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How to properly store tangerines and which variety will last longer in an apartment?

Many people, if possible, try to store tangerines at home so that the winter “founty of vitamins” is always at hand. But how long will such a fruit supply last and what can be done to preserve its freshness for a long time? Now we'll tell you! If all conditions are met, tangerines can be stored for several months.

Three tangerines of different varieties

How long do tangerines last, depending on the variety?

Before sending citrus fruits for storage, you need to take into account their variety and even the color of the peel:

  • Fruits of a greenish tint can last for about two weeks at temperatures from +2 to +6 degrees.
  • Yellow citruses begin to deteriorate after ten days, and they need a lower temperature - from +1 to +2 degrees.

The country where the tangerines were collected also matters:

  • Fruits brought from Abkhazia and Morocco are stored for a long time. They are distinguished by their light yellow skin and porous structure. The pulp of such tangerines is juicy and sweet.
  • Fruits imported from Turkey and Spain are larger and spoil faster.

To extend the life of tangerines, they should be stored in cool places. Then even after a couple of months they will be sweet and juicy.

A man chooses tangerines

Under what conditions and at what temperature should tangerines be stored?

If the fruits were transported correctly, their shelf life increases significantly.

It is best to store citrus fruits at a temperature no higher than +6 degrees. If left at room temperature, the fruit will begin to spoil after about a week.

To prevent the fruits from drying out, rotting or becoming moldy, the air humidity in the room must be maintained at about 80%.

There are also some prohibitions - they relate to the excessive enthusiasm of housewives in trying to preserve the freshness of purchased citrus fruits:

  • It is not recommended to additionally spray fruits with water.
  • Tangerines should not be placed in the freezer, otherwise black dots will begin to form on them, indicating spoilage of the product.

Fresh and spoiled tangerines

Where will fruit last the longest?

The most suitable places are considered to be a cool cellar and basement. Another good option for preserving fruit is to put it in the refrigerator. Before storage, they must be carefully inspected, all soft, rotten and spoiled fruits must be selected.

Each storage method has its own pros and cons, which are worth talking about in more detail.

  • Fruit drawer in the refrigerator

When sending tangerines to the refrigerator, do not pack them in a plastic bag or wrap them in cling film. Otherwise, the fruit will begin to rot. It is best to place citrus fruits in a perforated box to provide them with air access. Under such conditions, the fruits will last for about a month.

Please note that tangerines are stored separately from other fruits.

  • Glazed balcony (in winter)

With this storage option, the fruits will not dry out and will retain their juiciness. It is best to display them on the balcony in wooden boxes. You need to take care in advance about the holes for air to enter. You should choose the darkest corner - it is undesirable for the sun's rays to fall on the tangerines. You can cover the fruits with paper (not printing paper).
Tangerines in boxes in a warehouse

  • Cool basement

Before putting tangerines into the basement, it should be disinfected and checked for pests and excess moisture. The room must be well ventilated.

Fruits should be placed in cardboard boxes so that they do not touch each other. It is recommended to wrap each citrus in paper or a napkin. You can put tangerines in a net and hang it in the basement.
Tangerines and apples in a fruit rack

  • At room conditions

Citrus fruits are least likely to be stored at home, since the temperature is too high for them and the humidity is too low. To prolong the freshness of the fruits, you can wrap them individually in parchment paper, then place them in an enamel bowl and cover with a lid. It is advisable to check tangerines every day for freshness, since this storage method is not the most reliable.

Buying tangerines

Tricks to extend shelf life

If you approach things wisely, you can increase the shelf life of orange fruits:

  • You need to choose tangerines correctly. It is recommended to give preference to fruits with branches. These citrus fruits will be stored longer and will not lose their appearance.
  • If you are planning to store the fruits at home, you can first rub their peel with wax or vegetable oil. When the fruits are dry, place them in a box or large pan. It is advisable that they do not touch each other. Thanks to such manipulations, tangerines will last longer by one to two weeks.
  • It is necessary to regularly sort through citrus stocks, removing fruits that have even the slightest traces of spoilage. Because of one rotten tangerine, everyone else will suffer.

The main conditions for storing orange fruits are optimal temperature, suitable humidity and proper containers.If all of them are met, you can enjoy fresh and tasty fruits for up to several months.

Tangerines in a wicker vase

Is it possible to store tangerines on an unglazed balcony?
Is it possible to eat a rotten tangerine?

How do you store tangerines?


