How to easily clean rabbit fur at home?
Rabbit fur outerwear is warm and beautiful. Like any things, it needs proper care: timely and proper cleaning. You can clean fur clothes at a dry cleaner, but knowing how to do it correctly at home, you can do it yourself. The following tools are suitable for this:
- talc;
- vinegar;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- bran;
- semolina;
- ammonia;
- petrol;
- starch;
- soft brush.
Bran, talc and starch
Starch, semolina and bran are sorbents of natural origin - they absorb dirt and grease without having a chemical effect on clothing. Talc has an inorganic (mineral) nature, but it also adsorbs organic contaminants well and is safe for fur products. You can clean fur at home with all these means. The technology for removing contaminants using bulk materials is the same:
- apply starch to a hat or fur coat;
- rub it into the fur with light movements;
- leave for a while - 15-30 minutes;
- Shake out the fur item and comb out any remaining starch with a soft brush.
Starch and talc can be mixed with bran or semolina in a ratio of 1:2 - 2 parts of cereal or bran and one part of starch or talc. When cleaning a fur coat or hat from the remains of bulk materials, you need to act very carefully and make movements in the direction of the growth of the villi. Rabbit fur is delicate and the fibers are thin.If you use a hard brush or make sudden movements when cleaning, you can damage the fur product.
Absorbing dirt, sorbents change color. Cleaning should be done until the starch or talc remains white.
Grandma's secrets
Previously, when there was a lot of snow in winter, it did not turn gray from car exhaust and production waste; a fur coat was cleaned outside in frosty weather. It was laid out with the pile down towards the snow and knocked out. As a result, all the dust and dirt came off the fur coat, it became clean and shiny. Today, only residents of ecologically clean areas where there is enough snow in winter have this opportunity.
However, you can still clean fur at home in a similar way by replacing the snow with a damp white cotton cloth:
- hang the fur coat on hangers;
- wrap it in a damp, clean cloth;
- knock out.
If heavily soiled, you need to change the fabric to a clean one and repeat the process. Once the dust has been removed, you can move on to cleaning organic contaminants - greasy areas on the collar or sleeves and, if necessary, stains.
Removing stains
If splashes of grease accidentally get on your fur coat, it is not necessary to use strong stain removers. A 1:1 solution of water and vinegar will also help remove stains at home. Organic contaminants on the collar and sleeves are removed in the same way. You can also use this recipe:
- 400 ml water;
- 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia;
- 3 tbsp. spoons of salt.
Half an hour after applying the solution, the area with the stain should be wiped with a clean damp cloth, and then with a dry one - cotton or linen. Another good way is “White spirit” mixed in equal proportions with ammonia.After application, it must also be removed with a damp cloth.
Hot wheat or rye bran is an option for removing stubborn fat stains that cannot be cleaned by other methods. To do this, the bran is placed on a heated and, of course, clean frying pan. Stirring, heat them to about 50 degrees. You can determine by touching the bran: as soon as your hand becomes hot, the desired temperature has been reached. After this, the heated mass is rubbed into the problem area until the stain comes off.
How to clean the lining?
Often in fur products the top is clean, but stains appear on the lining. To avoid tearing it off your fur coat, you can use the following methods.
- Sweat stains on the lining of a fur coat can be cleaned by applying a mixture of denatured alcohol and ammonia in equal parts.
- A soap solution is also suitable for lining fabric, but it must be applied carefully so that moisture does not get on the inside.
- Amway spray is an ideal product for removing dirt from the lining of a fur coat at home. Simply apply it to the dirt and then remove it with a clean sponge.
White spirit can be replaced with purified gasoline (gasoline for lighters is highly purified). In this case, the proportions in solutions remain the same.
How to clean white fur?
White fur tends to acquire a yellowish tint over time. The following solution will help remove it:
- ammonia – 0.5 tsp;
- hydrogen peroxide – 1 tsp;
- water – 200 ml.
Use a rag soaked in this solution to wipe the fur and allow it to dry. You can also prepare a paste from burnt magnesia (magnesium oxide) and purified gasoline. It is rubbed into the rabbit's fur, and after a while the fur coat, cape or hat is shaken, and the remaining pulp is carefully combed out.The fur product should dry naturally, without using a hair dryer or other heating devices. The disadvantage of this method is the smell of gasoline. To remove it, after completely drying, you can wipe the fur with a sponge dipped in an aqueous solution of vinegar (ratio 1:1). But even without vinegar, the smell disappears within a week.
Before removing yellowing, it is necessary to clean the fur product from dust and dirt using starch or bran.
Precautionary measures
Any fur, and especially rabbit fur, is a delicate material. Careless actions can ruin it forever. To clean a fur coat or cape and not aggravate its condition, you need to remember a few “taboos”:
- Under no circumstances should fur items be washed;
- It is not recommended to use strong chemicals to remove stains;
- no need to comb the fur with a fine-toothed comb;
- Do not dry fur clothes on a radiator or with a hot hair dryer.
Remembering these simple rules, you can cope with dirt on your own and wear your favorite fur coat for many years.