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How to legally avoid paying for an intercom: everything is simpler than you thought

If you have an automatic locking device installed at your entrance, you have most likely thought more than once that its presence is quite expensive for the family budget. In this case, not paying for an intercom is a completely rational decision. Moreover, it is much easier to implement than it seems, because no one has the right to force you to pay for unnecessary services.

Announcement about the need to pay for intercom

What does the intercom fee consist of?

Monthly transferring a certain amount to the account of the company with which the contract is concluded, most people do not even understand what exactly they are paying for. Many people compare the operation of an intercom with cable television, thinking that if they do not pay a monthly fee, the service will not work. In fact, everything is different - once purchased and installed, the intercom system will function for as long as desired, at least until a malfunction occurs in it. And the so-called intercom fee is just a fee for servicing intercom networks - their repair and configuration.

Think about it - your house has running water, sewerage, central heating, and a gas pipeline. However, you do not pay the mechanic, plumber or gas fitter every month; you pay each of them based on the services provided to you. Moreover, no one imposes a specific specialist on you; on the contrary, you have the opportunity to independently choose a person who will change the pipe or figure out why the gas stove is not working.Why should it be different in the case of an intercom?

It is enough to calculate how often the intercom system in your home breaks down to understand how much money you regularly overpay.

Receipt for intercom

How to legally avoid paying for an intercom?

Intercom maintenance is mistakenly classified as housing and communal services, although in fact it is a household service. Accordingly, when it comes to payment, the norms of the Housing Code do not apply. The provision of such services is regulated by the Civil Code, as well as by an agreement concluded by two parties (performer and customer).

According to the mentioned Civil Code, the customer has the right to refuse household services at any time unilaterally. Therefore, in order to legally avoid paying for an intercom, it is enough to send a registered letter with return receipt requested to the address where the company providing you services is registered. The text of the letter must indicate the contract number and the date of its termination, but there is no need to mention the reason that prompted you to make such a decision.
Notice of termination of the intercom service agreement

Other ways not to pay for an intercom

Terminating a contract is a simple and quick action, but sometimes it is not required:

  • If you do not have an agreement at all, according to which you are the customer of the service. Perhaps such an agreement was concluded with one of the residents of your house or entrance, and this person visits all the apartments every month, collecting money to pay for the service. Remember that this is illegal and in this case you are not required to pay anything.
  • If the contract was concluded with an organization that has already ceased to exist, and now you are asked to transfer payment to the account of another company.The succession of legal entities must be properly formalized, and you must expressly express your consent to receive services from another counterparty - only in this case do you have financial obligations.

Using an intercom

The company that services intercoms threatens that I will not be able to enter the entrance if I stop making payments - what should I do?
What to do if the contract specifies other termination conditions?
At the general meeting, they decided to install an intercom, and they want to charge a fee from all residents, including those who refused to have an intercom in the apartment. They say that an intercom is a common property of the house, so everyone should take part in its maintenance. Is this legal?
Is it possible to use an intercom, but not pay for it?

Although an intercom is considered an indispensable device in the modern world, in fact not everyone needs it. Some people open the door for guests after a phone call, others don’t want to be disturbed at all. If you are one of these people, do not overpay for an unnecessary service.

How much do you pay for intercom service? How often did it need repairs?
  1. Serge

    The intercom breaks down a couple of times a year. The fee for it is 50 rubles/month. If you don't pay, the intercom is turned off.

  2. Vadim

    What is the monthly fee? Usually one tenant becomes the customer, of course without thanks, and he also signs the installation and maintenance agreements. Based on this, he is obliged to pay the negotiated fee.

  3. Nellista

    If an intercom is installed, and NOBODY pays the monthly fee, then who will pay for the services of the repairman who was called because the intercom was broken? I can't even imagine who...

  4. Tamara

    No agreement was concluded. In our house, they collect 165 rubles from all residents every three months. Can I refuse to pay and where can I go? At night they often disturb me with calls.

  5. Natalia

    I would like to refuse concierge services, please tell me how best not to pay for them.

  6. guest

    at the entrance, we chipped in on the Internet, found cheaper equipment, bought it. They called in the technicians. And we still don’t pay anyone anything. Who to feed. for the money they demand, let them stand and open the door for everyone

  7. guest

    Tamara. and that the sound on the handset does not turn off. I have it turned off. They have their own keys. and there are no others.

  8. guest

    What are you carrying? How come we don’t pay the locksmith every month? What do you think “repair and maintenance” is?

  9. Anatoly

    If you refuse the payment agreement. Unlike others, you will be disconnected from using the intercom. And you will run from home to the entrance to open the door to everyone who came to you, guests, ambulance, postman, etc.

  10. Lobov

    I live on the 1st floor.We have an intercom in the entrance, but I don’t even have it connected from the panel to the apartment. And before the keys to the intercom were made, there was a digital 4-digit code. When we received the keys the code was removed. And they send me receipts all the time. Although I don’t have a phone in my apartment. And I can’t achieve anything regarding payment since I don’t have it in my apartment. what to do and where to go about this.

  11. Edward

    Better teach how not to pay into the fraudulent capital repair fund! All this money is stolen. We already have one and a half thousand in our receipt for current repairs. And then give them another 820! These scammers have been stealing our money for a long time, but nothing has changed for the better!

  12. Alexander

    Every winter it stops working. The castle becomes covered with a layer of ice and becomes useless (only in one entrance out of 8). As soon as they stopped paying, the dialing function to the apartment immediately stopped working. Those. They can’t fix it, but turn it off right away!!!

  13. Arslan

    My dad either has sound on the intercom or doesn’t.

