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Why do the silver chain and cross on the body turn black?

Those who regularly wear silver jewelry sooner or later face the fact that the jewelry begins to darken. So why did a silver chain, for example, or earrings turn black, and how to deal with it?

Silver cross on a chain

Reasons why silver darkens

  • Mystic.

Some people mistakenly associate changes in the color of silver items with the manifestation of specific diseases. People with a penchant for mysticism even assume that this signals the evil eye or damage to a person. And if the decoration darkens, it means that it took the blow.

In general, silver has long been given an occult meaning - protection from various kinds of unclean spirits and creatures. Just remember the silver bullets against werewolves. The material was used to create amulets for homes and people - crosses on the neck, anchors for those traveling by sea, a month to prevent nightmares and sleep problems, bells to cleanse rooms from evil forces, etc.

Although this effect of silver has not been proven by science, this metal does play a role in maintaining health. Silver preparations have antibacterial and wound-healing effects. The latter can be easily checked if you cover a small wound with an adhesive plaster containing silver ions. Intravenous preparations containing this metal are used for joint diseases and inflammation of the respiratory system.For some digestive problems, medications with silver as one of the components are taken orally.

But in this case, the important thing is that all mystical theories about the darkening of silver are actually just a figment of fantasy. The reasons for black deposits on metal are completely different.

  • Sweating.

Silver is a metal that, like other substances, is subject to chemical reactions. And human skin on the neck and in other places where jewelry is worn regularly secretes sweat in greater or lesser quantities, which also contains chemicals containing sulfur. And when sulfur and silver combine, silver sulfide is formed, which has a dark gray or black color. The sulfide layer is initially invisible, then it thickens and compacts, turning into a coating visible to the naked eye.

Sweating is a natural process of the human body. But if at some point the jewelry darkens especially actively throughout the body or in a certain area, this may not only be the result of increased physical activity or heat outside, but also one of the symptoms of health problems that should not be ignored.


In order to clean your jewelry later, you should not wear it in conditions of very high humidity - for example, when going to the beach, sauna or bathhouse. Moreover, in such conditions, your favorite jewelry is very easy to break or lose.

Darkened silver chain

  • Impurities.

Silver itself is a very soft metal, therefore, in order for products made from it to retain their shape during use, pure silver is not used. Although an alloy is used, where about 5-8% are other metals that give the jewelry strength, even a fairly massive silver item can be bent or broken with manual effort.The metals for the alloy may include copper, and its property is to oxidize upon contact with air.

Sometimes a piece of jewelry pleases with its shine for a very long time, and then suddenly begins to turn black. This can happen if it was covered with a protective rhodium film, which has deteriorated over time. But when a purchased chain darkens too much and too quickly after purchase, we can conclude that it is of low quality, low silver content and a large number of impurities.

  • Other reasons.

Of the places where jewelry is worn, the largest number of sebaceous glands are located in the neck and chest. That is why most often it is chains and crosses that darken. The composition of skin secretions may change due to hormonal disruptions or changes (for example, during pregnancy). In such cases, jewelry sometimes darkens in just a few days. The color of silver is also affected by changes in the acid-base balance of the skin.

An unexpectedly strong brightening of silver jewelry may indicate problems with the kidneys or liver, because in this case, nitrogen is released through sweat, which gives the silver shine.

In general, you shouldn’t attach too much significance to the change in color of silver jewelry, much less any magical significance, but it can still be a reason to take a closer look at your overall physical condition and health.

If the jewelry was not worn, but lay in a nightstand or box, then the reason that it darkens may be dampness or contact with sulfur-containing objects or substances. Of course, silver can also change color when it comes into contact with various chemicals and some foods.

Silver cleaning

How and with what to clean?

For exquisite jewelry with a large number of stones and thin fragile elements, you should not do the cleaning yourself; it is better to entrust it to a jeweler who has professional products and tools.


