How to choose the right dust remover for regular cleaning?
There are a lot of factors that stimulate the rapid accumulation of dust on horizontal and vertical surfaces in the house, and it is impossible to completely eliminate their impact. In order not to carry out wet cleaning every day, but at the same time slow down the formation of dirt, you need to choose a suitable dust remover and use it correctly.
Today there are many industrial products designed to cover furniture, but one should not discount time-tested folk remedies. In some cases, they turn out to be even better than their professional counterparts.
Recommendations that, if followed, will reduce the amount of dust on furniture
Housewives who believe that just using polishes with an antistatic effect will be enough to maintain order at home are greatly mistaken. No one has canceled regular cleaning and it must be carried out strictly according to specific rules:
- You need to move from top to bottom, otherwise the dust, removed from the upper tiers last, will cover the already processed pieces of furniture.
- Textiles will need to be washed regularly. If they are not marked by the presence of contaminants, they need to be shaken out and knocked out.
- Carpets and similar flooring options should be cleaned and upholstered at least 3-4 times a year. And in the summer it’s better to remove them altogether.
- You need to vacuum or sweep the premises at least once every 2-3 days, even if there are no carpets or rugs.
- Books should be stored on closed shelves. If they are fenced off with glass, the elements must be tightly ground in, without cracks or gaps.
- Surfaces can be wiped and sprayed with specialized products only after standard cleaning. If you neglect this rule, the dust will not go anywhere. Its particles will stick together, forming a dense coating of dirt.
In order not to spoil functional and decorative furnishings during the cleaning process, all specialized products must be used strictly for their intended purpose. Universal products, equally suitable for processing textiles, walls and furniture, exist, but are not of high quality. It is better to stock up on a set of specialized compounds and use them strictly for their intended purpose.
Effective devices as the main remedy for dust
Effective dust removal products are not only antistatic polishes and impregnations, but also the most common tools that can be found in any home. Without their involvement in the process, you should not count on the desired result.
- Rags and napkins. They can only be made of cotton. It is this material that absorbs water better than others, gently removes dirt and does not leave scratches on smooth types of coating.
- Mop. Ideal for removing dust in remote and hard-to-reach areas.
Tip: To make the dust control process as easy as possible, it is recommended to purchase a special mop-brush with removable attachments for any type of coating. It is compact, runs on batteries, copes with even the most stubborn dirt, polishes surfaces, preventing dust from settling.
- Broom. You can’t do without it if you have to work with embossed surfaces. The main thing is to clean the device regularly, otherwise there will be little current from it.
- Vacuum cleaner. Universal unit for dust control. The best option would be a compact washing vacuum cleaner with various attachments. It significantly speeds up the cleaning process and improves its quality.
- Humidifier. It releases moisture, which binds dust particles and makes them heavier, forcing them to fall onto horizontal surfaces. After this, dust stains become more noticeable; all that remains is to wipe them with damp cloths.
- Plants. Green spaces such as chlorophytum attract dust, clearing the air space. Most of the particles are absorbed by the flower, and the remainder settles on the leaves.
In addition, regular washing of textiles with the addition of antistatic substances, ventilation of the room and high-quality drying of all decorative elements are required.
How to wipe furniture to prevent dust from settling and accumulating
When choosing a suitable product, you need to know what surface it is intended for. Before using the composition, it is recommended to read the instructions, otherwise, instead of the desired effect of repelling dust, the decorative elements will be covered with a dense coating.
- Polish for furniture. In their composition you can find components with degreasing properties, antiseptics, and antistatics. After treatment, the surface does not stick, so dust does not settle on it, but slides off. An additional advantage of the preparations is that they add shine to varnished and polished surfaces.
- Antistatic for TVs and computers. A special type of preparation containing components that repel dust and dirt even from an electrified surface.It is recommended to give preference to products that can be used with the equipment turned on and do not require subsequent treatment with napkins.
- Intensive universal sprays. Multicomponent compositions that can eliminate static, kill mites, and reduce the activity of allergens. They are so active that they are used no more than once every six months. They are usually used to treat textiles, walls, and carpets.
- Impregnations for upholstered furniture. Professional products that are simply sprayed over the surface of the object, covering it with a protective film. The only drawback is that the products will have to be cleaned at least once every six months so that the product does not turn into a dense coating.
- Vinegar-based folk remedies. As a last resort, you need to mix a quarter glass of 9% vinegar, two teaspoons of olive oil and a couple of drops of any ether with a glass of cool water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray over the furniture.
These measures will not get rid of dust completely, but they will significantly reduce its amount and simplify the cleaning process.