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Which twisting machine should you choose to roll cans without pain?

During the harvesting season, a can sealer becomes an essential item. The device is especially necessary for summer residents who have to process large volumes of fruits and vegetables. Every housewife would like to have a reliable and easy-to-use machine for wrapping salads, compotes and jars of cucumbers. Fortunately, today there is plenty to choose from; many models of similar equipment can be found on sale. An overview of different seaming devices will help you navigate the market offers.

Tomato seaming

Types of twisting machines

Seaming keys for cans may differ in their design and principle of operation. Existing machines are divided into 5 types:

  1. Screw. Manual seaming machine of simple design. The cans are twisted using 1-2 pressure rollers, which are twisted by hand during operation. The device requires some skill and experience to achieve tightness.
  2. Snail. The model is designed in such a way that twisting occurs using a spiral located on the base, along which a tooth moves during rolling, controlling the impact on the lid. The key is easy to use and does its job reliably.
  3. Semi-automatic The principle of operation of the device is similar to the principle of using a screw wrench. First, make 6-7 turns with the handle, forcing the roller to press the edges of the lid, then the handle turns in the other direction so that you can remove the machine.
  4. Machine. The base is placed evenly on the lid, then the locking levers (one or two depending on the model) are lowered. The rolling process lasts only a couple of seconds.
  5. Electric. This type of equipment is expensive and is therefore used mainly in industrial production.

It is worth noting that the result of screwing also depends on the quality of the tin lids. Metal that is too thin can lead to damage to the product and a lack of tightness.

Popular models of seaming machines

There is no clear leader among the keys for home canning. Each housewife likes her own type of machine. Often devices last for decades, inherited from mother and grandmother. Those who are not lucky enough to become the owner of a reliable rare machine will have to choose from what modern industry offers. Several brands from different manufacturers received a lot of positive feedback; buyers recognized them as the best.

"Moskvichka Click"

The domestic brand “Moskvichka” launched new automatic seaming machines with a bearing called “Shelchok” on the market, which immediately became popular.You can purchase the product at a retail outlet or by ordering online. The manufacturer equips the key with a special anti-slip mat, which is very useful.

Muscovite seaming machine

After the lid is tightened to the limit, you can hear a characteristic click. The main parts of the key are made of metal, the handle is made of durable plastic. After clicking, the automatic machine can be easily removed from the can. The device is easy to use and reliable. The disadvantages include the cost of the product, which exceeds 1000 rubles, and the need to use only high-quality lids.

Moskvichka also produces manual seaming machines and snail-type wrenches. The advantages of these models include their miniature dimensions, light weight and low cost. From Moscow, goods are sent by mail to any corner of the country.

"Kredmash MPZ 1-1"

For many years, the Kremenchug Road Machinery Plant has been producing excellent semi-automatic seaming machines “Kredmash MZP 1-1”, which can be found in many Russian homes. The cost of the product depends on where it is purchased, on average it is almost 700 rubles. If the item is delivered by mail, postage costs should be added to the price.

Seaming machine Kremenchug

The device looks massive, which creates the impression of good quality. The parts are treated with lubricant, this ensures easy tightening. According to reviews, the machine does not damage the lids and rolls up the jars very quickly. In 8 full revolutions it is possible to completely seal the container.

"Prodmash MZA Lux P Automatic"

The Prodmash MZA Lux P Avtomat canning key is produced in Ukraine. The model is an automatic type device equipped with a bearing.The manufacturer claims that the device will last more than 10 years even with active use.

Prodmash MZA Lux P Automatic

The preservation process is greatly facilitated, because rolling up the jars does not require much effort. The handle must be turned counterclockwise, making 6-7 turns. A characteristic click will indicate the completion of the operation. The housewife will spend less than 10 seconds sealing one jar. The bearing allows you to make movements smoothly and easily. The device costs just under 1000 rubles.

"Lepse PZB-1"

The Lepse machine is produced by a domestic manufacturer. This brand has received good reviews from housewives for its ease of use and lack of drawbacks. The main thing is to get used to installing the base evenly on the lid. The handles should be at right angles.

