How and what is the best way to clean a sheepskin coat at home?

Fur coats are a thing of the past, and modern fashionistas are increasingly choosing cheaper, but no less attractive, sheepskin coats. But they are much more susceptible to contamination. Knowing how to clean a sheepskin coat at home, you can always look attractive without spending money on expensive dry cleaning.

Texture of sheepskin coat

Important points

Before cleaning your sheepskin coat, you need to consider some factors that will help not only preserve your expensive clothes, but also give them a fresher and more elegant look.

  1. Depending on the material from which the sheepskin coat is made and the type of painting, manufacturers' recommendations for cleaning differ. It is necessary to study the data from all labels, read additional information on the Internet about the company, model, material, cleaning, and only then get to work.
  2. Separately, you need to study the nature of the dirt. Dust or grease? Are the stains new or old? Depending on this, effective methods are selected from those allowed for a given model.
  3. Fur is studied separately and cleaning methods for it are selected.
  4. You can forget about the washing machine.

Light sheepskin coat with fur

How to clean fur?

Fur inserts are cleaned separately from the entire product. It is advisable to do this first so as not to leave lint on the already cleaned surface of the skin.

The following algorithm must be followed.

  • Carefully shake off the fur from dust and possible small debris.
  • Comb out with a large-toothed comb.Use slow, gentle movements, do not pull tangled areas, lightly untangle by hand.
  • Wipe the combed fur with a rag well wrung out of the soap solution.
  • For extra shine, you can apply fur shine emulsion with a brush.


You can make your own emulsion from fish oil and water.

Dry, clean sheepskin coats

Dry clean fresh stains

If the sheepskin coat is not covered with last year's stains, you can clean it using dry methods.

  1. A vacuum cleaner can easily remove ordinary dust if you install a nozzle for upholstered furniture.
  2. A fresh stain can be removed with semolina. Pour it onto the dirt and wipe it with your hand wearing a cloth glove. Make the second pass with clean cereal, but move your hand in a circle. At the end of processing, simply shake off the grains.
  3. Instead of semolina, you can use dry bread crumbs. The type of bread is not important, but you should not choose a piece with raisins or seeds.
  4. A similar procedure is carried out with starch.
  5. Fresh grease stains can be removed by a ball of bread crumb. You need to roll it around a dirty place, periodically replacing the used ball with a fresh one. When finished, use a special leather brush to lightly move the area.
  6. If the skin begins to shine in places, just wipe them with a regular eraser and then shake off the pellets.


Under no circumstances should you use kitchen salt to remove stains; it will completely ruin the surface of your clothes.

Water and soap

Wet cleaning old stains

Cleaning a sheepskin coat at home for old stains is also possible, although it is more difficult to do.

  1. If the sheepskin coat is made of dark leather, old stains can be removed with a cloth previously soaked in kerosene and wrung out well.
  2. Instead of kerosene, you can use high quality gasoline. This is also suitable for a suede sheepskin coat.
  3. For a light sheepskin coat, soak a cloth in a solution of a glass of milk, 1 tsp. peroxide and the same amount of ammonia.
  4. Light skin can be treated using the following recipe: per liter of water - 250 ml of ammonia. After this, wipe the cleaned area with a solution of a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water.
  5. Add 2-3 drops of ammonia to the soap solution, wipe the light sheepskin coat, then repeat the procedure with another solution - 0.5 liters of water, 20 ml of glycerin, 5 ml of borax and 5 ml of ammonia.
  6. White suede coverings can be restored to their snow-white appearance. To do this, you need to thoroughly clean it from dust (use a special hard brush), and then treat it with homemade bleach - a teaspoon of peroxide and ammonia per glass of water.


A suede sheepskin coat requires particularly careful movements. Excessive zeal can lead to “baldness”.

Natural sheepskin coat and cleaning product

Recommendations for caring for sheepskin coats made of natural fur

Typically, sheepskin coats are made from well-made sheepskin with a dyed coating. To ensure your appearance remains presentable, follow simple rules.

  • Regularly after cleaning, treat the product with a water-repellent agent and do not let it get wet, do not wear it during rainfall.
  • If clothes do get wet, under no circumstances dry them on a radiator or in another warm place; drying should be as gentle as possible.
  • If the paint has lost its tone in places, you can update it by purchasing a special product for painting natural leather of the desired shade and, following the instructions exactly, paint over it.
  • There is no way to wash a natural sheepskin coat.

Faux sheepskin coat

Features of cleaning faux sheepskin coats

Caring for faux leather clothing varies significantly.Polyester or acrylic is used for sewing, so the products can be washed.

Just don’t grab your sheepskin coat and drag it to the washing machine. The machine will leave only memories of a luxury item. Washing must be done by hand, and this is not as simple and familiar as it might seem.

Cleaning an artificial sheepskin coat during the washing process is not difficult, but it takes a long time. First, the fur is put in order according to the already known scheme. Next, a special detergent designed for artificial materials is used for washing. You can't soak it. Place the product, fur side down, on a wet rag spread on the floor. In a basin, dissolve the product in warm water (you can use a regular one, but not an aggressive one). A soft rag is soaked in the solution, twisted, and the surface of the clothing is wiped with it. Do not rub too hard to avoid damaging the surface.

You can rinse the product by hanging it on a hanger or letting someone hold it in your hands. The soap mixture is washed off from the hose or ladle, carefully so as not to wet the fur trim. Dry away from heat appliances in a hanging position on wide hangers.


Old faux leather stains will be removed by a steam generator.

A sheepskin coat is a comfortable and beautiful garment that requires good care and careful handling. When worn correctly, such clothing serves for a long time and faithfully, continuing not only to provide warmth in cold weather, but also to decorate with a rich and sophisticated look.

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