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What should not be kept in the bathroom to avoid getting sick: 7 things that are “bad” in the bathroom

We have a separate bathroom. However, the bathroom cannot be called sterile. I clean it often, and every time the water after washing is gray-yellow. This made me wonder if I was doing the right thing by keeping a razor, towels and some other things in the bathroom. This is what my grandmother and mother did, and following their example, I kept all the soap and soap accessories there. I began to study the opinions of experts and scientists, and realized that it was time to get rid of some habits.


A damp environment and darkness in the bathroom encourage the growth of pathogens on your toothbrush. It is especially dangerous to store brushes from several family members in one cup. Such a habit will lead to the fact that the family will get sick in a circle if one person becomes infected with something. To avoid this, it is important to use individual covers or caps for toothbrushes. And store brushes correctly in a dry room, for example, in the bedroom.


Shaving machines

If your razor gets dull quickly and causes severe irritation after shaving, I have the answer to why this happens. All from the fact that shaving machines need to be stored dry. The metal on the blades in the bathroom quickly rusts and becomes covered with a coating of microparticles of washing powder and detergents. And if the machine is not properly washed or disinfected, the result is a ticking time bomb. It is not safe to use such a razor.

Shaving machines

Perfumes, especially expensive ones

All my perfumes and my husband’s colognes also had no place in the bathroom. Although it is convenient, wash yourself and immediately put on perfume. But the aroma of perfume in a humid environment quickly fizzles out. And all the time I attributed the faint smell to the fact that the perfume suited me well. Then, they say, you don’t feel it. But no. I checked it specifically: I bought a new bottle and put it in the closet in the bedroom. I've been using it for a month and I feel the sillage well.



Many women already know that decorative cosmetics should not be stored in the bathroom. Another thing is body and face creams, patches and fabric masks. I like to take a bath, apply a mask to my hair, creams on my face and body, and stick patches under my eyes. 15 minutes, and you leave the bathroom looking beautiful. The truth is that some skincare products deteriorate quickly in a damp environment. The shelf life is almost halved. I only keep cleansers in the bathroom. I moved everything else to the closet in the bedroom, and the patches and fabric masks to the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.



There should also be no clean towels in the bathroom. They get damp here, accumulate mold spores, and begin to smell bad. When using them, the body may become covered with pimples. After washing, be sure to hang the towel on the heated towel rail. When it dries, you can hang it on a hook located nearby (away from taps and household chemicals). Used towels must be washed 1-2 times a week, no matter how many times you have dried with them (even if never). If there is no heated towel rail or it is too weak, you must definitely transfer the towels to the dryer or dry them on the balcony.

Towels in the bathroom


Putting a medicine cabinet in the bathroom seemed like a good idea for my husband and I to save space.In addition, in many films, characters hold medicines over the sink. It turned out that this idea is only suitable for medicines in tightly closed bottles and containers. Tablets in paper packaging, cotton wool, bandages, and cold powders can absorb moisture and deteriorate. They need dryness and room temperature.

First aid kit with medicines in the bathroom


Storing combs in the bathroom is a direct path to dandruff and itching in your hair. Just like on toothbrushes, germs and bacteria multiply on the teeth of combs. In conditions of high humidity and darkness, this happens several times faster than in a dry room. It is correct to store combs in the light where there is air movement.

My family has been living under the new rules for a year now. All of the above items moved to a new place - the bedroom. There were no problems with medications or perfume. But toothbrushes, machines and cosmetics periodically “ran back” back. It was very unusual to carry them with you every time. The repair helped.

Combs and hair dryer

We dismantled the old shelf and replaced it with a closed cabinet that holds only the bare minimum of things. I can say that the scientists turned out to be right: we really began to get sick less and infect each other, machines, cosmetics and perfumes last longer, towels and washcloths always smell nice, and there is not a pimple on our bodies.

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