How to save money without switching to bread and water?
Everyone should know how to save money. This is a basic skill that makes life much easier. Financial reserve makes a person confident. It also allows you to fulfill many dreams and plans. We suggest you find out 4 ways to accumulate the required amount. They will help even if you don't earn much!
4 ways to save money
Saving does not always mean saving, saving and cutting back on your needs and desires.
There are at least 4 different ways to get the required amount of money:
- Find a part-time job. Browse offers in your city. Perhaps you could work part-time as a taxi driver or courier. Or walk the dogs. Or maybe bake cakes to order?
- Start saving. You can reduce your expenses to save. Of course, there is no need to cut yourself down on anything basic. Next, we will look at expense columns that would be useful to remove or adjust.
- Sell what you don't need. You probably have a few things that you don't use, but are valuable to others: an old mixer, a telephone, a washing machine, a little dress, a T-shirt, a bag. Wash them, clean them, photograph them and put them on the bulletin board. For example, Avito. Put the money from the sale in a piggy bank.
- Set aside part of your salary every month. As a rule, to accumulate capital, it is advised to save 10% of all income.But we believe that it is faster and more correct to distribute the money as follows: for food, utility bills, mandatory payments. And divide the rest of the amount equally - leave one part for savings, and use the second during the month for whims and entertainment.
List of things you can save on
As practice shows, many people choose the option where they need to save on something in order to accumulate a certain amount of capital. Our list will help you decide which expense column to say goodbye to:
- Entertainment. If you love clubs, restaurants, cinemas and various events where you have to pay, it's time to switch to "home" mode. Home-cooked food, movies and music can also provide good entertainment when shared with good company. Go for a walk in the park. Try cycling. Go rollerblading.
- Sweets and semi-finished products. It’s not a shame to give them up. Many people spend an impressive amount of money per month on goodies. Try focusing on fresh meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, dried fruits, nuts and honey. You can not only save money, but also improve your health and figure.
- Bad habits. Give up drinking and cigarettes or reduce their presence in your life to a minimum. Just count how much you spend on what is killing you.
- Cloth. If you are an avid fashionista or fashionista, try to stop and not buy new things for at least a month. People around you don’t remember what you were wearing yesterday or even 30 minutes ago. Don't believe me? Conduct a survey among your friends. Start buying clothes only when necessary and you will significantly reduce your expenses.
- Transport. What if you start using a bicycle instead of public transport and a car? At first, this idea may seem ridiculous. But if you think about it... Cycling is free, good for your health and good for the environment. In Holland, Denmark and Germany, every third person travels on it. Try not to follow fashion, but to set it.
Places to store savings
Savings must be handled with extreme caution. It’s worth thinking in advance about how and where to store them.
- Deposit account
The obvious advantage of opening a deposit to save money is earning interest. Choose a reliable bank with a high rating and open an account where you can deposit money monthly, but cannot withdraw it early. Calculate whether the interest received will cover inflation.
- Money box
A simple and proven remedy. A piggy bank is ideal if you need to save some money in a short period of time.
- Confidant
If you spend your “stash” every now and then, try giving the money to someone you trust 100% for safekeeping.
- Investments
If your capital is impressive, then it is more profitable to invest it and earn money this way. You can invest money yourself or trust specialists. For example, open an investment account.
7 useful tips
Many people learn to save various amounts from childhood - collecting pocket money for a new phone, a soccer ball, etc. Those who complete the task gain positive experience that helps them in adulthood. If you have trouble saving, try starting with a small amount to understand how it works and gain confidence in yourself and your abilities.
7 tips to help you save money:
- A thoughtful decision. It is important to clearly understand why you are saving money and when you will get what you want. Write on paper what an apartment, a car, a new iPhone, a fur coat, renovation will give you. Why can't you give them up? Set a realistic deadline for accumulating the required amount and save the note.
- Planning. According to survey results, the average Russian has no idea what he spent 25% of his salary on. If the income is 30 thousand rubles, then 7.5 thousand goes down the drain. Quite an impressive amount. Start recording what, where and why you spend. Money loves to be counted.
- A night to think about it before making a big purchase. We buy many things thoughtlessly, under the influence of advertising or other people. It’s doubly offensive when quite a lot of money goes to waste. Therefore, before you say goodbye to an amount of more than 1.5 thousand rubles, come home and think carefully about everything. In the morning, with a fresh mind, you can make the right decision.
- Don't go shopping hungry. Feeling hungry makes you buy more than you actually need. This is a fact proven by many experiments. Shopping concerns not only food, but also everything else. Eat a big meal before you go shopping and you'll be surprised how little you spend.
- The promotion is a gimmick. Most people can't resist the red price tag. They buy 2 products for the price of one, even if they don't need either item. Mug as a gift? Great. Promotional tea? Why not try it. So what if you are an avid coffee drinker? Stop. You won't use most of these products. Slow yourself down. Think about whether the promotion is really beneficial for you or whether you are buying too much.
- Stay up to date. Monitor sales in your city, prices for Internet service providers, and bank offers on profitable deposits. Start studying the financial market to make money on investments in the future.
- Beware, scammers! If you decide to take on a part-time job or investment, double-check the reality of the offer. Do not agree to dubious fraud, otherwise you risk losing your capital!
In conclusion, it is worth noting that accumulating money is not a quick process. You need to be patient. Regularly remind yourself why you are doing this so that you are not tempted to spend the entire amount ahead of time. Choose the optimal savings option. Don't compromise on your basic needs. Keep a balance between desires, needs and waste. You will succeed!