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To wash or not to wash: how to prepare lettuce, arugula, Chinese cabbage before cooking

Salad in plastic packaging is in great demand among lovers of healthy eating. Manufacturers indicate that it is ready to eat and there is no need to wash arugula and lettuce. Plus, it looks fresh, as if it was picked from the field just a few hours ago. But is it safe to eat it in this form and will such “conditionally healthy” food harm the body?

Man looking at salad

What remains on unwashed leaves?

It is no secret that lettuce reaches the shelves only after long-term processing. It goes through several stages of washing, is treated with substances that prevent the process of rotting, and is cut in special machines. In addition, before harvesting, the product is treated with pesticides that protect against pests, and gas is released before packaging in plastic bags.

Scientists from Germany and the UK conducted a study in which they examined the chemical and microbiological composition of lettuce, Chinese cabbage and arugula from packages. During the experiment, it turned out that none of the samples can be called environmentally friendly and ready for use.

The following were found in all packages of Chinese cabbage for salad:

  • traces of fertilizers;
  • growth stimulants;
  • pest control chemicals.

Despite the fact that these substances remain on leafy vegetables in doses that are not hazardous to health, their entry into the body is extremely undesirable.In children, the elderly and people with allergies, they can cause deterioration in well-being.

In addition, scientists identified the presence of microparticles of earth and sand.

Disease-causing bacteria and yeast have been found in some samples of iceberg lettuce. 1 gram of lettuce contained 30–50 thousand microorganisms. In the case of a mixed salad and arugula with an expiration date in a few days, this amount becomes hazardous to health. In people with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, such impurities can cause digestive system disorders.

Several packages even contained pathogens of serious diseases - salmonellosis and listeria. In Europe, there are known cases where food in plastic boxes caused an outbreak of infection.

Washed lettuce leaves

How to get rid of bacteria and harmful substances?

Based on the research results, we can conclude: salad must be washed before use. Even if this does not help get rid of all harmful substances and microorganisms, washing will still reduce their number to an acceptable level.

Washing lettuce

How to wash properly?

To destroy the maximum amount of pathogens, you need to wash arugula and lettuce in several stages:

  1. First, the leaves are placed in ice water for a few minutes.
  2. Then let it dry a little.
  3. After this, rinse under cold running water for 1–2 minutes and wait until dry.
  4. Then wash thoroughly in warm water, cleaning each leaf.

After this, the product is ready for use.

This method is necessary for children and people with poor health, especially for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system. For healthy adults, it is enough to rinse well in running water at room temperature.

Packaging with salad mix

How to choose leafy vegetables in the store?

To reduce the risk of infection, you need to follow the rules for choosing ready-to-eat products:

  • Monitor the quality of packaging. It must be sealed, free of damage and excess gas. Swollen bags should be discarded immediately.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date. The product must not be expired. In addition, it is better not to take salad, which should spoil in 3-4 days. It already contains a large amount of harmful substances.
  • Read the ingredients carefully. The fewer preservatives it contains, the more healthy it is.
  • Do not choose the cheapest product and give preference to trusted manufacturers. As a rule, low-cost products contain large amounts of bacteria and harmful elements.
  • Store lettuce, arugula, and Chinese cabbage in the refrigerator and consume as soon as possible after purchase. This will reduce the risk of proliferation of harmful organisms.
  • If possible, buy not ready-to-eat salad from plastic packaging, but a fresh product at the market. It still needs to be washed thoroughly, but the leaves will likely contain fewer pesticides and chemicals.

The best and safest option would be to grow arugula or lettuce in a pot on the window - this will allow you to get fresh and natural products at any time of the year.

Lettuce and arugula leaves - even in packages labeled “Ready to Eat” - always contain large amounts of substances harmful to health. Therefore, to the question of whether it is worth washing them, the answer is clear: definitely! A few minutes spent on this procedure can prevent unpleasant consequences and maintain health.

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  1. Elena

    Thank you very much for the information! Healthy!

  2. Galina

    Good article. Thanks to the author.


