How to teach noisy upstairs neighbors a lesson: “bad advice” and legal methods
In most apartment buildings, sound insulation leaves much to be desired. This is especially noticeable if the neighbors on the floor above like to stomp their feet, constantly drop something, move furniture, and throw crowded parties with loud music and liters of alcohol. If you can’t teach your noisy upstairs neighbors a lesson, then it will be useful to take a couple of tips from “experienced” ones.
When is the law on our side?
You can familiarize yourself with all the standards regarding noise and the time of its “issue” by reading the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population.”
Neighbors break the law if:
- noise and various extraneous sounds that interfere with a quiet life come from their apartment from 11 pm to 7 am;
- if at the permitted time of day the noise level exceeds the permissible threshold of 30 dB in the evening and 40 dB during the day;
- the sounds of repair work disturb people on weekends or on weekdays from 17:00 to 09:00.
In such situations, problems with noisy neighbors can be resolved officially - with the involvement of lawyers. True, it will be necessary to prove with the help of an independent examination that the neighbors are noisy, otherwise the court will not accept the claim.
It is also necessary to remember: if the neighbor’s children interfere with our peaceful lives by running, jumping, squealing and making other unpleasant sounds, and their parents simply don’t care (“the main excuse in response to requests is “they’re children”), then, alas, the law is here , will not help.
Making do with small sacrifices
Unfortunately, complaints to law enforcement agencies about noisy neighbors very rarely help: the police either ignore such calls or arrive very late, when there is already peace and quiet above the ceiling or behind the wall. Therefore, first you need to use the most gentle peaceful methods.
- You need to start with a conversation. Without scandals and attacks, you need to try to talk with your neighbors and explain the problem. Everything may turn out to be simple: the residents were not aware of poor sound insulation and will treat the requests with understanding. It is also necessary to remind that, despite the universal love for children and good (at times) music, many people get up for work very early, and on weekends they want to take a break from the exhausting workdays. This rarely helps, but there are truly understanding neighbors who will meet you halfway and take into account all requests.
- If simple conversations did not help, neighbors should be gently (at least initially) reminded that there is always the possibility of seeing them in court as defendants in a noise class action lawsuit. At the very least, a large fine may frighten many residents, and this will help them forget about the problem.
Bad advice
A person’s imagination is limitless: you can take revenge on your neighbors in such a way that they will regret what happened and behave as quietly as water. But, of course, we do not recommend resorting to “Parisian” methods. Which one exactly? The survey showed that residents driven to white heat most often use the following options:
- Method 1: Lock the door.
They take a long board or a metal crowbar and rest one end against the handle of the “enemy” door, and the other against the wall, steps or railing opposite.Noisy neighbors cannot leave the apartment, and only tearful requests and assurances not to make any more noise will help them get out of the impromptu trap. Although, it must be said, the “Avengers” do not deny themselves the pleasure of marinating them for a couple of hours so that the lesson sticks.
- Method 2: Tape the lock.
The prank seems petty, but after several such cases and regular replacement of the lock, lovers of noise will put two and two together and draw certain conclusions. The "Avenger" takes several thin needles or pins, coats them with good glue and inserts them into the keyhole. In this case, no methods of removing the glue will help, and the neighbors will have to change the entire lock.
- Method 3: use a knife.
No, this is not a call for massacre. If you get a screaming TV from above, lovers of silence can cut off a piece of the antenna cable running near the balcony or window. While your neighbor is solving the problem, there is time to take a break from endless talk shows and music videos.
- Method 4: Take advantage of the wonders of electricity.
Those who have electrical installation skills run the risk of “doing magic” on the panel and turning off the electricity in the neighboring apartment. The method is not the most popular, since not everyone has access to an electrical panel and certain skills.
- Method 5: with a scent.
Well, this is definitely overkill. If there is upholstery on the door of those who like to make noise, then a neighbor driven to rage can make an unnoticeable cut and inject a scrambled raw egg into it with a syringe. A terrible smell is guaranteed, the upholstery will have to be completely changed.
Wedge with wedge
People with a lack of sleep and a heightened sense of justice often decide to use the same weapons as the “enemy.” This is how the following methods are born:
- Method 6: Sudden interest in percussion instruments.
