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Is it possible to store pita bread in the freezer: how to keep bread fresh and tasty for a long time

It is not always possible to sell a huge oval flatbread of pita bread in the first days after purchase. Try storing pita bread in the freezer: after removing it from the freezer, it will be no worse than fresh.

Fresh thin lavash

Is Armenian lavash stored in the freezer?

Lavash is the thinnest flatbread made from flour, water, oil and salt, the traditional bread of the peoples of the Middle East. This pastry has become an integral part of the feast: it is thin, fresh, soft and suitable for many foods. By the way, pita bread can be stored for a very long time and remain soft and pleasant to the taste. The freezer will help us with this.

Armenian lavash

Another way to store it for a long time is to roll the pita bread immediately after removing it from the oven. This way the flatbread does not lose moisture for a long time. But after a few days it will still begin to dry out.

It is quickly brought back to life by “steaming”: just hold the pita bread over a boiling pan of water or a kettle. The moisture will quickly refresh the bread. This is exactly what they used to do in hot countries: first they baked and thoroughly dried the pastries, and then imbued them with water vapor.

Fresh pita bread

For convenience, to avoid getting burned, place a wooden wire rack on the pan.

purity-en.htgetrid.com magazine strongly recommends: never store pita bread and other breads in plastic bags at room temperature or in the refrigerator. This causes the baked goods to quickly become moldy. Use waffle towels, linen napkins, parchment paper.

How to freeze: tips

Freezing does not spoil the taste of such a product as lavash. Before freezing a sheet of bread, stock up on cling film or parchment. In these materials it will be protected from freezing to the walls of the chamber, as well as from foreign odors. Place a sheet of parchment paper between each layer of dough. For storage, roll everything up.

Lavash rolls

Storing flatbreads in the freezer is possible from 2 to 6 months. For comparison: baked goods can be kept at room temperature for no more than 5 days.

It is better to cut the flatbread into several smaller pieces and remove them from the freezer as needed.

After removing the frozen pita bread, just warm it in the oven or microwave for 10-20 seconds. No need to unfold!

Thin pita bread

Check your pita bread for mold already in the store. Especially often it hides in the folds of the flatbread. Use oriental bread to prepare homemade shawarma, pizza, rolls with different fillings, and serve it as a side dish. The softer the pita bread, the tastier the snack turns out.

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  1. Marina

    I really love lavash. But I live alone and I don’t have time to eat it all before mold appears or dries out. Now I will immediately freeze the excess.


