality sprays against urine odor in cats and dogs:
Remedies for animal urine odor

  • Nature's Miracle 8 in 1 Urine Destroyer. Product volume 946 ml. Made in the USA. Contains highly effective substances that destroy urine. Suitable for processing soft and hard surfaces. Approximate cost: 1000 rubles.
  • Spray 8 in 1 Advanced Stain & Odor Remover. Another product from the USA with a similar volume and composition. It has a convenient aerosol release form. Just spray the spray on the stain and wait an hour. After this, the smell will disappear. Price – 1200–1300 rubles.
  • Beaphar Odor killer spray. Manufacturer – Netherlands. Another effective, albeit less popular, aerosol. It neutralizes urine odor due to the presence of bacteria that bind uric acid salts. Smells nice. The approximate cost is 800 rubles per 400 ml bottle.

Thus, the best remedy for human urine odor is a remedy for cat and dog odor. Unfortunately, there are no special products available for sale for human urine.

When purchasing a bottle or spray, it is important to pay attention to the composition. Some products only deodorize (eliminate the odor), but do not destroy uric acid. Products with urease work most effectively.

Treatment of sofa from urine smell

How to remove urine stains and smell from a sofa?

The easiest way to remove urine from hard surfaces (except wood) is to treat it, wash it, wipe it – and you’re done.Another thing is a soft sofa or a voluminous mattress, which cannot be processed properly or washed in a washing machine. Urine penetrates into the deep layers.

To remove stains and urine smell from the sofa, you will have to make some efforts:

  1. Soak contaminated areas with a special product. The liquid must penetrate deep enough.
  2. Wait 1–2 hours. If the odor is still noticeable, reapply the urine odor remover. The cleaning compound will work as long as it is wet.
  3. For greater effect, the area of ​​contamination can be wrapped with film.
  4. After the smell of urine disappears, wash the sofa with soapy water. Dilute 1 tbsp in 1 liter of warm water. a spoonful of carpet cleaner, upholstery cleaner or just dishwashing detergent. Use a sponge or rag.
  5. Blot away moisture with napkins or towels. Dry the sofa, creating optimal conditions: air movement and warmth.

If the stains are old and the amount of dirt is very large, you will have to carry out the cleaning procedure 3-4 times. But a clean sofa is definitely worth it!

Child on the potty near the sofa

Subtleties of urine removal

Urine is a complex type of pollution. In addition to the fact that it leaves a specific smell, there are many other nuances. You need to follow a number of rules so as not to aggravate the situation:

  • Clean up fresh urine immediately. Seconds count. The longer you wait, the deeper it penetrates and the stronger it is absorbed. As a last resort, blot the puddle with a rag (you can always wash it, unlike a sofa).
  • Do not use questionable methods and means to remove urine. It is very easy to seal in fabric. Then even special means may be ineffective.
  • Do not heat contaminated areas. Do not use a steam generator, iron, hair dryer.The heat bonds the uric acid crystals to the material even more. First you need to neutralize them, and only then use the above-mentioned devices, if such a need arises.

If you have to care for an elderly person, you should think about buying a washing vacuum cleaner. With its help, it is much easier to clean and clean the sleeping area from stains and urine smell. Fill the device with a urine destroyer and simply run it over the sofa. The cleaning composition under pressure will penetrate deep into the sofa, destroy the dirt, and then the vacuum cleaner will suck everything back.

Folk remedies for urine odor - peroxide, soda, laundry soap

Folk remedies for urine odor

Before using recipes from the people, you should think a hundred times. After trying to remove stains and the smell of human urine on your own, no dry cleaner will give a 100% guarantee of its work. Therefore, if you are considering the option of professional processing, it is better to resort to it immediately and not tempt fate.

Folk remedies used to remove urine odor:

  • Laundry soap. Contains a large amount of alkali, disinfects and removes foreign odors. Wet the soap and lather with a sponge. Squeeze it until a thick foam forms. Rub this foam into the affected bed and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
  • Vinegar. Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Soak a sponge and apply to areas with urine odor. Immediately wipe away the moisture with an old terry towel, pressing firmly on the sofa. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times. Remove the solution from the surface and dry the sofa.
  • Soda. Mix 5 tbsp. spoons of baking soda with 2 tbsp. spoons of water and 1 teaspoon of detergent. Rub the paste into the stained areas using a brush. Wait 1.5–2 hours. Wash the upholstery using a sponge and warm water.
  • Potassium permanganate. Suitable for dark materials only. Dilute potassium permanganate with water to a homogeneous, slightly pink solution. Soak the urine stain. After 5-10 minutes, rinse off the solution with warm water and a sponge.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Prepare a solution of 200 ml water, 2 tbsp. spoons of peroxide, 2 tbsp. spoons of soda and 1 tbsp. spoons of washing powder. Apply to the surface of the sofa for 30 minutes. Rinse the surface with warm water.
  • Combined method. Soak yellow urine stains with apple cider vinegar (spray from a spray bottle). After 3 hours, cover these areas with a layer of baking soda. Mix 150 ml of water, 30 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap in a faceted glass. Apply through a spray bottle onto the baking soda. Foam will form, which must be wiped off immediately with a dry cloth.

Before using any remedy, be it folk or chemical, conduct a test in an inconspicuous place. The fact is that the upholstery of upholstered furniture varies. Not all fabrics react equally well even to seemingly harmless vinegar and soda. Wet a piece of upholstery with the mixture and rub it with a white cloth. If it is not stained and the fabric itself has not lost its appearance, you can use the selected recipe.

When caring for an elderly person, you should think about preventive measures. Use sanitary sheets that absorb urine and prevent soiling of the sofa. Maintain personal hygiene: wash and dry your relative’s skin, apply protective creams to it. To refresh the smell in the room, you need to frequently ventilate the room, get rid of trash, and regularly carry out wet cleaning with disinfectants.You can place citrus peels in beautiful pots around the perimeter of the room or drop 5-6 drops of aromatic oils into a jar of soda. But, of course, first you need to remove all urine stains and neutralize odors. Our recommendations and recipes will solve the problem 100%!

Have you tried any urine odor remedy and it didn't work? Tell your story in the comments!
  1. Alexandra

    Removed the smell of urine using baking soda, detergent and water.


