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Can organic soap be stored in the refrigerator?

Oh, these girly joys that are impossible to resist! In the morning you are a serious accountant, and in the evening, after work, your feet started heading towards the fashionable “masters fair”... And now you’ve been choosing a handmade scented soap for a good half hour. There are berry, milk, honey and oatmeal, even with a slice of grapefruit inside! How can you leave empty-handed? The scenario is usually like this: you collect all sorts of different things, and at home you have to decide in what bins to put this fragrant madness. Should this soap be stored in the refrigerator or do the “edible” ingredients not affect the shelf life?

The answer is simple: you shouldn’t keep soap in the refrigerator, even if it contains milk or something else from a standard grocery set.

The girl opened the refrigerator

Why shouldn't soap be put in the refrigerator?

If we are talking about ordinary industrial soap, then everything is obvious: it has nothing to do in the refrigerator, because it is already perfectly stored. Some soap bars left in reserve are quite capable of surviving any refrigerator.

Not everything is so simple with handmade soap. Craftswomen try to add as many natural ingredients as possible - sometimes their quantity is simply beyond reason. Of course, such a masterpiece has a limited shelf life - from 4 to 8 months.

It would seem that storing homemade soap in the refrigerator is the most reasonable option. But no. There it will certainly “fog up” - drops of oil, glycerin and the most common condensation will appear on the surface.And it doesn’t matter whether you first removed the packaging or, on the contrary, wrapped the bar in cling film: the difference in temperature and humidity will do its job.

What to do if the soap is already “crying” from the cold? Can it be used?

Of course you can. You just need to dry it at room temperature, leaving it on a piece of paper somewhere in a dark corner until the droplets disappear. It is better not to repeat this trick a second time: the separation of components affects the quality of the soap. The smell, color, degree of transparency and, most importantly, the effect on the skin may change.

Where is the best place to store soap?

Rule one – any soap should be stored at room temperature. There should be no problems with fulfilling this condition.

Rule two – the humidity should not be prohibitively low, otherwise the soap bar will dry out and crack. Of course, this will not happen right away, but if you lose sight of the deformation, using such soap will be unpleasant.

Handmade soap

There are several conditions that apply specifically to handmade soap:

  • If you do not plan to use the soap yet, you should store it wrapped in cling film. A regular plastic bag will not work.
  • Rooms with high humidity are not suitable for long-term storage. Therefore, if soap has taken its rightful place in the bathroom, you should try to use it in the next month and a half.
  • Under no circumstances should you leave “craft” soap in a soap dish with water - it does not hold its shape as well as industrial soap and will immediately turn into jelly.
  • Should be stored away from direct sunlight. Better - in a dark cabinet.

So, keeping soap in the refrigerator is an irrational idea.If you do not plan to use it in the near future, it is better to put it in a locker or chest of drawers with clothes - it will give things a pleasant aroma and will not lose its properties ahead of time.

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