How to remove film from plastic windows: fresh and old

After repair work, it becomes necessary to remove the film from plastic windows. At first glance, this procedure seems as simple as possible. However, it can turn into a real headache for any housewife.

Why is it difficult to remove film from a window?

The film can remain for several years after installation. This problem is popular. Unfortunately, removing old film can be extremely problematic.

This is difficult to do for the following reason. The film consists of several layers. The first one is in the form of a transparent film, under the influence of direct sunlight it peels off over time. As a result, it is easy to remove. However, there is a second layer at the bottom, with markings - it is securely fixed on the window sill.

Protective film for plastic windows

It is extremely difficult to remove film from a profile that imitates wood. Under the sun, the material vulcanizes and adheres quite firmly to PVC. But at the same time, the film loses its strength and breaks.

Of course, you can try gasoline or another solvent to remove the protective layer.But then you can say goodbye to the beautiful frame texture.

When to delete

Manufacturers warn about the timing when it is necessary to remove the protective film. As a rule, this is done in the first week or after installation. This film acts as protection for plastic material - it protects it from dirt, scratches during transportation, and various types of damage. Such films are not intended to remain on the window frame for a long period of time. The glue gradually begins to dry, after which it eats into the material.

Profile protection film

This layer is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. The former elasticity, integrity, and characteristics are lost. All this leads to the fact that it will be difficult to remove it.

Thus, it is worth remembering - the more tape remains, the more difficult it is to get rid of. If you peel off such protection in a timely manner, you can increase the service life of the finished product.

Mechanical methods

It is not recommended to remove old film with a knife or scraper. Inept use of tools will lead to negative consequences. For example, you can scratch the fittings or double-glazed windows. As a result, the expensive design will take on a sloppy appearance. Also the best option is metal brushes. There will be marks on the material.

Removing film from a window frame

You can use a knife. Only they do not scrape it off, but slightly lift the edge of the film. Then you can tear it off with your hands. The glue remaining after this procedure can be cleaned much faster. This can be done using a scraper. You can find tile scrapers on sale. They practically do not scratch plastic.

Can be heated with a dryer. You can use a hairdryer, but achieving the desired result with it can sometimes be problematic.Since the temperature regime of household appliances is very low. In this case, the flow of hot air cannot be directed at the glass - only at the frame. The edge of the film is also lifted with a knife and then quickly removed by hand,

By heating

Sun protection film is predominantly made from polymer components. This means that it is not able to withstand high temperatures. Therefore, the heating method is best.

Removing film by heating

You will need equipment with which you can heat the product to +50 degrees. At this temperature it will become plastic and, therefore, easy to remove from the surface. A hair dryer is suitable for this job. It should be kept at a distance of 15 cm. It is recommended to heat the surface evenly. If this is not done, there is a high probability that the glass will overheat and burst.

When the entire structure has been treated with hot air, you should direct the air stream to the very top corner and wait a few seconds. After this, the hair dryer is removed. Use a sharp object to pry up the edge and remove the adhered film. The coating is removed slowly. It is reheated as needed.

This method is recommended for use in warm periods. This will prevent sudden temperature changes and damage.


You can clean dried sunscreen film with soap and water. Take a deep container with warm water, a clean rag, and dishwashing liquid.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Add dish soap to the water. The solution should be as soapy as possible.
  2. We wet a clean rag in the resulting solution. Glue it to the film and leave it for several hours.If the fabric begins to dry out, re-wet it in a soap solution. A spray bottle works great.
  3. After 2-3 hours, the protective film must be carefully peeled off. The material is removed by about 2 cm. If it comes off problematically, then the resulting gap is moistened with a soap solution and left for another 10 minutes.
  4. The self-adhesive film is removed gradually. Moisten with the prepared solution from time to time. Rushing will not lead to anything good.

Finally, it is recommended to treat the cleaned surface with ammonia.

dried film on plastic windows


White spirit is most often used. The film remover is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed. The treated area should be rubbed with a dry cloth. Wear protective gloves. This will prevent burns.

