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How and with what can you quickly clean bronze products at home?

Copper, which is part of bronze, provokes the launch of oxidation processes, as a result of which the products become covered with patina. Before you clean bronze from colored deposits, you need to understand that there are two types of it. Black or “noble” patina is formed as a result of the interaction of metal particles with oxygen. It protects the surface of the product from further oxidation and destruction. There is no need to fight it, especially since it gives bronze items a more elegant look.

bronze products

Green or “wild” patina poses a danger to the condition of the metal. As a consequence of exposure of bronze to a humid environment, it gradually destroys the metal, provoking the formation of depressions on its surface. This development of events can be prevented by regular mechanical cleaning of products at home using a soft flannel cloth.

Effective methods for restoring bronze items using natural products

If preventative methods were ignored or did not help, more intensive cleaning of items will have to be carried out. You don’t have to turn to professionals for this. Even at home, there are many preparations that can quickly and carefully clean the surface of bronze from harmful deposits.

chicory powder

Chicory powder

  • Chicory. We take the powdered form of the product, dilute it with cool water to obtain a paste that resembles liquid dough.Apply the product to the surface of the bronze and gently scrub it with a soft brush. Rinse the item under clean water and dry with napkins.

Tip: Regardless of which treatment option is used in the process of cleaning bronze, after manipulation it is necessary to remove all traces of moisture from the surface of the metal. Otherwise the problem will return very soon. In addition, it is necessary to regularly monitor the air humidity at home and, if necessary, adjust it.

various bronze items

Various bronzes

  • Peas (not instant). If the surface of the bronze is not covered with a green coating, but with a thick layer of dust and infested with flies, then high-quality cleaning is achieved by boiling the product in peas. We put the food product in a pan, place a bronze object in it, fill everything with water and put it on the fire. The mixture must be boiled for two hours. After this, we take out the product, put it in a container with warm water, wipe it with a soft brush and dry it.
  • Lemon juice and soda. This approach will return the lost shine to bronze jewelry and figurines. First, wash the item with warm water, removing large dirt and dust. Then we make a thick but moist paste from the juice and soda and apply it to the metal. Take a soft sponge or brush and begin to treat the stained surface, making circular movements. After this, keep the item under a layer of paste for another 20 minutes, wash and rinse.
  • Salt, flour and vinegar. Wash the bronze product in warm water and dry it. Mix flour with salt in equal proportions, dilute the powder with vinegar until a thick porridge is obtained. Apply the product to the metal and rub it with a dry cloth. We repeat this several times, after which we apply the paste again and leave it for half an hour.We wash off the mixture with water and rub the item with a dry cloth.
bronze coins in solution

Bronze coins in solution

For regular preventive polishing of bronze at home, it is recommended to use white toothpaste without additives. Apply it to the product and rub it with a brush, napkin or soft-bristled cloth.

Rules for cleaning bronze with household chemicals

The use of these products should be resorted to only in case of heavy contamination on the metal or lack of effect from natural products.

  • Acetone. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the product completely. We change the tool as often as possible. We carry out the manipulation until the white discs remain clean after contact with the bronze.
Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid

  • Oxalic acid. Only used for deep cleaning of bronze. In five liters of cool water, dilute half a glass of oxalic acid. Soak the contaminated product in the resulting solution, observing its darkening. We take out the item and rinse it under running water, rubbing it with a soft cloth.
  • Ammonia. Best used on very small items such as coins or jewelry. Pour the product into a small container and place the product covered with plaque in the same container. The item must be completely immersed in the liquid. After a few minutes, we take out the bronze thing with tweezers and rinse it under water. Then we wipe, dry and, if necessary, repeat the approach.

Only strict adherence to dosages and sequence of actions guarantees the desired result. Despite the absolute safety of the listed products, it is better to entrust work with very expensive and delicate items to professionals.

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