  14. Nikolay

    Ours is even better, they installed it a long time ago, the payment was still acceptable, and now the contract concluded with the former entrepreneur Maltsev LLC has not been extended, and instead of it some Zakharova IP sends receipts. And writes if you pay this amount - 180 rubles. this means you continue to agree to the terms of the agreement. But there is no agreement with this Zakharova at all. And he sends receipts regularly.

  15. Luda

    I live in a hostel and pay 30 rubles a month for the intercom; if I refuse to pay, they simply turn it off.

  16. Nina

    We receive a receipt for the intercom once per quarter, for 3 months we pay 180 rubles, every year the price for the intercom increases, within 20 rubles.

  17. Eugene

    I myself work for an intercom company. Everyone's situation is different. You can't lump everything into one pile.Sometimes an agreement is concluded with each owner, and sometimes there is one collective agreement for the entire entrance (like ours, since the decision to install an intercom is made by the majority). It also happens that intercom equipment belongs to the residents, which complicates repairs (drawing up a removal certificate and, if it cannot be repaired, then purchasing a new one at the expense of the residents. While they are collecting money, they sit without an intercom). And if the equipment belongs to an intercom office, then everything can be quickly repaired or changed without any problems. Over the 12 years that I have been working here, the subscription fee has gradually increased from 25 to 50 rubles. And the cost of equipment during this time increased for various items from 2.5 to 4 times.

  18. Olga

    I bought a second-hand apartment, a family lived there and paid for the intercom, how can I refuse to pay for the intercom? Thank you in advance

  19. Olga

    An intercom is not a household service; an intercom is a common property and belongs to all owners of the house, which also needs to be constantly maintained. And if there are no problems with the intercom system in the house, part of the praise goes to the management company, which is responsible for its maintenance and service. And every owner must pay for this! For some reason, people have the opinion that I will use it, but not pay! This doesn’t happen, if you want to live safely and on warm trains, pay.

  20. Igor Vladimirovich

    In the post above from December 09, there is an inaccuracy, the locking device (intercom) is a service, and in order to include it in the common property (then its maintenance is paid for by the management company), a meeting of the owners is necessary. For example, I don’t need an intercom, I don’t use it, and according to the law, the intercom company must provide access to my living space, whether I pay for it or not does not play any role.My uncle, a businessman, wanted to earn money, so he installed an intercom. We have a house with 120 apartments at 52 rubles per month, that’s 75,000 a year. — beautiful, there were no breakdowns. Sit and get money for air.

  21. Irina

    In the apartment building, the developer installed locking devices with intercoms in all entrances. The monthly payment for servicing the locking device is included in the utility bill as a separate line. I consider this service imposed on me. There was no agreement with me for this service, and no meeting of the house owners was held on this issue. How can I cancel this service?

  22. Guest

    What have you awarded? We all make payments every month for the maintenance of the OI, but only those who use the intercom should service the intercom. Do you press the button? So you are using it! The master should pay for it free of charge, the reader will fly, should they change it for free too? The door is warped, should I adjust the closer if it slams? I'm crying, but my neighbor isn't? This means he walks through the window or the doors will simply be open! What kind of logic is this? I want the entrance to be tidy and free! Ale!

  23. Hah

    The logic of many people is like that of a cockroach. An intercom is not a handset in an apartment. The handset in the apartment is your property, do whatever you want with it (remove, turn off, throw away, etc.), and the intercom device is an exit button, power supply, panel, closer. Do you know how much a door closer costs now? 1800 rubles, and how much does the panel cost? Who paints your door? What about the master's call? You pay 50 rubles a month and blather something else. 50 rubles!!! 50! 50! In many houses there are 10 apartments in the entrance, or even less, first try to collect money from everyone to buy new intercom equipment, installation, and then pay for calls, if suddenly something stops working for you, paint it yourself and the keys cost 300 buy rubles.Good luck.

  24. Igor

    Why are these intercoms needed at all? Anyone who wants to enter the entrance will do so, photo and video recording is another matter

  25. Natalia

    I moved to another place, but the apartment is my property. I received a receipt for payment for the intercom. Since I no longer live there and don’t use the intercom, I sent an email asking for the intercom to be turned off. I received an answer that a collective agreement had been concluded at our entrance, and they could not break it with me. So keep paying... I'm not paying. I receive another receipt in which I am forced to pay, otherwise they will sue me. The question is how legitimately they force me to pay for something I don’t use. I did not sign the collective agreement, because... I purchased an apartment when there was already an intercom, and I don’t have a copy of the document either.

  26. Alexander

    Slave thinking. Question for the SMART GUYS: do you pay monthly for the maintenance of the refrigerator, washing machine or TV you bought? You pay the code master they broke.
    We have an intercom installed at the expense of the residents of the entrance. That is, it is the property of the residents. How can you take away (disconnect) property from the owner that he bought? After all, some part of the intercom (call panel and control unit) is my property.

  27. Boris

    We have an intercom installed at our entrance. It works properly and does not break. I don’t understand why pay every month for its maintenance if it is not serviced. I'll try to terminate the contract, as the article says

  28. Nikolay

    I don’t live in the apartment and am not registered, the apartment is my own - they demand to pay for the intercom, how to get rid of payment and what is needed for this

  29. Alexander

    I'm here about the fact that they first tried to rip off my debts for the previous owner.Then, while they were butting heads and reaching an agreement, our people already appeared. And all this time they refused to answer the phone for me. Now for several years I have been fighting because they, without hanging up, are trying to rip off our debts. As if it was my fault that they didn’t go to peace. Now I’m fighting for at least a partial write-off to be done and the phone is connected and I’m ready to pay. It's not that much money. Yes, and I would pay the debt, but it’s a matter of principle.

  30. Vladimir

    Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 08/02/2023 N 20668-OG/00

  31. Lisa

    I'm not an intercom operator