If the upstairs neighbors are big music lovers and lovers of loud sound, then the furious downstairs neighbor may get the idea of composing his own compositions, pretending to be a percussionist. True, buying a drum kit is expensive, so new composers limit themselves to a pair of metal spoons and a heating system riser.
It is likely that residents from below will come with perplexed questions, but in many cases you can find like-minded people in them and create your own group.
- Method 7: audio editing.
The well-known “hackneyed” but effective option from films and TV series is to make an audio recording of noise (or collect a collection of similar sounds from the Internet), edit the track, and put it on repeat. Then install powerful speakers higher to the ceiling (you can even lean them against it), turn on the recording at full power and slowly drive noisy neighbors crazy. It is advisable to leave the apartment for a while, as such cacophony can cause damage to your psyche and ears.
- Method 8: creating an improvised speaker.
Russian ingenuity, fueled by anger at a neighbor, leads to amazing results. “Home engineers” take a pot of water and lean its open part tightly against the ceiling. They put large headphones on the pan (the ideal option is a gadget with a Bluetooth connection) and turn on heavy music (usually something from death metal). In the apartment where the music lover's pan is located, the music is not heard, but the neighbors enjoy it to the fullest.
- Method 9: Trojan horse with laxative.
One convinced teetotaler (he asked that his name not be used), who was tired of the drunken brawls of his alcoholic neighbors, unleashed a “Trojan horse”: he shared a bottle of alcohol with a mixed laxative. Unfortunately, this does not work as a cure for alcoholism.But this method kept the neighbors busy with very important matters for some time.
- Method 10: our little brothers.
If noisy neighbors have a car, then they should be prepared for various surprises. For example, an unidentified person can sprinkle it with millet, and local birds will definitely decorate the car with their presence. The car is also doused with valerian, which is very popular with local cats with dirty paws and sharp claws.
Seems to be legal methods
If you have a “neighbor nicknamed Decibel,” then you know for sure: there are just one or two legal ways to turn down the volume. Here's what we can recommend:
- Use paper. You can post a bunch of “shameful leaflets” with exact data branding the enemy throughout the area.
- Media to help. You can try to make your neighbor the hero of a TV show. Perhaps one of the local channels will not miss the chance to make a fascinating report about the “neighborhood wars” and thereby shame Decibel in front of the entire city. The main thing is that there should be a “horde” of dissatisfied people, otherwise the television people are unlikely to react.
The most important thing to remember is: no matter how annoying your neighbor is, you should not harm people or pets. You can’t spoil other people’s property either - choose “intangible” methods. We recommend accompanying this or that action performed in the absence of the owner of a “loud” apartment with an explanatory note.
all such wars end in massacre...!!! And then to the COURT... But we must immediately have time to witness the beatings by the police and the forensic expert in the morgue...
Did you know that every citizen of the Russian Federation has been accrued social benefits and compensation over the past 21 years?
Quiet hours from 10 to 7 am, on weekends until 9. Another two hours at lunch.
I didn’t read further, the author is incompetent.
On Sundays and holidays all work is prohibited.
Depends on the region. Each region has its own requirements.
But isn’t changing the door trim because of a raw egg the same as damaging someone else’s property?
The “saucepan and headphones” advice is absolute nonsense and fake! The fact is that for this you need headphones of a certain design; ordinary ones will simply not be able to be tightly attached to the walls of the pan, except for a couple of hours. Likewise, it will not be possible to press a saucepan filled to the top tightly against a traditionally uneven ceiling. Yes, and first you need to find HOW and WHERE specifically to fix it under the ceiling. By the way, it would be a good idea for fans of vibration speakers to visit the nearest radio market and make sure that they can actually be connected to the usual sound sources: TV, radio, computer, etc. They are usually equipped with an amplifier, but “not free” and without special inputs and plugs for connections.The only more or less “effective” methods, unless, of course, you know how to fight (as a rule, ill-mannered and uncultured neighbors are not the bravest and not the richest and most influential), are either MONEY or COURT...
1. Time is incorrect!
2. Tape or prop the door - restriction of freedom of movement of one or a group of people with possible further preparation for a terrorist attack - Court - prison!
CONCLUSION: This is nonsense (rather a purposeful provocation - since the end of part of these “advices” is the Court - prison; the end of the other part of the “advices” is utter nonsense!)
Plagiarism. Not a high-quality collection from scraps of various publications on this topic.
