Is it possible to wash shoes in a washing machine and which one?
The appearance of the boots is sometimes depressing: it seems that no amount of manual cleaning can remove this dirt from the soles and, even worse, dark marks on the insoles and the smell of sweat! The first thing you want to do is put the shoes in the drum, pour in more powder and set the washing mode to aggressive. But don't rush!
Instead of a clean pair, you can get a completely damaged product. Let's figure out which shoes can be washed in a machine, and which ones are best kept away from household appliances.
What shoes can't be washed?
The list of shoes that cannot be machine washed is much longer than the list of shoes that are safe to machine wash. Read the list carefully and don’t get upset ahead of time: your boots can be washed in other ways!
What is NOT machine washable:
- Don't even think about winter shoes with fur insulation! The fur becomes matted, the boots will no longer be comfortable and warm.
- Leather shoes, both natural and leatherette. This material is easily deformed when washed in a machine.
- Boots made of nubuck and suede will get ruined the first time and go in the trash.
- Membrane shoes are very easily damaged by water.
- Even if the shoe material can withstand washing, the presence of rhinestones, beads, ribbons and other decor on it that is held on by the adhesive layer is already a contraindication. In this case, it is better to give preference to hand washing.
Special products are sold to care for patent, nubuck, and leather shoes. These are cleaning foams, impregnations, deodorants that eliminate odor and bacteria.
What can be washed
Don't be afraid to put good quality sports shoes into the drum: running sneakers, canvas sneakers. In the same list we include other types of textile shoes: moccasins, ballet flats, ugg boots and even house slippers.
Leather sports shoes are not machine washable.
Advice from magazine: even if the material theoretically survives machine washing, take your time and inspect the boots. If there are cracks on the adhesive seam and sole, or holes, it is better not to risk it and wash it by hand.
By the way, wash your shoes no more than 1-2 times a month so as not to shorten their service life. After walking, take a couple of minutes to clean away dirt and dust so that they do not eat into the fabric.
How to wash shoes in an automatic washing machine
Before washing, do not forget to inspect your shoes for defects. If they exist, even a delicate machine mode will aggravate the situation.
To get started, a little preparation is required:
- Remove any dirt stuck to the soles with a brush or damp cloth. There may be small stones that will come off in the washer and damage the drum.
- Take off your laces. They are washed separately, it is not difficult.
- Pull out the insoles. If they are simple, wash them together with sneakers or in a basin; if they are orthopedic, limit yourself to careful cleaning by hand.
- It is better to pre-soak excessively dirty fabric or shoes that have not been washed in a soapy solution, or rub the affected areas with laundry soap.
To ensure that everything stretches well and nothing breaks, place no more than two pairs in the drum for one wash cycle, or better yet, only one! Don't forget to separate your shoes into light and dark ones. And never wash your shoes with your clothes, much less underwear—it’s not hygienic.
How to wash fabric shoes in a machine correctly:
- To begin, pack a pair of boots in a protective mesh bag with plastic ribs or rings. It is needed in order to reduce the force of impacts on the drum and protect both the device and shoes. Containers for washing shoes are sold in sports and household stores, on online sites and are inexpensive (much cheaper than repairing a machine).
- What program are the sneakers washed in: if there is a “sports shoes” mode, then choose it; if not, delicate / gentle / hand wash is suitable.
- There is no longer any reason to use granular washing powder: it is difficult to rinse out of materials and clogs the drain in the machine. Use gel or portioned capsules. You should not replace special detergents with dishwashing gel, shampoo, etc. - they all foam too much and harm the device.
- It is allowed to use bleach for white fabrics or oxygen stain remover for colored ones.
- At what degrees are shoes safe in water? Sneakers and sneakers are washed at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. Even the strongest adhesive joint can be damaged by hot water.
- It is better to turn off the spin. Accelerated rotation harms both the shoe and the drum - a heavy sole from rapid movement can damage the protective glass.
- But rinsing the shoes again won’t hurt: this way there won’t be any unsightly stains from the detergent left on the fabric.
- Among the prohibitions is machine drying.Hot air deforms your favorite pair of shoes.
Be prepared for the wash to be noisier than a regular laundry cycle. This is normal, the shoes are still heavy and the soles are hard.
Wet the laces and insoles and thoroughly rub them with soap. Leave them in the soapy solution (you can use hot water here) while the machine washes the sneakers.
To prevent your boots from losing their shape, stuff them with crumpled newspaper or paper while drying.
It is better to dry shoes naturally: without radiators, hair dryers, or sunlight. Leave the couple in a ventilated area, for example, on a closed balcony.
And finally, a few more tips on washing and care:
- If something doesn’t wash out, don’t rush to put the pair in the machine again. Increased loads will ruin the material. Try using a spot remover or folk remedies, for example, a 1:1 solution of ammonia or soda slurry.
- Wear clean socks made from natural materials to avoid excessive sweating.
- To eliminate odors, leave a tea bag in your shoes overnight.
- Insert insoles and laces only after they are completely dry.
- A melamine sponge works great for cleaning white rubber soles.
- Use water-repellent impregnations.
- Shoes that are prohibited from machine and hand washing require even more careful care: remove dirt from them and wipe the inside with disinfectants every time after use.
Do not forget to look at the information on the shoe label and take into account all prohibiting signs. It’s better to go to the extra trouble of hand washing or dry cleaning than to ruin an expensive item in a matter of minutes.
Well, I have a special mode in my hotpoint for washing shoes, so no problem)