Rules for storing salted lard in the refrigerator
Fresh lard can be stored for only a day, but has a very delicate taste. The salted product is stored much longer, which is why in Rus' they stocked up with salted lard in case of a lack of fresh meat.
Buy thick lard from the back or sides. Thin belly fat is hard and tasteless.
Arachidonic acid contained in the product activates brain function and improves blood circulation. Shake, bacon and other store-bought products will not benefit the body. The highest concentration of nutrients is found under the skin (1-2 cm). In order for the body to benefit from this dish, the product must be homemade and environmentally friendly. Having visited the market or received a gift from their village, you need to know how to store lard so that it remains soft and tasty.
General storage recommendations
Without salt, it is not recommended to store lard in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours. A salted product can be stored much longer. When salting it is very difficult to over-salt it. Like red fish, it does not absorb more salt than necessary. If you have never salted lard before, know that the procedure is simple. For 1 kg of product, 100 g of salt is enough. A piece of bacon should be rubbed with salt, placed in an airtight container and left in a cool place for at least three days. When taking the sample, start cutting off the top layer. If it is under-salted, leave the product in the container for another three days.
The second pickling option is more refined.In this case, the bacon should be cut into layers or cuts should be made in a large piece at a distance of 5 cm. Mix 100 g of salt, 10 g of black pepper and 5 cloves of grated garlic. You can add dried herbs and your favorite spices to taste. Rub the bacon with a mixture of pepper and salt, not forgetting about the cuts into which you need to put the grated garlic. After 5 days the product is ready for use.
Lard salted according to both recipes is stored in a cool place (for example, in the pantry) or in the refrigerator. It is better to use an airtight container or enamel bowl for this. The shelf life of bacon with the first salting option is 6 weeks. Lard with garlic and pepper can be stored for about 4 weeks. You need to freeze it either in an airtight container or tightly wrapped in cling film. Shelf life in the freezer is 1 year or more. It is better to immediately cut the product into pieces convenient for defrosting. If re-frozen, its quality will deteriorate significantly.
A popular way of storing bacon in villages is salting it in a jar. The three-liter jar is thoroughly washed and dried. The inside walls are rubbed with a clove of garlic. Washed and dried raw lard is cut into pieces 5 by 5 cm. You need to pour salt into the bottom of the jar, then pieces of bacon, add salt again, and so on to the top. In this form, the product should be stored either in a refrigerator or in a cool place. Shelf life – up to one year.
Lard in brine
To salt 2 kg of bacon you will need:
- 1 liter of water;
- 4 bay leaves;
- 1 glass of salt;
- head of garlic;
- 5 black peppercorns.
Cut the garlic into thin slices, rather than passing it through a special press. Rinse the bacon, cut it into medium-sized pieces (no larger than the neck of a jar). Boil water with salt. Place pepper and bay leaf at the bottom of the jar.Each piece must be rubbed with garlic and placed in a bottle. The pieces must not be compacted; there must be layers of air between them. Pour the salt solution over the bacon and leave the jar at room temperature for 2 days without covering it with a lid. After the specified time, tightly close the jar and hide it in the refrigerator for 1 week.
After a week, the pieces of bacon should be removed from the brine, blotted with a clean towel and placed in an airtight container. It is advisable to wrap them in paper. This dish can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month. Best storage option: Divide the lard into individual portions, wrap in parchment paper and place in the freezer. Even after a year, thawed lard will be fragrant and soft. It is perfect for preparing soups, borscht and other dishes.
The fresher the product, the healthier and tastier it is. Long-term storage of bacon is a necessary measure for those who immediately received supplies of the product. If you have the opportunity, buy fresh lard every week.
Grandma always salted lard in brine. Unfortunately, the recipe has not survived. I'll try to make it according to the recipe from the article.