It is enough to indicate that the “silence mode” is from 22:00 to 07:00 on weekdays. The author doesn’t even know that there are also “Weekends” and “lunch breaks”.
But as long as the Police remain inactive, the wars will not stop. And lynching too.
In general, each region has its own “silence mode”. Therefore, there is no need to accuse the author of ignorance of the laws.
I agree that the author does not know the Law of Silence.
I, in turn, can share my experience of fighting with neighbors.
The lower and upper floors were taken out. From 6 am to 4 am. Completely sleepless and furious.
Upstairs tried to negotiate peacefully. Did not help. Fine! I wrote a claim addressed to the owner and took it to the housing office. In response to the refusal to take it and hand it over to the owner, I argued that they still wouldn’t give me the phone. If the owner does not put things in order with the tenants, then I will contact the Prosecutor's Office.
Ground floor. Child about 3-4 years old. Yells, howls, stomps, throws heavy things. It’s not clear whether he’s alone or his relatives are sleeping. My neighbor and I approached the door even below the apartment. They don't make contact. Fine! If I can hear it upstairs, then what can I hear on the floor below?! I hear stomping and start stomping myself.I hear drum music - I turn on a couple of tracks with bass. Fortunately the collection is large. And I put the radio so that it can be heard below. I already know where the sound goes.
I also talked to other neighbors and said that I would apply for guardianship. Since a young child does not sleep until 2 am. He takes part in all noisy parties and his voice is heard. There is only one(?) left. Doesn't leave the house for a walk(?). And so on. She also said loudly at the door that I would inform the guardianship.
And she used speakerphone. The bathroom has good acoustics. You can hear two floors. It's just like I'm talking on a cell phone. And she began to complain that the neighbors were idiots, they were moving in large numbers, etc.
You won't believe it! It worked.
We must fight our enemies with their own methods.
Each region has its own law on silence. Therefore, there is no need to accuse the author of ignorance of the laws. It is you who are legally illiterate in this matter.
It's complete nonsense, the video camera will record how you take revenge on your neighbors, and you will also be guilty, and you will have to pay for all the damage you did, plus for moral damage.
Tips for stand-up or feuilleton. For all this, SO much will fly back that it won’t seem like much. A friend told me just yesterday. They made noise from above for a loooooong time, for months. And music and repairs, etc. Conversations, persuasion, sticking pieces of paper (as they advise here) asking for silence, calling the local police officer - ZERO reaction. On the next visit to the floor above, they shouted so that all the neighbors in the entrance could hear. They yelled. And a day later, the police came to those below and took away the head of the family.It turned out that the husband (the upstairs neighbor), after the scandal, cut his hand open with a knife, accusing the downstairs neighbor. And that’s it... a statement, an accusation, the neighbors downstairs got to the Supreme Court and NOTHING!!!! They simply don’t consider our complaints like this... They paid that “cut” amount of money for a year... What the hell is justice and what calls for silence...
The answer is the neighing of horses. They imprisoned me for several years. That's revenge, I made it even worse for myself. I wouldn't wish noisy neighbors on my enemy.
turn off the light in the panel. quickly fill with polyurethane foam and quickly roll up. or better yet, do it after the noise has stopped. let their refrigerator leak and there will be no light for a loooong time.
I liked the advice. Thank you.
I read a story somewhere, it seems true. A man moved into the apartment of a noisy neighbor. The stomping, music and dancing are regular almost until the morning. Persuasion and attempts to settle things peacefully did not lead to anything, the dancer from above only grinned and mooed, saying it’s my apartment, I can do whatever I want. The victim was very lucky: either on the website or in an advertisement, he once saw that the apartment on the floor above (that is, above the dancer) was for rent. I didn’t skimp, I rented it for a month. And on the very first evening he invited his friends to “play basketball.” You don't have to be a seer to guess that the dancer almost immediately got up to investigate. And what a look on his face when he saw who opened the door for him with a grin)) But such a case is probably just luck, even if true.
Great story, it’s a pity our apartment isn’t rented out to assholes(
For about 6 years my grandmother was pestering me. I just didn’t react, I endured it.
Once I went to see my daughter, rented out the apartment to a young lady, and they found “each other.”
Or stood both day and night, and on the street they guarded each other.
When I returned, the grandmother calmed down
Such neighbors are not just noisy neighbors!
