What wallpaper can be washed and how to do it correctly

Any wallpaper periodically gets dirty, and there is a need to rid it of stains and dust. It is quite possible to wash wallpaper, but this does not apply to all types of fabric. When cleaning rooms, it is important to understand how to care for walls depending on the type of finish.

Today there is a wide range of washable wallpaper on the market. If you are choosing a material for finishing walls in rooms where you have to clean frequently, you should think about ease of cleaning at this stage.

How to remove dirt from washable wallpaper?

Washable wallpaper has a special coating with water-repellent properties. Of course, you can wash them - they are designed specifically for this.

Washable wallpaper is divided into several types:

  • acrylic;
  • vinyl;
  • metallized;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • cork

A glossy and smooth surface most often indicates the ability to remove dirt from the surface without consequences.

If you have started renovation and are already choosing wallpaper, it is important to pay attention to the labeling of the material.

Decoding the markings of washable wallpaper:

  • a pattern depicting 1 wave means that it is permissible to wipe them with a damp sponge, for example, to remove a dust layer after repairs;
  • 2 waves indicate that the use of mild detergents is allowed, for example, with a non-aggressive cleaning component designed for marble;
  • 3 waves – the use of ordinary detergents is allowed. The level of wear resistance is standard.

How to wash the walls in the kitchen?

Cleaning wallpaper in the kitchen is the most difficult part. Here microparticles of fat settle on them, to which dust immediately sticks. And if small children live in the apartment, then traces of food and spilled drinks may remain on the walls.

If during the renovation process the wallpaper for the kitchen was chosen correctly, then it should have a rubberized surface. For such coatings, markings are used in the form of an image of 3 waves and a brush. This means that the wallpaper is resistant to abrasion and has good moisture protection.

When cleaning washable wallpaper in the kitchen, you can use a brush with soft artificial bristles and any detergents. Abundant moistening of the treated surface is allowed.

How to wash regular paper wallpaper?

With the right choice of cleaning techniques and detergents, walls with any type of finish can be refreshed.

If you need to wash non-washable wallpaper from dirt, you should be careful and do it very carefully.

To wash regular paper wallpaper, you must first determine the thickness and type of paper:

  • Smooth and thick paper is easier to work with as there is less risk of abrasion.
  • If the finishing material is made of thin paper, moisturizing is contraindicated.

Methods for dry cleaning thin paper wallpaper:

  • You need to take a standard dry brush for furniture or carpet and walk it over the surface of the walls. In this way dust and unstable contaminants are removed.
  • You can use a regular office eraser to remove minor dirty marks and pencil marks in a child's room.
  • To remove greasy marks, use a white sheet of paper, apply it tightly to the dirty area and run a hot iron over the surface. At high temperatures, the fat will melt and part of it will be absorbed by the sheet of paper.You can repeat the procedure with a new sheet if the result is not satisfactory after the first time. But this method is acceptable only if the stain is fresh.

There are several ways to remove dirt from thicker paper wallpaper. For such coatings, methods involving moisture may be used with caution.

Ways to remove dirt from thick paper wallpaper:

  • Take a damp light cloth and lightly wipe the walls.
  • Use soapy water. You need to dip a sponge into it, squeeze it out and wipe the contaminated area of ​​the wall without pressing on it. After this, it is important to immediately blot the wall with a dry, clean cloth, thereby eliminating any remaining moisture. Next, you should let the coating dry and only then put furniture or household appliances back in place.
  • For light-colored wallpaper without patterns, when removing dirt, it is allowed to use citric acid or a slurry of a mixture of water and starch. Such solutions remove traces of coffee and juice.
  • A modern means for cleaning walls is a melamine sponge. But it’s better not to be overzealous with it either, because melamine does not absorb, but cleans off dirt and can pick up part of the top layer of the paper coating along with it.

It should be understood that during operation, any type of wallpaper is subject to contamination. Therefore, when renovating, it is important to select the type of material for interior decoration, taking into account the room in which it will decorate the walls.

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