What is the difference between espresso and americano

There are many types of coffee and coffee drinks, and sometimes it is very difficult to understand them. For example, not everyone knows the difference between espresso and Americano. Meanwhile, there are quite a lot of differences - from the composition of the blend to the taste and strength.

Espresso and Americano coffee

How to distinguish espresso from Americano

Espresso is a strong drink with a high concentration of natural coffee. During the cooking process, hot water under pressure passes through a filter with ground grains. This coffee is consumed in its pure form or used as a base for other drinks.

One of the “derivatives” is Americano (American coffee). To prepare, one or two shots of espresso are combined with water in a certain ratio. The result is a less concentrated and smoother drink.

But this is not the only difference. There are a number of other criteria that indicate how espresso differs from Americano.

Features of the blend

For both types of drink, finely ground coffee is used, and the main part of the mixture is Arabica. The difference lies in the volume of robusta. In the first case, its share accounts for from 15 to 20% of the total mass, and in the second - no more than 10%.

To prepare an American-style drink, beans are lighter roasted than for espresso.

Portion size

Espresso is a fairly strong coffee, and it is not customary to drink it in large quantities. A serving of the classic drink is 30 ml. In some establishments it is increased to 50 ml.

An Americano, which consists of one or two "doses" of base and an average of about 120 ml of water, is less concentrated and produces larger portions. As a rule, their volume ranges from 150 to 200 ml.


Espresso is poured into 60 ml demitasse cups. A small amount of cold water is served along with it. You need to drink it first - it is believed that this measure helps to “cleanse” the receptors, and then the taste of coffee will be fully revealed.

Espresso coffee delivery

Americano is served in larger cups and also with water. But, unlike espresso, not with cold, but with hot. It is needed in order to, if necessary, dilute the coffee to reduce the strength.

Serving Americano coffee

Both types are considered “independent” drinks, which are not usually supplemented with anything. But in some establishments they are served with cookies or a small chocolate bar.

Taste and strength

Espresso has a bright, pronounced taste. It turns out dense, rich, with a noticeable bitterness. This drink does not need any additives.

Americano is softer and more neutral, the structure is more watery. There is no pronounced bitterness. This type of coffee is often supplemented with milk and sugar.

Since both types of drinks require the same volume of ground beans, espresso and Americano shots contain equal amounts of caffeine. But in the first case, the coffee is diluted with 30 ml of water, and in the second - at least 120 ml. And if you calculate the caffeine content in 100 g of one and the second type, it turns out that espresso is several times stronger.


This drink is popular all over the world, but it is in greatest demand among coffee lovers in the south of Europe - in Spain, Italy and Portugal. It has become widespread in Russia since the 90s of the last century.

Espresso coffee

To prepare the classic version, take from 8 to 22 g of coffee mixture and pour it into the coffee maker. There the mass is leveled and compressed so that it forms into a dense “tablet”. After this, water heated to 88-97°C is passed through it under a pressure of 9 bar. It is important to comply with all parameters, since even a slight deviation can affect the final result.

In addition to the classic version, there are the following types of espresso:

  • doppio – double;
  • triplo - triple;
  • ristretto – the volume of coffee is the same as for one serving, and the amount of water is reduced to 15 ml;
  • lungo – the mass of the coffee mixture is the same as in the classic version, and the volume of water is increased to 70 ml.

With the development of technology, the cooking process has undergone changes. Currently, most coffee shops do not use coffee makers, but capsule coffee machines.


It is believed that this type of coffee drink was invented in Italy during the Second World War. In fact, it is an analogue of the American “regular” - not too concentrated coffee, which was traditionally prepared in large volumes.


Americano is made from 30 or 60 ml of espresso with the addition of hot water. On average, its volume is 120-170 ml, but can reach 470 ml. The liquid is taken both from the coffee machine and from a separate kettle or warmer.

In addition to classic, there are the following types of American coffee:

  • cold or ice - chilled, not hot water is added;
  • Canadian (also known as “Canadiano” and “Red Eye”) - instead of water, take coffee from a coffee filter;
  • Swedish - the preparation order has been changed, when water is poured into the cup first, and then coffee.

The latter type of drink retains a pronounced foam.And in the classic and cold version there is no “cap”, because it breaks when adding water.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally which is better and tastier, espresso or Americano. The first option is suitable for fans of strong, tart drinks with a pronounced bitterness. And for those who prefer a mild taste without bitterness and like to drink coffee with sugar and milk, it is better to choose Americano.

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