Cleaning the house without detergents - pros and cons + useful life hacks

Doctors never cease to remind housewives about how harmful household chemicals are. But will cleaning without detergents help you achieve 100% cleanliness and shine in your home? Get rid of bacteria and mold? Clean old stains on furniture, clothes and kitchen utensils? After all, “grandmother’s” recipes include a limited list of components that have cleaning properties. Let's figure out whether it's worth giving up chemical detergents for cleaning.

Woman wiping dust

Cleaning without detergents - pros

The use of aggressive household chemicals is gradually being abandoned in many civilized countries: Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Japan and others. Conventional powders, gels and solutions are being replaced by “eco” ones. And in families with low incomes they use simple products:

  • salt,
  • soda,
  • vinegar,
  • citric acid,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • mustard.

Cleaning an apartment with a child

Argument 1. Security

Cleaning without chemicals does not cause discomfort to people with allergies, asthma, or heart pathologies. And in general, it helps maintain health in the long term.

Typically, household chemicals contain the following harmful compounds:

  • Phosphates

Found in most washing powders in Russia. They cause skin irritation, can accumulate in the body and provoke the development of tumors. Also, phosphates from drainage enter the soil and harm the environment. They significantly worsen the quality of drinking water in cities.

  • Surfactant

They are part of almost all washing liquids, even soap. They disrupt the protective hydrolipid layer of the skin, and when accumulated in the body, they provoke endocrine disorders.

  • Chlorine

Present in some bleach and disinfectant solutions. Dangerous for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Detergents may also contain other harmful compounds: formaldehyde, phenols, cresols, 2-Butoexitanol, ammonia, synthetic dyes and fragrances. Therefore, many people refuse household chemicals for cleaning their homes.

Piggy bank and house model

Argument 2. Saving money

Household chemicals “eat up” a significant part of the family budget. Highly specialized products are especially expensive:

  • for cleaning carpets;
  • for car interior;
  • for washing plumbing fixtures;
  • for whitening.

“Grandma’s” recipes, on the contrary, help save money. Most cleaning products can be found in every home.

Argument 3. No pungent odors

Most store-bought cleaners smell strong and “chemical.” It is especially difficult for sensitive people, children, and allergy sufferers.

Cleaning without detergents does not cause such discomfort - it only leaves a feeling of freshness.

Cleaning without detergents - arguments against

Alas, household chemicals cannot be completely replaced by traditional methods. Especially if the house is rarely cleaned.

The girl is unhappy with cleaning with detergents

Argument 1. Low efficiency

Many contaminants cannot be dealt with only with the help of water and folk remedies. If you don't use household chemicals, the house will simply be dirty.

For example, a salt solution cannot completely bleach fabric or remove old drink stains. And baking soda is unlikely to cope with a month's layer of grease on the stove.

Fungus in the bathroom

Argument 2. Lack of 100% protection against bacteria and mold

Components that effectively cope with pathogenic microorganisms are added to household chemicals. But if you don’t use detergents when cleaning, you risk creating only visible order.

But bacteria can provoke dangerous intestinal diseases and weaken human immunity. And fungi often become the culprits of skin and hair problems.

Man and girl with cleaning equipment

Argument 3. Wrong choice of alternative

When cleaning, housewives often replace detergents with vinegar, ammonia or citric acid. However, these are quite caustic substances.

When used without gloves, the skin on your hands suffers greatly. And inhaling fumes harms the respiratory system. Finally, vinegar can easily damage delicate furniture materials (wood, leather).

Brush and dustpan

How to clean a stove without using detergents?
How to remove scale from a kettle without chemicals?
Is it possible to do without detergents – chemical and “folk” – completely?


So, cleaning without detergents has both advantages and disadvantages. It is ideal as an everyday event. For example, without detergents, you can clean the table, stove, shelves and other objects daily. But once a month, it is better to carry out general cleaning using household chemicals to “kill” bacteria, fungi and deal with old dirt. The main thing is to carefully read the ingredients of the products and choose less aggressive ones.

What do you think about giving up detergents?