These are creatures created by nature for unknown reasons! They steal and kill people's health and time!
As I understand you) We have a stupid mother and a freak of a son on top (
Absolutely right, I have the same creatures, it’s impossible to even communicate.
And I liked the tips. I also gleaned more information from the comments. I would like more ideas on this topic. Any. Not even very correct ones. Because I know from my own experience how exhausting insomnia is because of loud-mouthed and musical people. So that your hands shake and your fists clench when the slut below arranges orgies until the morning. No matter how you talk to a man, you are still a woman. Or rather, a woman. He doesn’t understand in a good way, he laughs impudently in his face. I would simply brush off a guy, but I have no idea how to deal with a woman. By the way, few people know that insomnia leads to diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and accelerated aging of the body. Dr. Myasnikov said in a program about health.
She sleeps sometime, figure out her schedule, come home, turn on music, sounds of a vacuum cleaner, crying children, everything is on the Internet. There is a site for lovers of silence, read it there. I quickly weaned my neighbors from having fun at night, one day they walked until the morning and went to bed... And here I am, the speakers are on the floor, and... Nickelbaсk.,, animals,, and let’s jump, this song invigorates me very much.. Then I take a shower, and the child is crying on the computer.. And you can’t complain, the police don’t react to this. I had fun for two hours, switched on all the sounds, including the hammer drill and how I cut it off, for a year in silence.
And when they copulate, pull up the speakers and turn on the howling of a dog, the crying of a child, laughter, anything that makes you feel like slutting.
She may be trying to sleep with you, but you don’t understand....just kidding, of course. And you forget for 5 minutes that you are a man and hug her like a woman in a dark place so that the breath is taken away from her goiter. Here’s from -It’s creatures like your neighbor that make murders happen.
We have a gym on our head(
I had such a case. The neighbors had two apartments in the same entrance. One was rented through the wall with me. Music is playing. The tenants fell asleep to the music, but of course I can’t. I went out to the brush, turned off the bag and put it in its original position. The music stopped and I slept peacefully until the morning. And in the morning everyone began to stir around the electrical panel. Apparently they didn’t understand.
Three o'clock in the morning. Suddenly the doorbell rang. The hammer drill almost fell out of my hands!
A very provocative and harmful article. Many “innocent tips” fall under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
These are not advice, but dreams... and there is no such law to prohibit dreams!
The most outrageous thing is that people are taking measures to protect their health and peace, while in our “rule of law state” the authorities responsible for order DO NOT WORK! WHY aren’t they asked? Why is a person forced to stew in other people's shit?
after such manipulations, the neighbor will do the same thing in revenge, so you will have to buy the locks
If the neighbors are from the top floor, take a mop and knock on the ceiling. If your neighbors are across the wall, yell “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at the outlet. And if the neighbors are below, then you can think for yourself.
It doesn't help to knock on the ceiling. they began to make even louder noise
And if there is a suspended ceiling, where to knock?
Believe me, there are ways without injury or criminality.Those who live below their rabid neighbors are resourceful. Since with a headache after an hour of noise from above, no one wants to continue listening to it calmly. be creative.
One idiot also got it through the wall. He loved to listen to the radio loudly at night and go on drinking parties. Calling the police (police) did not help, nor did talking. The last time there was a fight, as a result of which this shit ran to the police and dashed off a statement. Half a year of legal proceedings, minus 10,000 rubles. for a lawyer... It would be better to pay this money to friends so that they could catch the freak somewhere in the alley, without witnesses, and fuck off until they go to the hospital. That's the only way he understands. So “heartfelt” conversations are unlikely to help. And you can easily get rid of problems by talking to people who are inadequate.
I bought an FM modulator... I recorded another of his scandals with my partner through the wall and played it on his favorite wave during the next drinking session. It whispered for several years.
Lately it's starting to get impudent again. He apparently bought himself an MP-3 speaker and plays all sorts of crap. There is only one “joker” left - its wiring goes through my apartment panel. In the next “exacerbation” I will use...
That is how we live. ((
You are well done!!!! I also suffered fundamentally. but didn't give up)
I had bad neighbors downstairs... like radishes... that's what I did. Dismantled the toilet. A ball with a hose was lowered into the riser drain 3 meters (below the neighboring hole). I inflated it so that the ball would expand inside the pipe. All this was done at 4 am. we wait. All the upstairs neighbors went to the toilet/shower. The neighbor downstairs had a geyser from his push... with all the consequences... then he dropped the ball and pulled it back out?
