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Do-it-yourself soap bubbles: recipe and preparation rules

A great idea for parents who don’t know how to entertain a restless child is to make soap bubbles at home. The components for making the base are always at hand, and a minimum of time is spent on the process itself. But the fun of throwing water balloons will keep your baby busy for a long time.

Soap bubbles at home with glycerin

The solution for soap bubbles is mainly prepared with glycerin.It is this component that provides the balls with the desired strength; the other components can be any, namely those that are available.

Soap bubbles

Using laundry soap

The easiest way is to make soap bubbles with your own hands using laundry soap. You can do this using the following instructions:

  • grate a bar of soap, you will need about 20 g;
  • pour boiling water in the amount of ½ cup;
  • stir until the pieces are completely dissolved;
  • strain the liquid and add 2 teaspoons of glycerin.

You can use the solution immediately, but it is better to give it time to brew in the cold. This will make the bubbles better and will not burst quickly.

Soap bubbles from laundry soap

Liquid soap

Using liquid soap speeds up the process of creating soap bubbles, since there is no need to wait for the pieces to dissolve in water, as is the case with a laundry bar.

The solution is made according to the instructions:

  • dilute 100 ml of liquid soap in 20 ml of boiled water;
  • stir and refrigerate for two hours;
  • then add 10 drops of pharmaceutical glycerin.

The balloons inflate well, they are strong and unbreakable. And the smell of the solution itself is pleasant.

Using dishwashing liquid

Regular dishwashing detergent can create bubbles. Instructions:

  • boil 0.4 liters of water, then let it cool to 30 degrees;
  • add 100 ml of detergent, it is better to take Fairy;
  • add 2 teaspoons of sugar and stir until completely dissolved.

You should not take products intended for the dishwasher, they contain a lot of chemicals, and they do not bubble well. They won't make good balls.

Bubbles using dishwashing liquid

Using baby shampoo

The good thing about baby shampoo is that even if the bubble bursts and the splashes get into the eyes, the child will not feel a burning sensation. To prepare the solution you need:

  • water – 0.5 l;
  • shampoo – ¼ l;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons.

Mix shampoo with water, leave the liquid for a day, then add sugar. After the sand has dissolved, the solution is considered ready.

Using sugar syrup: experimental bubbles

This recipe is suitable for those who want to get durable rainbow balls that won’t burst for a long time. They include:

  • 0.1 l of sugar syrup;
  • 0.2 l glycerin alcohol;
  • 200 g grated soap;
  • 0.8 liters of hot water, its temperature should be between 35-40 degrees.

All prepared components are mixed, then shaken and infused for 10-12 hours. Before blowing, you should get rid of the foam.

Soap bubbles at home with sugar syrup

Soap bubbles at home without glycerin

If you don’t have glycerin at home, don’t be upset; the solution for bubbles can be prepared without it. Several manufacturing options are offered, so no one will be left without balls.

How to make bubbles with baking powder

A simple recipe for creating a soap solution. For this you need to prepare:

  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 0.8 l;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • glycerin – 25 ml;
  • 0.2 l – Fairy.

The manufacturing method is simple: the components are mixed, infused in the cold and everything is ready for use.

Soap bubbles at home with baking powder

Using washing powder

If you take washing powder as one of the components, then you can even support such bubbles in your hands. The cooking process is quite complicated, but it's worth it. First, you should stock up on the following:

  • 500 ml of hot water, its temperature should be within 45 degrees;
  • 20 g of washing powder, you need to select a product without additives such as antistatic agent, bleach or rinse aid;
  • 2 teaspoons of ammonia.

First, mix the powder, then you need to beat the liquid and add a drop of alcohol. The solution should stand in the cold, and after 4 hours it can be used for its intended purpose.

Using corn syrup

Another method of production, it contains only three ingredients, namely:

  • shampoo – 100 ml;
  • water – 0.3 liters;
  • corn syrup – 50 ml.

All components are mixed, brought to homogeneity and can be used. The resulting balls are no worse than those created from store-bought solutions.

Shampoo and corn syrup

With sugar

If you don’t have glycerin on hand, you can replace it with sugar; the bubbles won’t get any worse. To make them you will need:

  • dishwashing liquid – 2 teaspoons;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • 1 teaspoon regular sugar.

All that remains is to combine the ingredients, add water and stir. The sand should completely dissolve. Leave the solution for 15 minutes, then mix again, but do it carefully, no foam should form. Now you can blow bubbles.

Recipes for big soap bubbles

For lovers of large bubbles, whose diameter is more than 1 m, here are your own homemade recipes. There is also nothing complicated in their manufacture; the components are accessible and can be purchased at your nearest store.

Important! How high-quality and long-lasting soap bubbles will be depends on the method of preparing the solution, compliance with the dosage of ingredients and the strict sequence of actions. You need to do everything right.

Big soap bubbles

Recipe with gel lubricant

Bubbles are especially durable thanks to technical lubricant; such balls do not burst, even if they come into contact with the surface of the earth, they can be touched with your hands.


  • 1 liter of distilled water, it can be replaced with boiled water;
  • 230 ml dishwashing detergent;
  • 120 ml gel lubricant;
  • 120 ml glycerin.

You need to mix all the ingredients, slowly add warm water to them, but stir so that there is no foam. Using this recipe, you can really inflate a giant balloon that will amaze everyone with its size.

