At what temperature should potatoes be stored so that they are tasty and do not spoil?
If we are talking about what temperature to store potatoes at, +2...+4 degrees are considered ideal. But with the condition that the healing and cooling stages of storage are first completed.
Why is temperature important?
The safety of the potato crop depends on the temperature in the storage. If it is too warm, the tubers will receive a signal that spring is coming and will germinate ahead of time. At sub-zero temperatures, the starch contained in the vegetable is converted into sugar. The processes of freezing and deterioration will begin.
Compliance with the temperature regime is necessary for long-term storage of potatoes, preservation of taste, density, and beneficial properties.
Potato storage temperature
In the first 8-10 days, the tubers are stored at a temperature of +12...+18 degrees with free access of air and humidity 90-95%. Several times a day they are ventilated with warm air for half an hour. If the peel is not strong enough, the treatment period is extended to 2-3 weeks.During the cooling stage, the temperature is reduced by 1 degree per day until the recommended values of t +2+4°C are reached.
Optimal temperature
The optimal temperature is considered to be constant and uniform throughout the entire height of the embankment +2…+4 degrees.
To maintain it, the potatoes are periodically ventilated for short periods. Ventilation allows you to remove excess heat generated during the respiration of vegetables and change the air in the space between the tubers. The ventilation is turned on for half an hour 2-3 times a week, while not forgetting to maintain relative humidity.
Minimum and maximum temperature
The lowest but still acceptable storage temperature for potatoes is +2°C. If the indicator drops to 0°C, starch is converted into sugar. At -2°C, ice crystals form in the tissues and the potatoes freeze.
Maximum storage temperature – +8°С. Already here the tubers begin to lose moisture due to intense respiration and can slowly germinate. But if you need to preserve vegetables for a short period of time (2-3 months), this temperature regime is appropriate.
Research results:
Storage conditions
To preserve the potato harvest, it is important to comply with all technological growing processes, in particular, protection from diseases and pests, the use of the right fertilizers, timely collection of tubers, drying, culling of diseased and severely damaged specimens. Certain varieties are suitable for winter storage.
Storage conditions:
- Before storing potatoes, the storage, containers and equipment are thoroughly disinfected.
- A separate container must be prepared for each variety.
- From the moment of excavation, exposure to sunlight is not allowed.Potatoes are stored exclusively in a dark room or covered.
- The optimum temperature is maintained at +2+4°C.
- The air humidity in the room is regulated - 70-95%.
- Ventilation with outside air is required.
In the apartment
Tubers can be stored in an apartment for a short time (up to 1 month). For storage, a room remote from the kitchen and heating system is suitable - a pantry, a corridor. The potatoes are placed in light-proof bags or boxes, and they try to use them as soon as possible, before they begin to flabby and dry out.
On the balcony
Dried potatoes are placed in boxes and covered with a cloth. You can use fabric bags that allow air to pass through. Be sure to store it at a height of 10-15 cm from the floor to prevent freezing. If the balcony is glazed, the temperature drop is usually not critical. When it gets cold, supplies are covered with a blanket. Monitoring the temperature on the balcony is important. If it drops to 0...-1 and below, the potatoes are brought into the room. For better preservation of vegetables, the balcony is insulated or boxes lined with thermal insulation materials are used.
In the cellar
At home, a cellar is recommended for winter storage. The storage temperature of potatoes in the cellar most of the time is +4…+6 degrees. There is an important point - there should be no serious temperature changes.
If the cellar is too warm in the fall and the temperature is below zero in winter, care should be taken to protect it from the external environment. Insulating materials and various insulation materials are used so that external temperature indicators do not affect the temperature inside. First of all, all cracks except ventilation ones are sealed. Instead of one hatch, they make two.The air cushion between them helps maintain the necessary t.
Temperature violation
If the recommended storage temperature is not observed, the following may occur:
- rapid spread of white, black, gray rot, especially in cases where the tubers have mechanical damage;
- if the temperature is too high, stocks can be quickly destroyed by wet bacterial rot;
- elevated storage temperatures promote the development of fusarium dry rot;
- the eyes become active, roots sprout, the tubers turn green and become unsuitable for consumption;
- at high rates, intense loss of moisture occurs, potatoes lose their elasticity and nutrients;
- at low levels the potatoes become sweet;
- at minus temperatures it freezes slightly, and after thawing it begins to rot from the inside.
Fluctuations in indicators are also considered a violation of the temperature regime. Potato immunity and disease resistance are reduced. There is a loss of taste.
Question answer
What to do with frozen potatoes?
Potatoes that have frozen slightly must be eaten as quickly as possible. If the core is light, the tubers can be boiled. Don't wait for them to thaw, but start cleaning as soon as the top layers soften. After thawing, irreversible processes will begin.
The potatoes started to hurt, what should I do?
Tubers with signs of disease should be discarded, and those located nearby should be treated with dry powdered chalk. If the temperature is higher than recommended, it needs to be lowered.
Potatoes are a seasonal product. It is important to keep it fresh for a long period of time, to try to reduce losses from spoilage and deterioration in quality.The keeping quality of tubers depends on the temperature in storage, humidity, concentration of oxygen, carbon dioxide and ethylene released by vegetables and fruits. Temperature is the main factor influencing spoilage and weight loss of potatoes. By adjusting this indicator, you will be able to preserve supplies for a long time.