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Perfume for the home. How to make flavoring from gelatin or soda yourself and without cost

One of the important components of home comfort is scents. If you want to create a comfortable environment, make your own home fragrance.

DIY home fragrance

Benefits of Home Aromatherapy

A homemade flavor is not just a source of your favorite scent. This thing has several other significant advantages:

  • Naturalness. The basis of any handmade flavoring is natural ingredients that will not harm health and, if selected correctly, will not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Saving. Homemade flavors are often cheaper than store-bought counterparts and are much more environmentally friendly.
  • Safety. Industrially produced flavored mixtures often contain synthetic components that enhance the smell. At the same time, over time, the aroma becomes too intense, uncharacteristic bitterness appears, and headaches occur.

It is easier to control the strength of the aroma of a home-made flavoring, since the manufacturer has a clear idea of ​​which components were used and in what volumes.

Natural air freshener

What to choose

Before you make a flavor, you need to choose one or more flavors for it. At the same time, you need to focus not only on your taste preferences, but also on the effect of essential oils.

  • Conifers. Fir and spruce will bring the cool freshness of the forest into the interior.Fir, in addition, has high antibacterial properties, repels insects, and destroys unpleasant odors. Conifers are indispensable during periods of depression, apathy and loss of strength. They also have an additional protective effect during outbreaks of colds.
  • Citruses. Another way to combat bad mood and depression is to inhale citrus essential oil. Like conifers, they have an antibacterial effect, repel small midges and are very popular with children.
  • Jasmine. The delicate sweetish aroma of jasmine improves the quality of sleep and fights insomnia. It is believed that jasmine is the scent of creative people.
  • Sage. The spicy herbal scent of sage stimulates brain function, improves memory, and calms the nervous system.
  • Ylang-ylang. This powerful female aphrodisiac at the same time allows you to relax and get rid of the effects of stress.
  • Verbena. The most positive aroma allows you to unleash your creative potential, improves concentration and relieves headaches.
  • Patchouli. The musky, earthy scent with woody notes of white patchouli is recommended for high mental stress.
  • Cinnamon. The aroma of sweet pastries perfectly lifts your mood and, oddly enough, reduces appetite and cravings for sweets, so it is ideal for those on a diet.

Essential oil flavoring

The combination of these oils in one flavor will sound even more interesting. The main thing is to choose the right combination. So, patchouli goes well with rose and jasmine, and lemon with mint and lemon balm oils. Coniferous aromas are often combined with citruses, such as tangerines, and ylang-ylang with neroli oil.

Methods for making homemade flavors

With your own homemade fragrance from essential oils, you can freshen not only your home or apartment, but also your car. You can make such a home accessory from gelatin, sushi sticks or regular baking soda.


The aromatic jelly, created on the basis of gelatin, can be poured into a beautiful jar, and tinted with food coloring to add aesthetics.

Jelly flavor

It's very easy to do:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of gelatin into 250 ml of warm water.
  2. Stir everything well and heat on the stove (without boiling).
  3. Add dye and 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil to the dissolved gelatin.
  4. Pour everything into a glass jar and, if desired, decorate with fruit slices, shells or pebbles.

To prevent the gelatin flavor from drying out too quickly, you can add one teaspoon of glycerin to its composition.


One of the simplest homemade flavorings is made using baking soda.

Soda flavoring

They do it this way:

  1. Pour baking soda into a glass jar, plastic container or shallow glass so that it reaches exactly half the container.
  2. Add 10-12 drops of essential oil to the powder and mix lightly.
  3. The container is covered with foil or thick paper.
  4. Several holes are made in the improvised “lid”.

Soda flavoring can not only emit, but also absorb unpleasant odors, since sodium carbonate itself is an absorbent.


Flavoring sticks are the longest-lasting option. Sushi sticks or bamboo skewers can be used as the main part.In addition, you will need a small bottle with a narrow neck, odorless base oil (refined deodorized vegetable oil), vodka or alcohol and essential products.

The cooking algorithm is not particularly complicated:

  1. Pour 100 ml of base oil into the bottle, add 2 tablespoons of vodka and 10 drops of your favorite essential oil.
  2. Shake everything well.
  3. Several sticks are placed in the bottle for 3-4 hours.
  4. After the allotted time, they are turned over and the flavor begins to work.

Incense sticks for home

The more sticks you use, the more intense the aroma will be.

Making home fragrance with your own hands is not easy, but very simple. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about whether it makes sense to overpay for store-bought options that may be beautiful, but not always safe.

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