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Is it possible to freeze Adyghe cheese: how to do it correctly, shelf life

Lactic acid products can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3-5 days. In this regard, the question arises whether it is possible to store Adyghe cheese in the freezer. Culinary experts give an affirmative answer. This product tolerates freezing well without loss of taste, except that the consistency deteriorates somewhat. After defrosting, Adyghe cheese becomes loose and may crumble. It is no longer used fresh, but added to various dishes.

Fresh Adyghe cheese

Can it be frozen and at what temperature?

Not all types of cheese tolerate freezing well. You can freeze them, but you won’t want to use them after defrosting. The product will be completely different. Fortunately, Adyghe cheese changes its properties little after storage at sub-zero temperatures.The difference in taste between fresh and defrosted product is almost not noticeable.

But few people want to eat a product that has been stored for a long time. After all, you can always buy fresh cheese. Thawed Adyghe is rarely used unchanged; more often it is fried, added to soups, dumplings, baked goods, and sauces. The storage temperature in the freezer affects the safety of the product. The cheese will practically not change its consistency if stored at -1-5° C.

Freezing cheese

A freezer temperature of -18°C or lower will negatively affect the structure of the fermented product. This type of cheese contains a lot of moisture; during shock freezing, the water turns into ice crystals, which destroy the homogeneous cheese mass. It is strictly not recommended to freeze smoked product.

How to freeze

You can freeze Adyghe cheese in different ways. Some people do it in one big piece. Some people cut the cheese into cubes, slices, or grate it to make it more convenient to use it during cooking later.

General rules

The basic rule is to ensure that the cheese is sealed in airtight packaging. This will affect the safety of the product and prevent it from absorbing foreign odors. Plastic containers with a lid or heavy-duty plastic bags with a zipper work best.

Adyghe cheese

You should pay attention to other points:

  • the cheese should not be stale, without changes in taste;
  • it is better to freeze the product with a minimum moisture content so that its structure does not deteriorate during storage;
  • Adyghe cheese cannot be frozen together with other cheeses; each type must be placed in a separate package;
  • It is advisable to place a piece of sugar at the bottom of the container, which will absorb excess moisture;
  • The container should contain the amount of cheese that can be defrosted at one time.

A sticker with the date of packaging must be affixed to the packaging. This will allow you to track shelf life and use the product on time.

Whole piece

If you are going to freeze a large part of a head of Adyghe cheese, it is better to cut it into several pieces and wrap each of them in cling film before placing it in a container. In this case, the product will freeze evenly, and after defrosting it can be used in a short time. A thawed piece will retain its properties for 4-5 days, after which it will begin to rapidly deteriorate.


The cheese is cut into cubes to be used as a semi-finished product. No more than 100-200 g of product is placed in one package to be used for adding to dishes at a time. Slicing is done on a clean wooden or plastic board. It is important to know that the smaller the size of the cubes, the shorter they will be stored. Product that is cut too finely dries out faster. The optimal size is 2x2 cm.

Adyghe cheese diced


Cutting in the form of slices is done when it is intended to fry slices of cheese in the future, or to use the product for making pizza or hot sandwiches. Each slice should be wrapped in a sheet of parchment paper before placing in the freezer. Then the slices in the container will not stick together.

Adyghe cheese sliced


Adyghe cheese can be grated in advance on a coarse grater. After defrosting, the product is suitable for use as a filling for dough products. The crushed cheese mass is added to sauces, soups, casseroles, and pizza. The portion of the product should be such that it can be used at one time.

Grated Adyghe cheese

Shelf life

You can store Adyghe cheese in the freezer for up to 2-3 months if the temperature in the chamber is maintained at a level from 0° to -5° C. If severely frozen, the product will last no more than a week without loss of properties. It will be better to store cheese in vacuum packaging, bought in a store, if it is not damaged.

Freezing can be avoided if the dairy product is stored in brine. Under such conditions, Adyghe cheese will not spoil in the refrigerator for up to 75 days. Only glass containers are suitable for this storage method. You can prepare the solution yourself using 2 liters of clean water, 8 ml of calcium chloride (30%), 10 ml of 5% white vinegar and 400 g of salt without adding iodine.