Special formulations

Reflective foil can be removed using special means. Thanks to chemical compositions, sticky material can be easily removed.

Among the popular compositions are:

  1. Kshumnit.
  2. Antiscotch.
  3. Mellerud.
  5. RP-6.
  6. WD-40.

Thanks to the use of these products, you can easily wash old stickers and tape. In addition, they allow you to wash off traces of old paintwork. These products can be used to remove protective coatings from plastic windows. The surface will not be damaged, which is very important.

Compositions for removing film from windows

After removing the foil layer, traces of glue may remain. It is possible that dust will begin to stick to it over time. Therefore, alcohol and acetone help remove adhesive traces.

Hg Sticker remover

If we consider how to wipe off old film, then it is simply impossible to leave aside the Hg Sticker remover. You can find it in a store selling household chemicals. The product is sold in bottles with a capacity of up to 300 ml.

This composition is originally intended for removing stickers and self-adhesive films from all types of surfaces. With its help, you can easily get rid of dried protective film from PVC windows.

Remover for removing stickers

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The film is lifted. Treat with purchased product.
  2. After 5 minutes, peel off the coating.
  3. The surface is treated.
  4. After 2-3 minutes, the remnants of the product and the adhesive layer are removed with a paper napkin.


If you ask any manufacturer of plastic windows what is the best way to remove self-adhesive film, then almost everyone will recommend “Cosmofen 10” for this. This composition is a weak solvent and is intended specifically for PVC surfaces.


Initially, you will need to slightly pry the film and only then apply the composition. This product is perfect for getting rid of glue residue. However, first you need to wait a few minutes and then wipe off any traces of glue.

Glutoclean Sticker Remover

Glutoclean Sticker Remover is another effective product that gently removes self-adhesive materials. The method of use is as simple as possible. First, the composition is applied to a clean rag, and then the problem area on the window frame is soaked.

Glutoclean Sticker Remover

Before using a new cleaning product, it is recommended that you carefully read the instructions. It is applied by the manufacturer on the packaging of finished products. For testing, select an inconspicuous area of ​​the surface.

Folk remedies

Every housewife has a large number of improvised means in her house. When used correctly, you can get rid of most problems as easily and effectively as possible.

First way

One of the methods for wiping off the remnants of the transport film coating is alcohol. This method is one of the most effective. This is what is used to remove glue residue.

The cleansing procedure is carried out in stages. It looks like this:

  1. The contaminated area is pre-treated with alcohol. It is best to use 96% medical alcohol for these purposes. Can be applied using a cotton pad or through a spray bottle. Since the alcohol will dry out quite quickly, it is reapplied.
  2. After a few minutes, you can take a paper towel and remove any remaining dirt. During work, you may need a scraper or other sharp tool. This is required in order to pry off the film.

It is worth noting that alcohol not only makes it easy to remove the protective film. It can be used to separate plastic elements.

Second way

If the old coating begins to tear over time, in addition, it actively crumbles, then you can get by with a regular eraser. However, this method is only suitable for cleaning small areas. For example, if the film is removed, but in some places it or the adhesive base remains.

It is recommended to choose the most elastic eraser. They should simply rub the problem area, as if trying to erase a pencil mark from a piece of paper. The protective coating together with the glue will begin to roll off.

Protective film for PVC profile

How to remove film from plastic windows quickly and easily

Sometimes questions arise about how to remove shipping material from plastic windows that is more than 4 years old, or even more. It may seem impossible to solve this problem. However, a steam generator will help to cope with this.

This device is quite popular.Recently it has proven itself to be the best. It is actively used by housewives to remove many types of contaminants. When cleaning windows, this tool also showed its best side.

If the glue is exposed to hot steam, it will begin to lose its qualities. As a result, it becomes very easy to get rid of it. It is recommended to use a special scraper for removal.

The problem area is pre-treated with steam. Then it is removed with a scraper.

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