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We are waiting for it to ripen: how to properly store mangoes?

Mango taste captivates with its sweetness and “explosion of exoticism”. But in order for it to reveal itself in all its glory, mangoes must be stored correctly. There are several features you should know.

Ripe fruits spoil quickly. At room temperature, after 2–4 days the flesh darkens and becomes cloying. Under no circumstances should unripe mangoes be kept in the refrigerator. Otherwise, they will remain tasteless, tough and unappetizing.

Mango fruits in a box

Features of mango storage

The rules for storing exotic fruits are regulated by GOST 33882-2016 “Fresh mango fruits”. According to the document, they must be stored in a clean, dry, refrigerated room that is free of foreign odors. The specific conditions and shelf life of the product are established by the manufacturer. Accurate information should be sought in the regulations of the exporting country. Fruits are mainly supplied to Russia by Thailand and African countries.

There are more than 300 varieties of mangoes, and each has its own storage characteristics. The juiciest and sweetest varieties do not last long - they need to be eaten within the next 24 hours. But there are hard fruits that are eaten with salt and seasonings. Distinguishing one variety from another is not always easy. Especially considering the fact that all mangoes are brought to Russia unripe, otherwise they simply will not survive transportation.

Ripe mango fruits

Ripe fruits

If you purchased ripe fruit, but do not plan to eat it right away, use the refrigerator for storage.Here the mango can last from 5 to 10 days.

How to properly store mangoes at home?

  1. Place the fruit in a paper bag. The paper allows air to pass through and absorbs moisture, thereby preventing rapid spoilage of the fruit.
  2. Select the second shelf of the refrigerator from the top or the so-called freshness zone for storage. The temperature is maintained here from +3 to +5 degrees, which is ideal for storing all fruits and vegetables.
  3. Check the mango periodically. If you notice the first signs of spoilage - darkening, softness of the peel, dents - hurry to use the fruit as soon as possible.

It is not advisable to store ripe fruits at room temperature. Within a day or two they will become too soft and difficult to clean. And the taste will become excessively sweet and cloying.

Thai storage recipe

In Thailand, ripe mangoes are stored at home without refrigeration. To keep fruits fresh longer, they are soaked for 2–3 hours in salt water and then wiped dry. The Thais claim that this manipulation makes the flesh crispy and also improves its taste.

Cutting a mango

If the mango is cut

The exposed flesh of the fruit tends to darken when exposed to air. To avoid spoilage and extend the life of mangoes for another day, do the following:

  1. Sprinkle the fruit pulp with lemon juice.
  2. Place the fruit on a plate.
  3. Wrap with cling film.
  4. Place in the refrigerator on the middle shelf.

Frozen mango cubes


In the case when the fruit is “on the verge” and you are not ready to use it now, you should resort to freezing. It does not change the taste and allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties.

How to freeze fruit correctly?

  1. Peel the mango.
  2. Cut into cubes.
  3. Place them on a tray at a distance from each other.
  4. Send to the quick frozen department.
  5. After 2-3 hours, pour the cubes into a plastic container or bag.

Frozen mango is ideal for sweet cereals, baked goods, and smoothies. You can use it however you want and at any time. Shelf life in the freezer is 9 months.

Unripe mango fruit

Unripe fruits

In most cases, mangoes are sold unripe. Therefore, the fruits are brought to maturity before being eaten. It's a big mistake to put green mangoes in the refrigerator if you want to taste the juicy and sweet fruit.

Unripe fruits are stored as follows:

  • at room temperature;
  • in a dry, ventilated area;
  • away from direct sunlight.

You can leave the mangoes in the fruit basket. And as soon as it reaches the required ripeness (5–7 days), it can be eaten or stored in the refrigerator. If you place the fruit immediately in the cold and leave it for a long time (2-3 weeks), it will ripen incorrectly - it will become soft, but the taste will remain insipid and not as sweet as it could be.

Green color of mango skin may be a sign of unripeness. But not always. Sometimes this is a distinctive feature of the variety. For example, the green skin of the Neelum and Brahm Kai Me varieties.

Mango and bananas

3 life hacks for quickly ripening mangoes

Due to the fact that unripe mangoes are more often found in Russia, many people have to bring them to a pleasant taste and juiciness at home. Usually it is enough to leave the fruit on the table and wait from 5 days to a week. But if the wait is unbearable, you can resort to tricks and shorten the process to a day.

What should you do to make mangoes ripen quickly?

  • Place the fruit in a bowl and cover with uncooked rice and corn. In a day it will be ready for use. This method is used in Mexico and India.
  • Wrap the mango in 2-3 layers of paper and leave it in the kitchen. In 1-2 days it will become ripe.
  • Place the fruit in a basket with ripe apples, bananas or pears. The ethylene they produce will cause mangoes to ripen faster - in 1-3 days.

Ripe mango fruit

How to distinguish a ripe fruit from an unripe one?

As you already understood, ripe and unripe mangoes are stored differently. But many do not understand how to distinguish them. In fact, everything is very simple.

Please pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Weight. With the same size, the ripe fruit is heavier.
  • Smell. The most significant indicator. Ripe fruit exudes a pleasant sweet aroma, while unripe fruit has a sour, piney smell.

What you don't need to look at:

  • Hardness. Both ripe and unripe mangoes have a fairly dense peel. If it presses through, it means the fruit is already overripe and spoiled.
  • Color. Not always indicative. The ripest and juiciest can be both green mangoes and yellow and red ones, depending on the variety.

Do a test: press on the petiole of the fruit. A smell will immediately appear, sweet for a ripe fruit, sour for an unripe one.

How to properly store mangoes is indicated in the accompanying documents provided by the supplier. You have the right to ask the seller for them. Recommended storage conditions depend on the variety, as well as the degree of ripeness of the fruit. Store ripe mangoes in the refrigerator or freezer, and keep unripe ones at room temperature for 5-7 days.

Do you have experience in ripening exotic fruits? Share in the comments!


