We reveal the secrets of cleaning services - cleaning geometry, melamine sponges, steam for cracks

Many people trust general cleaning to cleaning services, while the secrets of cleanliness lie on the surface. Techniques of cleaning specialists - what are they? Cleaning services are not magic, but rather down-to-earth methods and tools that can easily be incorporated into housekeeping today.

Cleaning geometry

Cleaning geometry

First, adjust the process, starting with a general plan, and then move on to life hacks for cleaning the details. When you rush from one corner to another, cleaning seems endless. Cleaning geometry is one of the main secrets of cleaning. This is what will organize and speed up the process.

Specialists always start from the upper parts of the apartment. It is from top to bottom, and not chaotically, that you need to move to achieve purity. First, wipe the ceilings, chandeliers and cornices, then take care of the windows, curtains, cabinets, and lastly, wash the floor and vacuum the carpets.

cleaning the house

You can organize the process in a horizontal direction: from right to left or vice versa.

There should also be order in the order of the rooms: start with the furthest, cleaner ones, and end with the hallway and vestibule or landing.

Melamine sponge: a new generation of cleaning products

No need to run for expensive chemical products. Cleaners today actively use melamine sponges: a special material that works like a school eraser.Rub the dirt and it will quickly come off. After cleaning, you only need to remove the remaining “eraser”: the accessory is erased.

Melamine sponge works on any surface. Use it to scrub off grease and carbon deposits from stoves, window glass or mirrors, doors, and even the soles of sneakers.

Melamine sponge

Using steam

A steam cleaner is a universal cleaning device that replaces many gadgets and allows you to do without expensive industrial chemicals. Hot steam quickly dissolves greasy, sticky stains on kitchen surfaces and appliances; it helps clean windows without streaks, refreshes carpeting and upholstery.

Steam allows you to quickly clean cracks clogged with dust. No device guarantees cleanliness in hard-to-reach places like a steam cleaner.

The magazine purity-en.htgetrid.com highlights the importance of using a steam cleaner: the hot stream not only effectively cleans, but also disinfects the room. Use it to clean children's blankets, rugs and toys that take on water when you try to wash them and take too long to dry.

Steam cleaner for cleaning

Removing complex stains from fabric surfaces

Before you run for an expensive solvent or rush to the dry cleaner, try inexpensive products that can be found in every home. For stubborn juice, wine, coffee and tea stains on carpets, use hydrogen peroxide, salt, baking soda, and citric acid. Prepare a weak solution and apply it for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to test “folk recipes” on inconspicuous areas of fabric so as not to spoil them.

Rust and plaque: how to fight?

Simply soaking darkened sinks and bathtubs with lemon juice can replace special bleaching agents. Use pure lemon juice or dilute citric acid in water.You can soak both surfaces and kitchen appliances.

Another cheap way to restore the cleanliness of kitchen utensils is ammonia. It quickly removes grease and restores shine to metal parts.

removing rust from faucet

Useful tips from cleaners

Every housewife has little tricks. Use this collection of “tricks” and quick tips to maintain cleanliness and create absolute comfort in your apartment:

  1. Prepare several rags/napkins of different colors for different purposes. This way, dirt from one item will not be transferred to another.
  2. To make chrome surfaces shine, it is not necessary to polish them and buy all sorts of sprayers. Take regular olive oil and a soft cloth. A drop of the substance is enough for “tired” surfaces to regain their original appearance.
  3. Wash a window without streaks without using the latest gadgets and professional chemical products? This is real, just add a little table vinegar to the water for the final wiping of the glass.
  4. Vinegar gets rid of stains on more than just glass: use the substance to clean faucets that have unsightly dried stains from drips.
  5. To collect small glass shards, use a wide strip of tape.
  6. If the inside of the microwave is completely covered with grease, pour water into a wide cup, add a packet of citric acid into it and let it warm up for 10 minutes. The steam will loosen the plaque. Add a pinch of cinnamon as a freshener. “Sauna” procedures can be carried out without additives - just clean water.
  7. To avoid washing the shelves and walls of the refrigerator, cover them with ordinary baking paper. It perfectly absorbs spilled liquids, protecting the surface of the device.
  8. If dirt gets stuck in crevices and corners, use a regular artist's brush.It is much more convenient for her to remove debris than with a damp sponge or rag.

And, perhaps, the most important advice from professional cleaners: do not put off cleaning. As soon as dirt appears, take care of it: wipe up spilled tea, wash away splashes from the stove, wash the sofa upholstery. Act immediately, and then you won’t have to buy expensive stain removers and spend hours and days on exhausting cleaning, as well as resort to the help of cleaning services.

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  1. Ira

    I once ordered a spring cleaning - the guys arrived and cleaned everything up perfectly, only the next day I started having allergies. My doctor said that most likely they use strong chemicals because of this many people start having seizures.

    • Olya

      Yes, I also try not to use chemicals when cleaning.

    • Kiraton

      an allergy can be to anything, to a flower or to yogurt...what does “strong” chemistry have to do with it? clean it yourself

  2. Lyudmila

    Cleaners. Life hacks, gadgets... what's wrong with the Russian language?

    • Olga

      I support. Not “cleaners”, but cleaners. Not “lifehacks”, but tips. Not “gadgets”, but devices.

    • Natalie

      This annoyed me too! Have you really forgotten the Russian language? Why do we need all these imported words if we have our own? Such admiration for everything foreign is simply disgusting! Terrible philistinism!

  3. Galina

    Good advice, thank you. I'll have to try the melanin sponge.


