How to properly clean your laptop screen?
It is useful for any owner of modern technology to know how to clean a laptop screen. After all, dust constantly settles on it, and sometimes more serious contamination occurs. Meanwhile, not any remedy is suitable. If you treat this task irresponsibly, you can simply ruin your monitor. How can this be avoided?
Cleaning from dust
It is important to take care of your equipment regularly. The easiest way to get rid of dust is. It is enough to lightly, without pressing, wipe the surface with a dry cloth or cotton pad. But microfiber cloths are best suited for this purpose. With their help, you can carefully clean your laptop display and other similar surfaces: camera optics, glasses, CDs. The specially cut fibers of this material attract dust and even bacteria. All you have to do is walk to the right place.
If there is a need to get rid of stains that cannot be removed with a light touch, then you will have to use heavier artillery. Sometimes it is enough to wet the microfiber and wipe away the dirt. But care must be taken: the material should be only slightly damp. Otherwise, water may penetrate under the housing, and then stains will be noticeable on the matrix. Do not use paper napkins: they contain wood particles that can leave scratches. In addition, the paper dissolves, and tiny pieces end up in hard-to-reach places.
Wet wipes and cleaning products
When you need to clean your monitor, you can take wet wipes. The main thing is that they do not contain alcohol. It is also advisable to choose ones that are not too wet: excess moisture will leave streaks, this is especially true for glossy displays. This can be avoided by wiping the surface twice. The second time - with an already dried product. Various manufacturers offer soft, lint-free wipes that are gentle on the screen.
There are kits that consist of wet and dry wipes. Those impregnated with a special composition thoroughly clean the display, while dry ones remove remaining dirt and excess moisture. So the screen will become clean quickly and easily. In addition, they have an antistatic effect.
Another kit that shows excellent results includes a dry cloth and a special cleaning spray. They are sold as a set. It costs a little more than regular wipes, but it also cleans more effectively. Simply apply the spray onto a cloth, wipe the screen and wipe thoroughly.
There is no need to try to remove a speck on the screen with your finger: it will leave a greasy mark.
You can also use lint-free wipes in combination with cleaning sprays or gels. But it’s better to choose special ones designed for technology. Otherwise, it may be difficult to get rid of divorces. Glass liquid will not work either: the surface of the laptop screen requires more careful handling. Do not spray the product onto the monitor. In this case, you may not calculate the amount and some of the liquid will flow under the housing. The substance should be applied to a napkin.
Home remedy
There is a large selection of products to keep equipment clean. But any remedy costs money.Therefore, if you want to save money or need to wipe off a stain urgently, but don’t have any special products at hand, then you can try cleaning the display with soap and cotton pads.
To do this, you need to prepare warm water in a convenient container and the required number of cotton pads. They are quite dense on the outside, so they will not leave lint. First, wipe the screen with dry pads to remove dust. Then wet a few pieces, squeeze them thoroughly so that the water does not drain, and soap them. Baby soap is best. Then you need to wipe the monitor, moving up and down and left and right. After the procedure, there will be stains, this is not scary. To remove them, you need to wet clean discs and wipe the surface, replacing them with new ones as they become dirty. And so on until the result appears. Since the LCD matrix dries quickly, you can evaluate your work almost immediately.
Recommendations for screen care
At home, tidying up your laptop screen is easy if you follow some rules.
- Dust should be removed with a soft, lint-free cloth, preferably microfiber cloths.
- The monitor should be wiped gently, without pressing, moving in a circle or horizontally and vertically.
- Cleaning your laptop should be regular, the frequency depends on the intensity of the device’s operation.
- You can clean the junction of the case and the display with a cotton swab.
- Only clean napkins and rags can be used for wiping.
- Alcohol-based products, solvents, White Spirit, and any powders are not suitable for monitors.
- The laptop must be turned off during processing. You can turn it on only after it has completely dried.
If the question arises of how to clean a laptop display, then the best solution is to purchase a special product at any electronics store. They are usually inexpensive and act quickly and effectively.
Thanks it helped
Natalya, since there’s such a booze going on, maybe you’ll pay attention to the others? How about riding something taller than 10 centimeters?
Thank you!!!
In 5 minutes I washed away something that had been accumulating for years, thank you!
I washed my laptop following the advice in the article. Now it's much more pleasant to use it.