Defrosting rules

To defrost, do not remove the cheese from the freezer and keep it at room temperature until thawed. A sharp temperature change will lead to loss of product quality. First, the cheese is transferred to the refrigerator, where it is left for a day. After smooth defrosting, the pieces will retain their shape and the taste will not be affected.

Signs of damage

Due to improper conditions and violation of shelf life, the product may deteriorate. Typical signs of spoilage of Adyghe cheese:

  • the pulp acquires an uneven color, turning yellowish in places;
  • when you press on a piece, a deep dent appears;
  • dark or whitish inclusions may appear;
  • the taste of the cheese becomes unpleasant, too sour.

If the product was stored in brine, the liquid becomes cloudy and dark. Expired Adyghe cheese contains an excessive amount of tryptophan. In large quantities, the amino acid can cause severe headaches and symptoms of poisoning - nausea, vomiting, stool upset, stomach pain.

Freezing errors

When freezing a product for the first time, you can make a number of mistakes. The most common mistakes:

  1. Use cling film as a wrapper. If stored in this way for a long time, the cheese will acquire an unpleasant “plastic” taste, which will no longer be possible to get rid of.
  2. Freeze in large pieces. Once thawed, the product will be difficult to use immediately. As a result, most of it will have to be thrown away due to accelerated deterioration.
  3. Avoid shredding pizza cheese, dressings and sauces before freezing. The crushed mass can be immediately added to the dish without waiting for thawing. If you don’t do this, then you’ll have to wait a day, and then grate the cheese or cut it into cubes.

The biggest mistake would be to use cheese after the expiration date. If the delay is small, it is worth assessing the organoleptic properties of the product before adding it to food. Exceeding the storage period by 2-3 days will not be critical.

Questions and answers

What Adyghe cheese can be considered high quality?

A quality product should not contain anything other than milk, whey, enzyme and salt. Natural ingredients will bring exceptional benefits to the body.

What color should the “right” product have?

Adygei cheese can be white, slightly yellowish or creamy. All three colors are considered a variant of the norm. In this case, the original color should not change during storage.

Is a dry crust acceptable on the surface of a cheese wheel?

No. Normally, Adyghe cheese has an elastic consistency and a fairly high percentage of moisture. If the product's shelf life has not expired, a dry crust on its surface indicates improper storage conditions and possible spoilage.It's better not to buy such a product.

Why can cheese spoil even in the freezer?

Of course, freezing will prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. It may not lead to poisoning from over-seasoned cheese. However, its taste and texture will be greatly affected. The product will become too dry and begin to crumble.

Is it possible to improve the taste of the product after defrosting?

There is a method that any housewife can try. You can give cheese slices as close to their original appearance and taste as possible by placing them after defrosting in a bowl of warm milk for 1.5-2 hours.

How to freeze grated cheese without it sticking together?

Do not fill the bag to capacity with cheese shavings. It is laid out inside, spreading in a thin layer. It is not advisable to store cheese shavings in a container.

What are the benefits of Adyghe cheese?

The product of this variety is superior in calcium content to such types of cheese as feta and feta cheese. Adyghe is used for dieting for weight loss. It is useful for pregnant and lactating women. Cheese has a low calorie content, the absence of harmful additives and a high content of nutrients.

What soups can this type of cheese be added to?

The fermented product additive is suitable for vegetable and mushroom soup. The first course with a cheese addition, which includes green beans, cauliflower, and dill, will be very tasty. The network offers a recipe for soup with Adyghe cheese, champignons, noodles and carrots, as well as a dish of tomatoes, canned peas, sour cream and cheese cubes.

How to fry defrosted Adyghe cheese to make it delicious?

For this, in addition to the slices, you will need breadcrumbs, 1 egg and olive oil for frying.To serve at the festive table, add some sesame seeds to the breading. The cheese slices are pricked with a fork and dipped into a bowl of beaten egg.

After this, the slices are immediately breaded and placed in a frying pan with heated olive oil. In a couple of minutes over medium heat, the cheese will be covered with a golden crust. Then you need to turn the slice over and fry the same amount. The snack is eaten hot.

Adygei cheese, like some other varieties, can be frozen and stored at the right temperature for up to 2-3 months. The defrosted product is used in cooking for dishes that require heat treatment. If the slices show signs of spoilage, it is better not to eat the product.

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