Lepse PZB-1

During operation, hold the lower handle while simultaneously pressing the movable upper handle downwards with the other hand until it stops. After this, the lever is returned to its original position and the machine is removed from the can. As a result, the process of sealing containers lasts only a few seconds.

The device itself is made of metal, with plastic trim on the handles. For storage, the handles can be turned out so that the seaming wrench takes up less space. The device is convenient to use for both right-handers and left-handers. Just one pressure is enough to seal the jar hermetically. A seaming wrench costs about 600 rubles.


The model was created back in Soviet times, but has since undergone some changes and improvements. The key is created according to the “snail” principle. In modern devices, the number of turns has increased, which makes it possible to obtain a uniform continuous seam.The metal parts are coated with a shiny coating, which adds to the visual appeal of the machine.

Seaming machine Meshchera-1

The plastic parts are made of polypropylene, they are comfortable and durable. The pressure locking roller allows the tool to be used for lids, regardless of their thickness. The model costs less than 300 rubles, which can also be attributed to its advantages.

"Poltava MW 16.000"

The semi-automatic can screw key looks unusual. Some of the parts of this device are made of transparent plastic. The device performs its function through a pressure roller.

The metal parts are coated with powder paint, thanks to which the product will not be subject to corrosion for a long time. The roller is finished with a stainless steel edging, which significantly extends its service life. The design of the machine allows you to make smooth movements, resulting in a perfect seam. The cost of the product is slightly above 300 rubles.

Seaming machine Poltava MZP16.000


According to reviews from housewives, the Ukrainian-made automatic machine “Mashenka” is better than many analogues and at the same time has an affordable price. The machine is equipped with two ergonomic handles. Twisting is quick and easy. The device is installed on the lid and leveled, after which both handles must be pulled down at the same time.

The levers operate smoothly due to the built-in spring mechanism. The jar is sealed effortlessly and there is no risk of damaging it. The assembly of the product can be called quite high quality, the machine will last for many years. Before starting work, the spring mechanism must be lubricated. The average price of the device is 500 rubles.

Seaming machine Mashenka


This model from a domestic manufacturer can rightfully be called unpretentious.It easily copes with metal lids from different manufacturers. The clamping force of the roller can be adjusted independently. At the same time, working with the device is quite easy.

The weight of the machine is only 300 g, which allows you to twist cans all day long without getting tired. The device operates like a snail. The handle is twisted in a spiral until the jar is sealed. “Moskvichka” costs less than 300 rubles, which makes its purchase easy for all segments of the population.

Muscovite seaming machine

"Motor SICH MZN-1"

This model of a can sealer can be called a classic one. The machine is produced in Ukraine and costs an average of just over 700 rubles. The device has a fairly impressive weight - 500 g. All parts are tightly fitted, which ensures trouble-free operation.

The model is classified as semi-automatic. Once the lid is screwed in completely, the device stops. The main part of the parts is made of metal, the handle and stop are made of plastic. The machine is not afraid of falls and impacts, you can safely count on its many years of service. Due to the bulkiness of the device, the work takes a little longer, but this small inconvenience pays off in reliability and durability.

Motor SICH MZN-1


The household may also need a machine for rolling cans; in this segment, the Russian-made “Forkom” model is in demand among summer residents. The device body is made of corrosion-resistant metal. The model has an impressive weight (4.8 kg), however, it can be transported from home to the country and back.

Before starting work, the machine should be secured to the table surface using a clamp. The model is designed to work with tin cans No. 9.The device has a budget price - 580 rubles, which makes it affordable for every buyer.

Seaming machine Forkom

Those who are in the process of choosing a canning machine can buy 2-3 devices of different types to choose the most convenient model. You can focus on the type of seaming wrench that you have already used and buy a similar one (if you liked the previous one) or a completely different one based on the principle of the device. The listed models have already found their loyal fans, and perhaps you will be among their admirers.

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