Is it possible to store sourdough, dough and finished bread in the refrigerator?
The tradition of storing bread in the refrigerator became popular not so long ago, but has already gained many fans. The benefits and harms of this method are actively discussed by supporters of a healthy lifestyle and simply thrifty housewives who are tired of throwing away stale yesterday's bread. However, food industry specialists have their own – scientific – opinion on how to properly store rolls and loaves. They say that you can put baked goods in the refrigerator, but you should do it correctly.
Why store bread in the refrigerator?
The standard period during which bread remains suitable for eating is determined by sanitary rules and averages 72 hours. You can extend it by changing the temperature at which baked goods are stored.
Is it possible to store bread in the main chamber?
Most housewives who store bread in the refrigerator put it in the main compartment, where the temperature ranges from 0°C to +6°C - depending on the technical characteristics of the device and the load in the chamber.
This cannot be done, because with such thermometer readings, flour products become stale faster, their taste changes for the worse, and the crust turns from soft or crispy to hard. This is due to starch crystallization processes, which occur much more actively under the influence of low temperature and constant air movement.
There are only two reasons that justify placing bread in the refrigerator:
- heatwave;
- high air humidity.
They contribute to the spoilage of baked goods much more than coolness.
However, the worst option is to store bread that has not yet cooled down. To prevent it from becoming airy, it is carefully placed in a bag and tied in a knot. At the same time, moisture actively evaporates, settling on the walls of the bag in the form of drops, and in combination with low ambient temperatures creates ideal conditions for the development of mold. Already 4-5 hours later, the surface of the loaf will be covered with shaggy gray-green and white fungi. Such bread should absolutely not be eaten, even if the crusts are cut off.
How long does bread last in the freezer?
The freezer is an ideal place to store bread if you cannot buy fresh baked goods every day. At temperatures below -18°C it can be stored for three weeks, and if the temperature reaches -23°C the product will remain edible even five weeks later.
When preparing bread for freezing, it is worth considering the following nuances:
- The shelf life of thawed bread is only a few hours, so a large loaf should be divided into portions and packaged in the amount that the family needs for one meal.
- If the bread has already begun to spoil or become stale, frost will not reverse this process. All that remains to be done with such a product is to throw it away. You can try to extend the life of the bread, but in a different form - dry it. The main thing to understand here is how long to dry crackers in the ovento revive spoiled bread.
- During freezing, it is advisable to empty the chamber of other products (if this is possible without losing their quality). This way, the bread will “harden” faster and retain more moisture, which will have a positive effect on its taste after defrosting.
- The recommended method of freezing is in a special plastic bag, with the slices laid out in one layer. When the bread is frozen sufficiently, you can begin packing it into individual packaging. When frozen, it is not forbidden to keep rye and wheat bread together.
All of the above is true both for regular yeast and yeast-free baked goods, as well as for butter baked goods.
It is important to remember that baked goods easily absorb foreign flavors. When stored near fish and other specific products, their odor penetrates even through plastic packaging.
How to defrost bread?
There are two ways to return bread to a soft state:
- The fastest and easiest way is to heat it in the microwave. It can be consumed within a few minutes, but pieces not eaten within half an hour will have to be disposed of. This is due to the fact that with super-fast defrosting, a repeated fermentation process begins with the participation of pathogenic microflora, and such bread can be harmful to health.
- A longer, but at the same time safer method is natural thawing. The bread should be left for several hours at room temperature. Once completely defrosted, it will be edible within two hours.
How to store sourdough in the refrigerator?
Sourdough, unlike already baked bread, is usually stored in the main chamber of the refrigerator, since the temperature from +2°C to +10°C is optimal for maintaining its vital activity.In a colder environment, bacteria and yeast fungi, which are responsible for fermentation, “fall asleep”, and in a warmer environment they multiply too actively, which leads to spoilage. If the temperature exceeds +30°C, the starter dies.
For long-term storage, the starter is frozen. Before this, it is mixed with a large amount of flour (rye or wheat - depending on the type) and rubbed by hand until fine crumbs are obtained, which are poured into a clean sealed bag and placed in the freezer. Without loss of quality, it can lie there at temperatures below -18°C for about a month.
A few days before making bread, the starter is poured into a jar and left on the table for several hours, after which it is poured with warm water (1:1 volume ratio). Next, the starter is fed according to the usual pattern for several days so that it gains strength.
Rules for storing bread dough in the refrigerator
There are a myriad of bread recipes, differing, among other things, in the method of proofing. In some cases, the dough is kept warm, in others – in the cold. However, it cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than 12 hours, since during this time yeast and bacteria use all available sugar, as a result of which the dough will become sour.
To make baked goods from pre-prepared dough, it should be frozen by placing it in a hermetically sealed bag.
How long does yeast dough last in the refrigerator?:
- at -18°C – about 30 days;
- at -23°C – up to 40 days.
When storing baked goods, sourdough and dough, it is important to observe the temperature regime, and also remember that re-freezing is prohibited. If, after being removed from the refrigerator, the product has an unusual taste or smell, using it as food may be fraught with poisoning.The reason for such changes, as a rule, is an increase in temperature in the chamber unnoticed by the owner.