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How to properly store dry ice: selecting a suitable container and creating optimal conditions

If a few years ago dry ice was used only by ice cream sellers, chefs, bartenders and event organizers, today the unique properties of the product have found their application at home. If you know how to preserve dry ice, you don’t have to worry about an unexpected loss of power in the refrigerator and ensure the quality of the food prepared for the picnic.

dry ice

It will also help in creating a special atmosphere at a holiday at home and will provide an unusual serving of champagne or dessert. This component has also found its use in home cosmetology, but before introducing it into all areas of your life and deciding on original experiments, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the physical properties and features of the composition.

Characteristics and features of dry ice that affect the rules for its storage

Dry ice itself is the most common carbon dioxide in a solid state. Once melted, the product bypasses the traditional liquid phase and immediately turns into a gas. This substance combines with air and turns into thick vapor that has no specific odor.

Tip: At home, it is highly not recommended to use large amounts of dry ice at the same time. The release of a significant amount of carbon dioxide in a small space can lead to oxygen deprivation and cause headaches and even fainting.

dry ice

Despite the fact that dry ice can be stored at home, its evaporation will occur constantly and there is no way to stop it. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase the product immediately before a significant event or prepare it yourself using a very ordinary fire extinguisher.

Creating optimal conditions for storing dry ice at home

To maximize the life of dry ice at home and maintain its functionality, you need to remember the following points:

special ice storage container

Special container for storing dry ice

  • The product must be stored in special containers. Profile products are made of special impact-resistant plastic or double-walled stainless steel. An additional foam lining prevents heat from penetrating inside the container and for some time the ice is stored literally at its own temperature.
  • If it is not possible to purchase such a device, you can limit yourself to a portable refrigerator; it also holds the temperature well.
  • In extreme cases, a unique container will have to be built at home, on your own. To do this, take a box made of durable plastic or corrugated cardboard, line the inner surfaces with foam plastic or its innovative analogue - penoplex. The insulation sheets should be fitted to each other as tightly as possible; the slightest gap will nullify all efforts. We glue the joints with tape, cover the laid blade with a sheet of foam plastic and a lid.
  • Regardless of the type of structure, it should be placed in the coolest place that can be found at home; if the weather is cool, then a balcony will be the best option. The main thing is that this room has good ventilation or is regularly ventilated.
  • Do not keep dry ice in the refrigerator or freezer. Units designed for use at home cannot cope with such extreme temperatures and often fail. An additional disadvantage of the option is the tightly closed door, which prevents the escape of carbon dioxide.


  • Dry ice is strictly prohibited from being stored in an airtight container. The gas will constantly accumulate, which sooner or later will lead to an explosion or severe frostbite on the hands and face of the person who opens the box filled with the chemical.

airtight container

When working with dry ice, you must be aware of the characteristics of the product. Despite the apparent harmlessness of a piece of ice, it can cause frostbite to tissues, so you should not touch it with your bare hands.

latex gloves

It is not recommended to allow children and animals near the object, because If even a small fragment of the reagent enters the body, it can cause serious negative consequences. Before you start using the product, it is better to consult with a professional on all controversial and doubtful issues.

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