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How to bleach a white bra at home?

A white bra is a basic piece of underwear in any woman's wardrobe. At the same time, due to improper care or use, it quickly acquires an unpleasant gray or yellowish tint. There is a need to bleach your bra, and this can be done in different ways.

Bleaching and washing are two of the simplest methods that help restore worn linen to its original “store-bought” appearance. But even these matters have their own little secrets, without which the whole process will not have the most effective result.

Snow-white bra

How to wash a white bra at home?

For any bra (not just light shades), hand washing is always the preferred option. In this case, the bra itself is not rubbed vigorously with soap to remove existing dirt, but is soaked in a soap solution for 10-15 minutes. Particularly contaminated areas of the laundry are pre-treated with a soft brush and then soaked. Then the laundry is rinsed under running cool water until it becomes clear.

Most women neglect hand washing, choosing a washing machine for such purposes, as this is a more convenient and practical method. This option is not forbidden, but before washing in a machine, you should always carefully study the manufacturer’s labels on the rules for caring for underwear, so as not to get into trouble. As a rule, they indicate the temperature of the washing water (30-40 degrees) and have a delicate mode icon.

To whiten your bra quickly and effectively, it is recommended to use special bleaches during washing. This method is very popular today due to its simplicity and accessibility.
Whitening powder
Whitening products are presented on store shelves in three types.

  1. Oxygen bleaches, which contain capsules with oxygen, destroy any stains on the fabric when they rupture.
  2. Chlorine-containing products, a prominent example of which is Belizna powder.
  3. Optical brighteners, which give laundry a snow-white hue by depositing microscopic reflective particles on its surface - thus creating the illusion of whitening.

Soak underwear in any bleaching agent for 30-60 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly in cool water or wash on a delicate cycle in a washing machine.


You should not keep your bra in bleach for more than two hours, otherwise the active components of the bleach will damage the structure of the thin fabric and thereby completely ruin your favorite item.

Soaking your bra

Alternative Whitening Methods

If you don’t have a store-bought laundry bleaching product on hand, and you’re already in the process of washing your underwear, then you can use the following substances at home:

  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • laundry soap;
  • baking soda and salt.

Ammonia should be diluted in warm water at the rate of one large spoon per liter of liquid. If hydrogen peroxide is used for bleaching, its proportions should be doubled compared to ammonia, using the same volume of water.When using baking soda and salt for the same purposes, take two tablespoons of each substance per liter of soap solution.

In such natural bleaches, unlike synthetic ones, bras and panties can be safely soaked for two to three hours without fear of tissue destruction.

If you decide to bleach your bra with laundry soap, then grate a small part of the soap bar and dissolve it in warm water. The pre-washed bra by hand should be left in the prepared substance for 20-30 minutes, and then rinsed in cool water until it becomes transparent.

Natural bleaching agents are almost as good as chemical ones in their properties, and in some cases they even work better and at the same time cost a penny.

Before throwing away your favorite bra that has lost its whiteness, you should try washing white underwear using the methods described above. One of them will certainly help restore things to their former beauty, and you won’t have to buy a new one ahead of time.

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