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Where are the most germs in a car? Scientists have named the 5 dirtiest places in the cabin

Even the toilet and toilet seat are inferior to the car interior in terms of the number of bacteria. Scientists conducted studies that identified the dirtiest places in the car. We suggest you find out the “top five” so that you can clean them more often and better in the future.

Checking your car's steering wheel for germs

Steering wheel and rear trunk floor

Scientists at Queen Mary University of London examined washouts from the surface of various parts of the car. Based on the results of the experiment, it was found that the steering wheel and the floor of the rear trunk are the dirtiest places in the car. On average, one square inch (6.5 cm square) of a steering wheel is home to 700 different types of germs. In the same area of ​​the rear trunk floor, 1,000 units of bacteria were found. For comparison, there are significantly fewer microbes on the surface of a toilet seat - about 170 units, on a telephone - 100, and on buttons in a public elevator - 310.

A sociological survey of 1,000 motorists showed that most drivers pay minimal attention to cleaning the interior. Only 32% of car owners clean it once a year. The remaining 68% think about the hygiene of the inside of the car even less often.

Gearbox lever handle

Gearbox lever handle

In fact, the dirtiest places in a car are the ones that are touched the most. The gearshift lever is used while driving as often as the steering wheel. It ranks honorably second in terms of bacterial population.If you don’t wash your hands and eat something after riding, there is a high risk of developing an intestinal upset.

The journal Biofouling published a list of bacteria whose numbers are highest in a car. The leader was staphylococcus, which causes food poisoning. It’s as easy as shelling pears to become infected with it – just touch the mucous membranes of your mouth with dirty hands.

Auto power window keys

Power window keys

The majority of drivers use these keys as often as they use the car itself. Throughout the trip, the windows go up and down, especially if the journey is long and there are passengers in the rear seats. Therefore, it is not surprising that they get very dirty.

To prevent intestinal disorders and poisoning, scientists recommend that car owners regularly wipe the steering wheel and other dirty places in the car with a disinfectant wipe. After traveling, be sure to wash your hands with soap. You should also avoid eating and drinking in your car if possible. And if you can’t do without a snack, immediately remove crumbs and garbage.

Car door handle

Door handles

You have to touch car door handles at least 2 times a day. How often are they cleaned? Judging by the responses of motorists, it is extremely rare. Naturally, during this time, door handles become colonized with hundreds of bacteria and can pose a health threat.

The interior of the car creates its own ecosystem. Various microorganisms are part of it. Unfortunately, they do not have the best effect on human health. And some types are harmful to materials - they contribute to clouding and loss of color.

Checking the car interior for the presence of harmful microorganisms

Seat belt and cup holder mounts

Fifth place was shared by cup holders and seat belts.As it turns out, not everyone uses them. At least 3 seat belts can remain clean if the car owner drives independently. And the degree of contamination of the cup holder depends on how often drinks are placed in it and what kind. Drips and droplets from fermented milk products, as well as sweet coffee and tea, attract the maximum number of bacteria. Of course, provided that they are not wiped off on time.

So, vehicles can be called the dirtiest places on Earth. The interior of an average car is more dirty than even the toilet. However, scientists do not identify germ-infested areas in a car out of idle curiosity. Research data is needed to find new methods of combating bacteria. Today, interior cleaning is done with steam, a foam generator with active cleaning foam, or a vacuum cleaner. The high-end salon undergoes ozonation.

Comprehensive dry cleaning is recommended 2 times a year. The rest of the time, to maintain cleanliness, it is enough to wipe the steering wheel, gearshift lever handle and other frequently touched places with a disinfectant wipe.

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