Recipe with gelatin

Soap bubbles made from gelatin are simply enormous in size. You can make the base as follows:

  • pour ½ liter of water into a bowl, add 25 g of gelatin:
  • wait until the powder swells, remove the remaining liquid;
  • add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and place the container on low flame;
  • let the sand dissolve and pour in another 0.4 liters of water;
  • pour in 50 ml of glycerin and 100 ml of detergent;
  • quickly mix the contents without shaking the solution.

As soon as the liquid has cooled, you can start bubbles; the quality of the solution is in no way inferior to the store-bought version.

Unusual soap bubbles

For lovers of everything unusual and original, special soap bubbles have been invented. By adding certain components you can create amazing balls that glow in the dark, are colored in nylon shades and even scented.

Glow in the dark bubbles

You can surprise children with soap bubbles that glow beautifully in the dark. They are also easy to make yourself. To make the solution, you can use any of the above recipes.

Soap bubbles glowing in the dark

You just need to take not ordinary water, but diluted paint with phosphor. It is this component that provides the balls with a luminous effect. The more paint you add, the brighter they will glow.

Gel soap bubbles

These bubbles have a gel-like consistency, which gives them special density and strength. Entire castles and towers are created from them. To do this you need:

  • combine 100 ml of liquid soap and 20 ml of distilled water;
  • wait for the resulting foam to settle and pour in glycerin, you will need 10 drops of it.

All that remains is to mix the composition and put it in the refrigerator. After a day, you can start inflating the balloons.

How do you know when the solution is ready?

Determining the readiness and quality of the solution is not difficult. You need to inflate the water balloon, then wet your finger with the solution and touch the bubble. If it does not burst, then everything is in order, but if the opposite situation occurs, then you should add a couple of drops of glycerin.

If the inflation process is difficult and slow, then this is a sign that the solution has a low water content.

Children's party soap bubbles

Bubble blowing tools

Today, classic devices in the form of tubes and straws are used to create soap balls. Many take unconventional paths and make devices on their own, and often such options become much more interesting than purchased ones.

Cocktail straw

Blowing devices in the form of cocktail tubes allow you to create a large number of balloons at one time. Achieving this result is simple, you just need to tie from 5 to 20 straws together using tape. It is convenient to use such a device.

Cocktail straw for blowing soap bubbles

Knitting needles

Most often, knitting needles are used to blow large bubbles. To do this, tie one woolen thread to them, then dip it in a soap solution so that it absorbs the liquid well. By connecting and disconnecting the spokes, a bubble of the desired diameter is created.

Special devices

You can use almost any available means for inflation. Most often used:

  • a wire with one side bent into a loop;
  • ballpoint pen housing;
  • carpet beater.

Wire for blowing soap bubbles

Some, especially creative guys, create balls using regular pasta. True, you will need quite a lot of them, since the semi-finished product quickly gets wet and sticks together.

Ordinary bottle

You can make your own blow molding device. To do this, you will need a regular plastic eggplant with the bottom cut off. They in turn blow into the neck.

Fun and games with bubbles

Everyone loves shows with soap bubbles, so they can brighten up any holiday. Entire scenarios and programs have been created with their participation, there are group and individual games with inflating balloons.

Drawings with soap bubbles

Soap matryoshka

A great children's fun is creating a matryoshka doll from bubbles. To do this, you will need a flat surface, which is moistened with a soap solution, then a large bubble is inflated using a tube.

Afterwards, they carefully pierce the ball and blow out another one inside, this continues until the entire structure bursts; whoever has the most bubbles wins.

Soap War

For this event you will have to acquire a soap bubble generator. The device independently blows out water balloons, and they all differ in size.

For kids, the generator will be replaced by a special gun with a container for the solution; just press a button to have a whole clip of soap balls shoot out of it.

Automatic soap bubbles

The point of the game is to hit your opponents with bubbles; the more people you managed to hit with the balls, the more points you scored. The parents' task is to ensure that the container with soap solution is always full.

Freezing bubbles

This is not only a fun, but also an entertaining activity, because you will not only have to inflate the bubble, but also freeze it. But to conduct the experiment you will need sub-zero temperatures. You need to slowly blow out the ball, the cold air will freeze it, as a result of which it will become crystal. The spectacle is truly breathtaking; the child will be delighted.

Drawings with soap bubbles

To create pictures you will need colored soap solutions, they are made from food coloring, and a blank sheet of paper. Next, use a straw to blow bubbles and burst them over the paper. This is how real masterpieces are created. Not only children, but also adults can participate in the fun.


Exciting entertainment that can be organized at a matinee in kindergarten or a birthday celebration. Both young children and their parents will be happy to take part in the competition.

Exciting entertainment made from bubbles

To hold the competition you will need a bowl of water, after which bubbles are blown out and made to move, whose water round gets to the opposite edge faster and remains intact, he is the winner. As a reward, you can give a sweet present.

Soap Jumper

For this game you will need to stock up on rubber gloves and soapy water. Next, the ball is inflated, which must be beaten with a glove, preventing it from falling to the ground. It is important to control the force of the blow so that it does not burst.

Blowing soap bubbles is one of the most favorite children's pastimes. This is an accessible, harmless and exciting activity that brings a lot of joy not only to kids, but also to their parents.

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