How to properly clean and beat a carpet in the snow?

To keep your home tidy and fresh, carpets and rugs should be cleaned at least twice a year. If summer is considered the ideal time for chemical treatment of a product, then in winter it is best to treat the carpet with snow. Contrary to popular belief, there may be several options for the approach; if desired, the manipulation can be carried out even at home. Snow cleaning allows you to quickly and efficiently restore the cleanliness and freshness of household items and get rid of harmful microorganisms and mites.

clean carpet

Regardless of the type of manipulation, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Treatment is carried out only with loose, soft snow without crust. In this case, the mass should not be in a thawed state, and the carpet should not be allowed to get wet.
  2. It is best to use a freshly fallen product that has not yet become covered with slag and gas exhaust.
  3. Before starting the procedure, carpets and rugs need to be vacuumed, you can even knock them out additionally.
  4. The active stage of processing must be carried out as quickly as possible. If the product is very large, it is better to clean it in parts so that the pile does not have time to get wet.

Tip: Dealing with a massive carpet on your own is quite difficult. It’s better to take on the treatment in a large group, distributing the areas between everyone, then the risk of the item getting wet is minimal.

  1. When treating a carpet with snow, you should not use industrial or homemade detergents.If the product is too dirty, it must first be cleaned chemically and exposed to snow a couple of days after that.

cleaning carpet in the snow

If the manipulation is carried out correctly, positive changes will be immediately obvious. After this, it is recommended to keep the product in the cold for at least a day, hanging it on a durable stand.

Options for cleaning carpet with snow - features of the manipulation

If you can find an impressive area of ​​clean, untrodden snow on the street, then it is better to carry out the procedure in the fresh air. It will look like this:

  • First, spread the carpet face down and sprinkle it generously and evenly with snow. We take a plastic beater and begin to beat out the product over its entire surface with quick movements.
  • Shake off the remaining snow, transfer the product to a clean area and lay it out with the pile facing up. We also sprinkle the surface with snow and begin to knock it out with intense short movements. At the same time, we try not to walk through the pile a lot.
  • Next, shake off the snow again, add new snow and gently but thoroughly sweep it away with a broom or brush with elastic bristles. After this, it is enough to shake off small carpets several times; large ones will have to be thrown over the horizontal bar and beaten thoroughly.

woman cleaning carpet

If it is impossible to take a massive product outside, it can be cleaned with snow at home, but this must be done correctly, otherwise there is a risk of rotting of the pile and base.

  • First you need to prepare. In the selected spacious room, we line the floor with oilcloth; it should be slightly larger in area than the carpet. We close the door and open the windows so that the room is well ventilated and the temperature drops a little.
  • We collect a bucket or two of snow, pour a thin layer onto the pile and lightly beat it out. We collect the remaining product with a vacuum cleaner, you just need to make sure that the model is not afraid of water. In a pinch, you can get by with a broom, but there will be a lot of dirt even with oilcloth.
  • We turn the item over with the pile down, replace the oilcloth with a clean one and carry out the same manipulations. The reverse side must be knocked out carefully so as not to greatly deform the pile.
  • We turn the carpet over again, laying it on a clean floor. It is not recommended to walk on it for some time; you need to wait until the item is completely dry.

The second method is best for cleaning massive carpets; in extreme cases, they can be rolled halfway and processed in sections.

carpet in the snow

Do I need to beat out carpets in the snow or is surface treatment enough?

Some housewives doubt that long-pile carpets or delicate materials need to be beaten out. They prefer to clean it only with a brush. Such an approach has a right to exist, but achieving optimal results from it will only be possible by repeating the approaches many times. Even after this, a significant amount of dust will likely remain between the fibers. In this case, the product will have time to get wet through.

man knocking out the carpet

If you use beaters made of soft rubberized plastic for impact, then you don’t have to worry about deformation, and the positive effect will be obvious. As a last resort, you can hang the carpet on a stand, take a terry towel, roll it in the snow, cover the carpet and knock the item out through such a layer. This approach is more troublesome, but quite effective and absolutely safe. You just need to work as quickly as possible, changing towels regularly.

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