Everything is simpler than it seems: we tell you how to remove the Christmas tree from your apartment without trash

Before we knew it, the new year presented us with the first challenge: we need to somehow remove the Christmas tree from the apartment, preferably without trash or unforeseen injuries. We'll tell you how to do this.

Cleaning up pine needles and broken Christmas tree decorations

Precautionary measures

It is possible to “neutralize” a Christmas tree and not get pricked only in one case - if it has dried to such an extent that the needles fly off at the slightest touch.

For other cases, the advice is relevant: before messing with a tired New Year's beauty, put on household gloves made of thick rubber. This will save you from injections, scratches, and resin stains that cannot be washed off the first time.

You've protected yourself - now think about your flooring. Spread 2-3 layers of newspaper under the tree. This will make cleaning much easier.

If there is a carpet next to the tree, wrap it so that dry pine needles do not fall on it. Pulling needles out of a carpet is one of the most unpleasant and tedious tasks.

Cats knocked down the Christmas tree

If the tree is small

The smaller the Christmas tree, the less problems you will have with cleaning.

The first thing to do is remove the toys, tinsel and garlands from the tree. After this, shake the tree thoroughly. If you are lucky, most of the dried needles will remain on the newspapers. You can also quickly wrap the branches with tape, pressing them to the trunk - the tree will become much more compact.

  • Option 1: Large trash bags.

If the tree is no more than 120 cm high, you will only need two large garbage bags of sufficient density (these are sold in hardware stores). Carefully grasp the Christmas tree by the trunk, remove it from the stand and place it in the bag. If the top of your head sticks out, put another one on top and tuck it into the bottom one. Secure the bags with tape to prevent them from coming apart while you carry your “valuable cargo” to the dumpster.
Christmas tree wrapped in black garbage bags

  • Option 2. Unnecessary sheet or oilcloth.

If you are the same Plyushkin who didn’t even think about getting rid of old things before the New Year, then now is definitely the time. Place the tree in the center of the sheet and gradually lift the edges of the sheet, tying them at the top. For reliability, you can wrap the top with twine or the same tape.
Woman wraps Christmas tree in cling film

  • Option 3. Cling film.

The most difficult thing is to fix the edge of the film and wrap the lower branches, pressing them to the trunk (it is better to do this with an assistant). Then everything will go like clockwork - in a couple of minutes you will have a kind of “mummy” that will be convenient to carry. The main thing is not to skimp on film.

If the tree is a head taller than you

You'll have to tinker with the giant Christmas tree. It will be extremely difficult to remove it entirely, dried and prickly, from the room. To make the operation successful, arm yourself with pruning shears or a sharp hunting knife and proceed as follows:

  1. Remove the Christmas tree decorations and place newspaper or oilcloth under the tree.
  2. Sequentially cut off branches closer to the trunk, starting from the bottom. Place them in a separate tight bag (you may need several pieces).
  3. When the trunk is left without branches, wrap it in newspapers, securing them with tape. This is necessary so as not to get dirty with resin.
  4. Carefully wrap the fallen needles in newspapers and place them in a bag with the branches.
  5. After making sure that no dry pine needles are falling out of nowhere, take it all to the trash container.
  6. Sweep the floor in the room thoroughly - there are probably still a lot of needles scattered on it. After this you can vacuum it.

Don't skip the step with the good old broom: if you take the vacuum cleaner straight away, you risk breaking it. Equipment recommended for domestic use is not designed to suck up pine needles.

So, removing the Christmas tree from the apartment is not so difficult - you just need to organize this process correctly and do not forget to immediately sweep the floor in the apartment. If this is not done, you can remove needles from carpets, baseboards and your own feet before the May holidays.

Do you have neighbors who take out the Christmas tree so that the entire entrance is strewn with old pine needles?
  1. Anton

    We bought a small Christmas tree in a tub to plant in our dacha. But the car broke down. As a result, the trip to the dacha was postponed. And the tree remained at home. Almost like New Year's.While we were finally getting ready to go to the dacha, we managed to take off a few needles from the tree and spread the branches widely without store packaging. In the article I found useful tips on how to pack a Christmas tree so as not to stain everything with needles and conveniently load it into the car.