To make the jewelry less likely to blacken, it can be coated with a protective varnish. If the product has been cleaned, it is recommended not to wear it for at least a day. During this time, a protective oxide film will have time to form on its surface from contact with air.

Cleaning products

Jewelry stores always stock products for cleaning precious metals, including silver. And what should definitely be cleaned only with professional means or by contacting a jeweler is blackened silver. Aggressive drugs or abrasive powders can cause the coating to peel off unevenly, ruining the entire appearance of the jewelry. It is recommended to use only gentle cleaning methods for matte silver.

But it is not at all necessary to spend money on an expensive liquid in all other cases; it can be replaced by equally effective and much simpler home remedies.

Tooth powder for cleaning silver

Folk recipes

  1. Since Soviet times, tooth powder has been used to clean silver. It is poured onto a damp brush or rag and the product is thoroughly rubbed. Any toothpaste is no less effective. And due to its non-crumbly structure, cleaning will be much more convenient.
  2. To remove dark deposits, the product can be dipped in ammonia for a while, then rubbed with a cloth or sponge and rinsed with water. For a better effect, the liquid can be preheated and, after lowering the product, shake it a little. Instead of ammonia, citric acid carefully dissolved in water is also used. But this option is not recommended if the product is decorated with stones.Most of them, especially pearls, amber and coral, are very sensitive to strong chemicals. Alternatively, instead of ammonia, you can dissolve a few teaspoons of soda or salt in water.
  3. If desired, for a stronger effect, salt, soda and ammonia can be used all at once, mixing them thoroughly. However, such a composition will turn out to be quite aggressive.
  4. You can clean silver by finely cutting or rubbing a little toilet or laundry soap into water and adding a few drops of ammonia. The mixture must be heated to a high temperature, but not brought to a boil. Wet a brush or hard brush in the liquid and gently rub the jewelry. And in areas near stones it is better to use a cotton swab so as not to damage or break them.
  5. Regular soap or dishwashing detergent will help remove a small layer of blackness, but will not add shine to the product.
  6. A well-known method for cleaning silver jewelry since ancient times is ash. For greater effect, you can mix it with soapy water and add a little ammonia.
  7. An interesting folk remedy is ordinary potatoes. It should be finely rubbed or chopped, and the decoration should be left in the resulting pulp for 15-20 minutes, after which it should be rubbed until shiny with a soft cloth. The main thing is to rinse the jewelry thoroughly in water afterwards. If this is not done, then when starch dries, it forms a whitish coating on the surface, especially in recesses and in contact with stones.
  8. You can clean silver using foil and baking soda. Baking soda removes plaque and the foil polishes it to a shine. Task "how to clean silver with baking soda and foil» is not labor-intensive and does not take much time.

In general, a dark coating on jewelry is not a reason to be upset that it has lost its attractive appearance and stop wearing it. Bringing your favorite jewelry back clean is easy thanks to the abundance of different cleaning products.

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  1. Alexander

    Regular sand or soda

  2. Ivan

    Sand and soda will help you.

  3. Yana

    I tried to clean the chain with boiling water, in which the foil was allowed, but it didn’t help, I took the chain out of the soda solution and wiped it with a melamine sponge, the plaque disappeared. I haven’t tried it without a soda solution, that’s why I described it this way.

  4. Vladislav

    Buy yourself a gold product, and you don’t need to rub or wash anything.

    • Maria

      Not everyone loves gold. I don’t wear it at all, even though I have gold jewelry.

  5. Ivan

    My chain was turning yellow why but I don’t know I would like to know

  6. Tatiana

    I, too, once became golden. And now she was sick and put an iodine net on her neck, it turned black.

  7. Nina

    Tried and failed all the methods, nothing works

    • Maria

      I always brush with toothpaste. Everything is working out great

  8. Sergey

    And I like the black coating between the links. And Jesus stands out on the cross. It’s just not clear why the right side of the chain is black. And the rest is normal in the interlinks. I bought it in an icon shop 11 years ago.


