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Life hack to prevent bananas from spoiling for a long time - a trick that will help you store them for weeks

Banana is one of the most nutritious and sweetest fruits. At the same time, it is sometimes cheaper than native Russian berries. Many families stock up on bundles for future use. A little trick helps keep bananas fresh for many weeks.

Two bananas

Pay attention to the tails

Not all bananas are suitable for storage. Those with perky brown freckles on the skin will last no longer than a week. They are at the very peak of their maturity. They are bought to be eaten immediately.

Bananas with thick, light yellow or greenish-yellow peel can be stored. But the main thing is the condition of the tails. It should be juicy and not dry.

Ripe bananas

Lifehack that helps prevent bananas from spoiling

If the sunny fruit is whole, not beaten or frozen, it always begins to deteriorate from the tail. And this is not without reason. A gaseous substance is released from the tail, which promotes rapid ripening of the fruit. Then it begins to gradually dry out, the peel darkens, and the core becomes covered with putrid spots and deteriorates.

To prevent fresh bananas from spoiling, you need to wrap the tails with cling film. You can use a bag or foil. At the same time, the fruits themselves should be well ventilated.

You need to wrap the ends tightly so that the gas does not interact with the peel. But too much squeezing is also unacceptable. You can wrap the tail of the whole bunch if it does not contain damaged or ripe fruit. If at least one of them is damaged, the bunch is disassembled.Bananas are sorted. Mature and damaged ones are put aside. Fresh ones are prepared for separate storage.

Bananas with film-wrapped tails

Choose the right storage location

An exotic fruit will last the longest if the following conditions are met:

  • temperature +12+16 degrees;
  • humidity 50-70%;
  • darkness;
  • normal air circulation.

There are few such places in the apartment. This is the refrigerator door, where the temperature is +12 degrees, and the pantry.

For better ventilation, it is better to hang the bunch on a hook, and store individual fruits on a mesh or grill.

Prepare something

If ripe bananas are removed from the bag and stored in the refrigerator door, they will stay fresh for 7 days.

Bananas in a net

If the shelf life is coming to an end and the fruit is still not eaten, you can prepare some tasty dish. For example:

  • banana chips (will last up to 1 year);
  • fruit pie;
  • banana fritters;
  • ice cream;
  • banana milkshake;
  • smoothie with oatmeal;
  • cookie;
  • pancake filling;
  • banana bread.

Banana dessert

Never do this!

If bananas spoil too quickly, you're doing something wrong. It is forbidden:

  1. Store bananas in a bag or other airtight container.
  2. Wash them before storing.
  3. Drop, place something heavy on top. Any damage will lead to rapid deterioration.
  4. Leave bananas in a basket with other fruits, especially apples (they release ethylene, a gas that promotes rapid ripening).
  5. Expose to temperature changes. If you move fruits from a cold environment of +2+5 degrees and below to a warm one, they will quickly begin to darken and spoil. For example, keep it in the refrigerator for a while, and then take it out and leave it on the kitchen counter.

Questions and answers

Can I eat blackened bananas?

If we are talking about the peel - yes.Underneath you can most often find light flesh without any signs of spoilage. These bananas are the sweetest. If the pulp itself has turned black and has a specific, sour smell, the product will have to be thrown away.

What to do if there are a lot of bananas?

First of all, you need to sort them out and separate the ripe ones from those that can still sit. Unripe fruits are placed in storage, and ripe ones are eaten, prepared from them, or treated to relatives and friends.

Can bananas be frozen?

Theoretically, you can freeze anything. Bananas are frozen in slices, whole (peeled and peeled), and crushed in a blender. But after defrosting, the pulp darkens, disintegrates and acquires a specific taste. This product is only suitable for baking. The semi-finished product is stored for up to 2 months.

To summarize, bananas can be stored at home for a very long time. But for this you need to choose slightly unripe specimens. A small life hack will help preserve them - wrapping the legs with cling film. Hanging bunches or bananas on a net, separated from each other, will last the longest. The ideal place for them is the refrigerator door or pantry. If everything is done correctly, you can enjoy fresh fruit for 1-1.5 months.

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