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Is it possible to keep chocolate in the refrigerator - they say it spoils because of this

Many people think that storing chocolate in the refrigerator is correct. However, it is not. Low temperatures lead to changes in the composition of the product. When stored in the refrigerator, the taste of chocolate deteriorates, it becomes hard, and a white coating forms on its surface.

White coating on chocolate

Why not?

Chocolate is quite capricious in storage. He is afraid of literally everything: heat, dry air, direct sunlight, cold, foreign odors. The tile easily melts, weathers, hardens, and loses its original taste and aroma. That is why it is sealed in light-proof and airtight packaging and wrapped in aluminum foil.

It is not recommended to store chocolate in the refrigerator due to unsuitable temperature conditions. Cool room conditions are considered optimal for the product - +18 degrees. A deviation of 3 degrees down or up is possible.

In the refrigerator compartment the temperature is much lower - from +3 to +6 degrees. In such conditions, water freezes out. As a result, sucrose crystals appear on the surface of the chocolate bar. It becomes harder and fresher.

Gift chocolate

Where is the right place to store chocolate?

According to all the rules, confectionery with chocolate is stored cool, but not in the refrigerator. Recommended storage conditions:

  • temperature from +15 to +21 degrees;
  • air humidity up to 75%.

It is important that the tiles are not exposed to direct sunlight, even if they are in sealed packaging.The fact is that within the radius of their impact the temperature is always higher. And even if the room is +15 degrees, the chocolate will melt under direct sunlight. You should also keep chocolates away from sources of strong odors (fish, sausages, prepared foods, etc.).

It is correct to store chocolate in the pantry, cellar, or kitchen cabinet, located away from the stove and other heating appliances.

Chocolates in the refrigerator

When can you use a refrigerator?

If we compare the harm of high and low temperatures for chocolate, then heat is definitely more destructive for it. At a temperature of +21 and above, it begins to melt and looks unsightly when opening the package. If exposure to high temperatures is long enough, the confectionery product begins to taste bitter, loses its cocoa aroma, and acquires an unpleasant taste. This delicacy should not be eaten.

And if the melted chocolate bar is placed in the cold again, the fat contained in the cocoa butter crystallizes. A whitish coating again forms on the surface of the tile, but this time it is fatty. If the chocolate has not yet spoiled, it can be eaten. But its taste will never be the same.

If it is not possible to maintain a temperature of +18 degrees to store chocolate, then it is better to initially place it in the refrigerator on the side shelf. High temperatures harm it much more than low temperatures, as well as temperature changes.

Dark chocolate

Shelf life

The shelf life of chocolate depends on the amount of fat it contains. The more of them there are in the composition, the faster the product deteriorates.

White chocolate has the highest cocoa butter content and can be stored for no longer than 1 month.

Shelf life of different types of chocolate:

  • white – 30 days;
  • dessert with filling – 3 months;
  • without filling and additives – 6–12 months;
  • by weight (without packaging) – 2 months;
  • homemade chocolate and sweets with additives and fillings – 2 weeks.

When making chocolate bars, manufacturers often add the preservative E-200. This is sorbic acid, which improves the preservation of food. It is considered relatively safe for human health. But it’s still better to choose varieties of chocolate without synthetic ingredients and with a shorter shelf life.

The shelf life can be found on the packaging. To prevent the product from spoiling ahead of time, it must be stored according to the rules.

Freezing chocolate in molds

Freezing chocolate

It is not advisable to freeze chocolate. As already mentioned, low temperatures negatively affect its taste. However, when making homemade sweets or chocolate figures, you cannot do without freezing. The finished products are placed in the freezer for 30 minutes, removed from the molds and then stored according to standard rules.

You can also briefly place the melted tile in the refrigerator or freezer to harden.

But it makes no sense to freeze chocolates to increase shelf life. They will not be as tasty and will lose their attractive appearance, although they will not spoil.

It is more or less justified to store chocolate that is planned to be melted in the freezer. It should not contain additives. For storage, use a hermetically sealed container.

So, can you keep chocolate in the refrigerator? According to storage conditions according to GOST, the refrigerator compartment is not a suitable place for chocolate products. The temperature in the refrigerator is much lower than required by the rules. It is optimal to keep the tiles in a pantry or cellar with a constant temperature of +18 degrees and air humidity of up to 75%.

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