Yes, noisy neighbors are a problem, and if there are also dogs whining for hours and sitting without walks in the apartment, then this is generally a madhouse.....I want them to understand in an amicable way, without scandals.....but the calmer you are, the more people don’t understand or pretend ….waiting for action….
how familiar this all is!!!
Dog people suck. Worse than drunks.
The lost ones live above us. They also swear at the child. Previously, they were good neighbors, but now it’s crazy to us that this happens, the police won’t help, not when they caught them at the time when they were making noise, now they only told the court.
on the floor below are drunks, hucksters, drunks. partying.or and so on. On the floor above, elephants stomp around from morning to night. moving something. drop. And in the vestibule there are 4 apartments and everyone is so confused by the entrance doors. that my door is shaking. The vestibules on all floors are closed. no one has any calls. So deal with them. and I don’t believe in calling the police. everything is bullshit. no one needs anything.. This is the feeling. that only idiots live in the entrance. escaped from madness.
You give advice, but don’t take into account that there are fucking... neighbors downstairs who are supposedly bothered by the noise!
For 14 years, I have never had guests at my house, never played music or TV loudly, never had night parties, children play only until 21-00, sleep strictly from 22-00, repairs were done only during the day from 10-00. 00 to 17-00 with a break from 12 to 14, etc.
And this old s... walks and complains, then my cat stomps, then the noise (steps) bothers her at five in the evening.
Are you suggesting that she also make some kind of crap for me with doors or wiring?
and you, m...k, just wanted to put your shit on her head from morning to evening???
Unfortunately, now in most cases there are common doors and there is no way to get to noisy neighbors.In my case, when I tried to talk, they sent me three letters, they didn’t even open the door. And the neighbors on the site, if they open them, they stand and wait for the end of the visit so that they could close the door after me. So, the above advice does not suit me .Only percussion instruments remain
And above us, a year and a half ago, the accursed family of Hieromonk Longin (Novoselov O.V.) moved into the Solovetsky Metochion in Moscow. 30 years ago he took monastic vows and made a vow to the Lord about non-covetousness, left the apartment in his ownership and has been renting it out to tenants all these years! Deadly sin ! They jump like devils on their hooves across the rotten floor, you can hear everything they do! I can’t find the government yet, the monk knows everything, but is silent. I write everywhere, on Orthodox sites they immediately BANN. So much for the clergy, sinners in disguise!
moved into the hieromonk's apartment
interesting discussions about a monk. He's great. THIS is commerce.
And my upstairs neighbor is schizophrenic, at night he throws heavy cabinets on the floor, this noise not only gives me a headache and heartache, but also rings in my ears. The police do not help, persuasion does not work. The neighbor claims that he lives alone, but we hear that muffled female moans are heard from his apartment, in the Criminal Code they say his mother lives with him and he beats her. Please advise where to turn if your neighbor is not just noisy, but a psychopath
But on the contrary, I have a quintal neighbor downstairs, she walks like an elephant, she’s still young, she has a training base there with a sexodrome. Moreover, he likes to do cleaning and laundry at night. I'm waiting for nature to take its course and she gives birth to a child. who will need peace and quiet. Then I will jump whenever I want.
What if I need to remove old tiles from the floor? There’s no way without a hammer drill. If the neighbors themselves remove them for me without noise, I’m all for it
We moved into the apartment. The neighbors - a mother with an over-aged son - are schizophrenics, I think they are registered. But they love good music. The Beatles, Pink Floyd, etc., but all this from 00.00 and then slaughter until 4 in the morning...., I oh..... go to work a day or two.... etc. I turned off the light for them, well, it helped a little... but how much can you do.... I called the police, they can’t enter their apartment, we knock, call - it’s useless..... The police officer gave the information to the local police officer, he came and told me to write a statement... I tell him: “You won’t go in to them.” He replied: “That’s not your question.” And then…..for 3 or 4 years I haven’t seen or heard this patient…. Mom hates me. Recently I accidentally found out that I took my son out and hid him in the country, and that’s where he lives.
S. pan. great. option. Only I used the funeral march at 4 am for 2 hours for educational purposes.