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Why shouldn't you wash your jeans often?

Denim clothing has thoroughly entered the everyday wardrobe of a modern person. This practical fabric has made our life convenient and comfortable. Do we know how often we should wash jeans?

Denim products do not need to be washed daily. Moreover, frequent washing spoils jeans: the fabric becomes thinner, becomes dull, turns pale, and loses elasticity. Experts recommend washing a new denim item two weeks after purchase and then at the same intervals to preserve the original color.

Label on jeans with washing instructions

What affects the frequency of washing?

Denim material - denim - is a durable and fairly wear-resistant fabric. It was originally used to make clothes for miners in the Western United States. Such clothes had to be washed no more than once a month.

Modern denim - especially that used for women's clothing - is not as rough as its original version. However, you should not increase the frequency of hygiene procedures for these clothes unless absolutely necessary.

However, there are factors that influence the reduction of the period between washes. Let's name the main ones:

  • Season. In rainy and humid weather, the likelihood of getting your favorite jeans dirty increases several times.
  • Individual characteristics of the body (for example, increased sweating). This indicator is difficult to regulate; it remains to eliminate the consequences in a timely manner.
  • Nature of work. If jeans are used as work wear, contamination occurs much faster.
  • Unforeseen contamination. Everyone has met them at least once in their life. This includes splashes from a car driving through a puddle, and a melted ice cream falling on your knees.
  • Fabric type. High-quality material is doubly pleasant to wear, because one of its additional advantages is the ability not to absorb dirt upon contact with it. It has been noticed that the lower the quality of the fabric, the faster it gets dirty.
  • Pets. If there are animals in the house, prepare clothes in which you can go for a walk with your pet without worrying about keeping it clean.
  • Children. You should also not wear your favorite jeans for walks with children.

The girls washed their jeans

Why is it better not to wash too often?

For jeans to be your favorite thing in your wardrobe, you need not only to choose a model that matches your figure, but also to properly care for them.

When washing denim clothes frequently, the following occurs:

  • loss of the original color of the product (by several tones);
  • decrease in tissue density (becomes soft);
  • wear of the material (low level of strength).

In addition, washing powders and bleaches used in washing become an aggressive environment for denim clothing, shortening its service life.

For such fabric, it is advisable to use laundry soap and a soft bristle brush. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. The product requires gentle hand pressing. The “male approach” - throwing it in the washing machine and remembering to turn on the drying mode - in this case greatly reduces the service life of denim pants. We must not forget that quality care = long wear.

Different models of jeans

Doctors' opinion

It turns out that cleanliness in the house, surrounding things, clothes is not always good, and sometimes even dangerous.According to scientists, being in a sterile environment can make a person sensitive to the appearance and development of allergies and asthma.

Dr. Robert Wood, co-author of the immunological study and head of the department of allergy and immunology at the Johns Hopkins Center in Baltimore, insists that people who did not care much about the ideal cleanliness of their surroundings were not actually harming themselves.

Study participants lived in rooms where certain bacteria and various allergens were present, but among them there were no people suffering from allergies or bronchial obstruction.

So, denim clothes do not need to be washed often. If a small stain appears on your jeans, just use a soft brush without putting the entire item in the washing machine.

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