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How long to preserve food without refrigeration: options for a summer house, picnic and long trip

With the arrival of hot weather, many people do not want to stay in city apartments and go to the countryside. And if the owners of comfortable cottages do not face the question of how to preserve food in the summer without a refrigerator in the house or on the site, then for those whose housing is not equipped with the necessary equipment, it is relevant. And first of all, you need to take care of perishable provisions.

Methods for storing food without refrigeration

Methods for storing food without refrigeration

Solving the problem is simple if there is a cellar on the site. It is enough to lower the supplies there, having previously packed them in tightly closed containers and jars in case the ubiquitous rodents make their way into the underground storage. It is better not to use bags; polyethylene is not a serious barrier to sharp claws and teeth.

But when there is no cellar, you have to look for other options. There are many of them, and housewives can only choose the most suitable one.


This method has been popular since time immemorial. The water in underground springs is very cold, the temperature rarely exceeds +6-8 C°. In such conditions, food will be preserved no worse than in the refrigerator.

Storing food in a well

You need to pack the provisions in waterproof bags, put them in a bucket, cover with a lid and lower them into the well so that the container is about half in the water. There is no need to “heat” the container, otherwise the food will get wet.

Mini cellar

If there is no cellar on the site, you can equip a simplified version of it. You will need a barrel, preferably a plastic one, and some time.

You need to choose a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate and dig a hole. Its dimensions should exceed the diameter of the barrel by 40-50 cm, and the height by 20-30 cm. Cover the bottom of the recess with sand, and place the barrel on top. Fill the side gaps with earth, and you can place food supplies in the makeshift cellar.

Mini cellar

But such a device has one significant drawback - not only rodents, but also pets can detect provisions. Therefore, you need to prepare a suitable lid for the barrel in advance. And for additional protection, the pit can be covered with boards, a sheet of slate or metal.

Atmospheric refrigerator

If a young and strong man can easily cope with arranging a mini-cellar, then for a woman or an elderly couple this task may become impossible. In this case, it is better to use a more affordable way to store supplies and make an atmospheric refrigerator.

This is a simple device that can be set up in 10 minutes. It will help out not only in the country, but also in a city apartment if the refrigerator breaks down in the summer, when it is impossible to store food on the balcony.

Atmospheric refrigerator

You need to put the provisions in a bucket and place them in a bowl of cold water. Throw a cloth made of natural fabric on top, or a terry towel. The ends of the material must be immersed in water.

The principle of operation of such a structure is simple - the liquid will be absorbed into the fabric and evaporate, “taking” heat from the container, and the contents will not heat up. The temperature inside the bucket will be about 10 C° lower than in the room. This way you can store food without refrigeration for 1-2 days.

Cooler bag

This device will be useful not only when going to the country, but also in nature, on a hike, while traveling by train or car. The cold here is provided by special batteries, which must be cooled in time, which allows you to preserve food for a long time and transport even frozen semi-finished products without compromising quality.

Cooler bag

You can make a simplified version of such a refrigerator yourself. Place insulation in a tightly closed container or bag with zippers, distributing it along the bottom and walls, and place bottles of frozen water on the bottom. Then put the food out and close the “refrigerator”.

Other ways to store food without refrigeration

If none of the proposed options are suitable, you can use other methods of storing supplies. But in this case, each type of product will have to be taken care of separately.

Meat, poultry and fish

These products are classified as perishable, so they need to be dealt with first. It’s better to cook them right away, and not invent complex dishes with gravies and sauces, but simply fry or boil them. If the housewife has a lot of time, you can make stew and roll it into jars.

Meat, poultry and fish

Another option is to dry the meat. To do this, you need to grease the piece, wrap it in paper and hang it in a cool place. Raw fish can also be stored in parchment, after gutting and rubbing with salt.You just need to place it in the coolest place possible, then it will not deteriorate within 2 days.

Another way to preserve perishable foods is to process them with vinegar. This is an excellent preservative that is suitable for both raw meat and poultry, as well as fish. Food that has been heavily rubbed with acid should be stored in a tightly sealed container.


It is almost impossible to store boiled sausage without a refrigerator, so you should not take it on the road. It is difficult to provide the necessary conditions so that it does not deteriorate in hot weather, even at home. But if this product is still in stock, and there is no way to use the refrigerator, it is better to eat it as quickly as possible. Frying a little, just a couple of hours, will help extend the shelf life of the “varenka” at room temperature.

Smoked products placed in a cool, dry room with good ventilation will not spoil within 3 days. You can dry it a little in a frying pan before storing it.


This product can remain fresh for a long time only if the shell is not damaged. The eggs need to be washed and dried, then rubbed with vegetable oil, wrapped in paper (each separately!) and placed in a box or container.

Eggs wrapped in paper for storage

Some housewives prefer to put “chicken caviar” wrapped in napkins in boxes and cover them with sand.

Milk products

You can store milk without refrigeration, but not for long, just a couple of days. Moreover, each type of product requires its own approach:

  1. You will need to boil the milk, adding a pinch of soda, and then cool it, pour it into a glass or ceramic vessel, close it tightly and place it in a bowl of cold water, covered with a towel according to the principle of an atmospheric refrigerator.The water will need to be changed periodically to ensure it is always cold.
  2. Cheese and butter can be stored in paper soaked in salt water. This way the food will not spoil within 2-3 days. The oil can also be placed in a container with a salt solution.
  3. The cottage cheese must be placed in a jar, after pouring a layer of salt on the bottom. The product will need to be compacted well so that air does not penetrate into the thickness of the mass. Then cover the container with gauze soaked in salt water.


Products prepared for storage must be kept cool. In the heat they will spoil in a few hours.

Vegetables and fruits

It is easiest to store such supplies without refrigeration. The main thing is to remove them away from sunlight in a dry, well-ventilated area.

You can leave vegetables and fruits in bags, but it is better to put them in drawers or boxes, in one layer.

Storing vegetables without refrigeration


Parsley, dill and cilantro quickly lose their presentation even in the cold. To preserve them, you will need to place the greens in a vase with cold water so that it covers only the stems.

The remaining part on the surface can be periodically irrigated from a spray bottle with a weak solution of citric acid or lemon juice. But it’s important to moisten, not wet, otherwise the greens will soon turn black.

If there are no problems with refrigerated products, then it will not be possible to keep stocks frozen for a long time. You can only prevent them from melting longer by placing them in a basin and covering them with a thick blanket. This method is suitable for cases when you need to clean the freezer or for other reasons free the chamber for several hours.

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